[7/2/2007 10:57:33 AM] pD says: howdy!
[7/2/2007 10:57:48 AM] pD says: last friday was nuts - end of quarter, getting website ready, etc.
[7/2/2007 11:00:40 AM] nsy says: yes, and frank and glen are out, so its me and K and AE standing in
[7/2/2007 11:27:00 AM] pD says: i even had a brilliant insight last friday
[7/2/2007 11:27:09 AM] pD says: but, cannot remember exactly now
[7/2/2007 11:27:27 AM] pD says: btw, is AE doing his running thing?
[7/2/2007 11:28:19 AM] nsy says: no, he threw out his back, so we'll go to lunch if you are interested
[7/2/2007 11:29:16 AM] pD says: threw out his back? that sounds kind of painful
[7/2/2007 11:29:31 AM] pD says: what lunch idea would you entertain?
[7/2/2007 11:30:24 AM] nsy says: i'm not choosy - wherever AE can feed his veggie needs
[7/2/2007 11:31:04 AM] pD says: AE, how serious are you about being a veggie?
[7/2/2007 11:33:34 AM] pD says: there is a japanese/chinese noodle shop that is an excellent source for starch - not a much meat in their dishes
[7/2/2007 11:34:20 AM] pD says: alternatively, there is the buddhist place that has buddhist food - not the best, but it is all relative
[7/2/2007 1:22:23 PM] pD says: food okay, i hope?
[7/2/2007 1:22:50 PM] nsy says: haven't had a chance yet - will let you know
[7/2/2007 1:23:03 PM] AE says: it's very spicy!
[7/2/2007 1:23:12 PM] AE says: mmm... spicy me like...
[7/2/2007 1:23:34 PM] nsy says: cha cha cha!
[7/2/2007 2:56:10 PM] nsy says: the food was great! thanks for taking us to that place, pD! what was it called again?
[7/2/2007 2:56:36 PM] pD says: Sogo Tofu, i think that is the official (English) name
[7/2/2007 2:56:52 PM] pD says: glad that you enjoyed it
[10:59:02 AM] pD says: hi folks
[10:59:07 AM] pD says: check this out
[10:59:16 AM] pD says: if you type in "nsa chatters" in google
[10:59:22 AM] pD says: and click on "i feel lucky"
[10:59:35 AM] pD says: it takes you to our blog under the tag of "honesty"
[10:59:43 AM] pD says: how fun (and weird) is that!
[10:59:50 AM] AE says: woo hoo!
[10:59:56 AM] AE says: speaking of NSA:
[10:59:59 AM] AE says: http://www.zug.com/gab/index.cgi?func=view_thread&head=1&thread_id=74827
[11:01:26 AM] pD says: live vibrator in pants - okay, that is a new one
[11:06:02 AM] AE says: but he's got a good point: there is this barrel the dump the (supposed) explosives is just sitting there.
[11:06:15 AM] AE says: in fact... you could take out a security check point that way.
[11:06:38 AM] AE says: just have several people, each with a bottle of some harmless substance disguised as something else.
[11:07:07 AM] AE says: they all go in the bin. the chemicals are released somehow, and you have a toxic/explosive bin in the security area.
[11:07:21 AM] pD says: you make a better terrorist than i do - makes sense
[11:07:25 AM] AE says: now, you just need to detonate it. or, just have the chemical reaction do it.
[11:07:27 AM] AE says: how so?
[11:08:00 AM] pD says: i have not thought about de-composing these elements to smuggle things through. good idea though
[11:08:57 AM] AE says: and you're not trying to get them on the plane.
[11:09:15 AM] AE says: in fact, you could do all of this right outside security, before you even get screened.
[11:09:45 AM] AE says: there is a bin right as you go into security. Simply pour out the contents of several container into the bin before you're even screened.
[11:10:03 AM] AE says: Of course, if you're doing it that way, just walk up with a bomb and blow yourself and the check point up.
[11:10:18 AM] AE says: no one checks you as you walk into the airport, just the plane.
[11:10:37 AM] pD says: it is a delicate balance
[11:10:47 AM] AE says: So, if you take out enough of these simultaneously, it would cause massive disruption to airline travel.
[11:10:55 AM] pD says: on one hand, you can do an israeli style check point because people do walk up and detonate
[11:11:13 AM] AE says: enough so to do maximum damage with minimal losses.
[11:11:14 AM] AE says: true.
[11:11:16 AM] pD says: but, you would really screw with the economy that way - no more air travel, no more nothing
[11:11:18 AM] AE says: but that would take time and money.
[11:11:23 AM] AE says: exactly.
[11:11:44 AM] AE says: at least for a bit. we really rely on air travel in the US.
[11:11:57 AM] AE says: because there is no other way to get from LA to NY in less than 3 days.
[11:12:13 AM] AE says: Trains don't go that fast. Neither do cars or busses.
[11:12:22 AM] pD says: what i like is the john pointdexter [sic] method of creating a (stock) market for terror acts. it was suppose to be rather accurate.
[11:12:33 AM] pD says: video-conference?
[11:12:38 AM] pD says: if no air plane
[11:12:42 AM] AE says: yes.
[11:12:56 AM] AE says: that is actually what a lot of people do now anyways.
[11:13:08 AM] AE says: perhaps it would be a way to boost stocks of webex et all...
[11:13:38 AM] AE says: ok, so we need to purchase a bunch of stock in these companies...
[11:13:43 AM] pD says: hahah! that is a good one, buy webex stock when the next attack happens. i will keep that in mind
[11:14:04 AM] AE says: uhg. or not. kind of makes my stomach sick to think of profiting off the dead like that.
[11:14:17 AM] AE says: dang morals.
[11:21:39 AM] AE says: work question:
[11:21:51 AM] AE says: what "security level" do we have on [deleted]?
[11:22:04 AM] AE says: i'm not familiar with this term as it would relate to our product.
[11:22:31 AM] AE says: is there a marketing doc we could send them showing what we do to keep our product secure?
[11:22:38 AM] AE says: or do I need to fish for more info?
[11:23:20 AM] pD says: more info: there are too many definition/categories
[11:23:26 AM] AE says: k
[11:23:32 AM] pD says: as a general statement - we follow the industry standards
[11:23:33 AM] AE says: I'll ask for clarification on what they need.
[11:23:50 AM] AE says: Ok. I'll also mention we provide [deleted].
[11:24:30 AM] AE says: It's coming from a re-seller. They're looking to pass information on to a potential customer.
[11:25:11 AM] AE says: Perhaps it would be good to have a product doc showing how we're secure. I'll get more info on what they need and write something up.
[11:26:06 AM] pD says: that is a good idea - but i do dread it since i will do most of the work...
[11:26:14 AM] AE says: nope.
[11:26:35 AM] AE says: i'm a writer too... just nothing useful has fallen from my nimble fingers till this point.
[11:26:50 AM] AE says: i'll draft it, you can LOOK at it.
[11:26:57 AM] pD says: cool!
[11:26:59 AM] pD says: that is a deal
[11:27:04 AM] AE says: k
[11:27:12 AM] AE shakes
[11:27:19 AM] AE says: hehe. guess i'm cold.
[11:27:55 AM] pD says: need to start a fire in the shed?
[11:27:58 AM] pD says: be careful though
[11:28:26 AM] AE says: nope. it's actually plenty warm already. i have the loading dock open so there's a lot of warm air coming in.
[1:44:06 PM] pD says: back from lunch
[2:09:34 PM] pD says: 25% of virgins 'ignore safe sex'
More than a quarter of people in the UK do not use contraception when they lose their virginity, a survey has claimed.
[2:09:42 PM] pD says: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/6262270.stm
[2:19:10 PM] nsy says: i'm sending you both [deleted]...
[3:37:47 PM] pD says: got any plan for the 4th of july?
[3:38:28 PM] nsy says: on-call/working - you?
[3:38:42 PM] AE says: Quinn's in a parade in the morning. After that we'll blow things up.
[3:38:42 PM] pD says: serious?!
[3:38:51 PM] pD says: for both
[3:39:13 PM] nsy says: yup
[3:39:22 PM] pD says: i understand the issue about 24/7 support and i only hope that the call traffic, such as it is, would be very light
[3:39:31 PM] pD says: as for blowing things up, what is on the menu?
[3:39:34 PM] nsy says: me too! :)
[3:39:37 PM] AE says: Oh nsy! I hope it's completely dead tomorrow!
[3:39:51 PM] nsy says: me too. should be...
[3:40:08 PM] AE says: Well... I used to live in a state where you could buy things that were much more exciting than sparklers...
[3:40:22 PM] nsy says: i will definitely do some serious slacking
[3:40:23 PM] AE says: and at a time when it was much easier to get a mining license.
[3:40:26 PM] AE says: good.
[3:40:51 PM] AE says: so there may be some blasting caps around still.
[3:41:02 PM] AE says: i've also got some detonation cord left.
[3:41:12 PM] pD says: i am all for explosives, they do have that excitement thing going
[3:41:17 PM] nsy says: ah, yes - real fireworks sans permit. oooh, aaah.
[3:41:34 PM] AE says: oooh, aaahh, bang! OUCH!
[3:41:44 PM] pD says: when i lived in texas, it was allowed in certain places - so, that was good
[3:41:51 PM] pD says: on other hand
[3:42:01 PM] pD is always the killjoy
[3:42:20 PM] pD says: a lot of fireworks are manufactured in China these days where they use child labor
[3:42:33 PM] AE says: yeah! And kids love fireworks!
[3:42:36 PM] AE says: so that's a good match
[3:42:37 PM] pD says: i read an article about a rural school where an explosion occurred
[3:42:47 PM] AE says: see... match.
[3:43:07 PM] AE says: Ok. I'd love to get into this, but I have to go. B
[3:43:13 PM] AE says: Bye all! Have a great 4th~
[3:43:20 PM] nsy says: you too! bye
[3:52:57 PM] pD says: and, that was because all the kids were actually working to make fire crackers to fund the schooling
[3:53:03 PM] pD says: pretty sad, i say
[4:23:02 PM] nsy says: i can smell the irony from here
[4:24:39 PM] pD says: yeah, a lot of things happening in China right now is pretty Dickensian - things that we used to only read about happening in the 19-20th century
[4:25:04 PM] pD says: and, just like the "drug" issue, i figure that if I do not create demand, at least I am doing my part.
[4:25:18 PM] pD says: kind of quixotistic, but
[4:42:36 PM] nsy says: educated consumer - i like that
[4:42:54 PM] nsy says: you were asking about saint jude... here you go...
[4:43:15 PM] pD says: actually, more like a lazy customer, who would like to do the right thing, but also too lazy to get "active"
[4:43:37 PM] pD says: sort of a modern interpretation of "think global, act local" - so i justify it that way
[4:43:59 PM] pD says: speaking of saints
[4:44:06 PM] nsy says: http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/saintj.htm
[4:44:19 PM] pD says: who was it that was shot to death with arrows
[4:44:25 PM] nsy says: yes, lead by example is one of my favorites, etc
[4:45:04 PM] nsy says: that site is too dry. i'll bring in my dictionary - its really amusing.
[4:46:13 PM] pD says: btw, i remember reading somewhere that talk about aristotle, the greek philosopher become part of the sainthood
[4:46:17 PM] pD says: do you recall that?
[4:46:39 PM] pD says: how to treat those people who lived before jesus, who, for historical reasons, cannot be a christian?
[4:46:54 PM] pD says: and, cannot go to the christian heaven
[4:48:57 PM] pD says: for tomorrow, can you have email forwarded to your cell?
[4:49:05 PM] pD says: so, you do not have to tied down in front of the computer?
[4:52:01 PM] nsy says: yes, i can do that - if i decide to go anywhere that is not too noisy so i can answer a call if needed. but santa cruz gets crazy on holidays, so i usually stay in anyway.
[4:52:06 PM] nsy says: http://www.biblebell.org/otsaints.html
[4:52:33 PM] nsy says: i guess this is a hotly debated topic, but I don’t recall the aristotle thing
[4:53:53 PM] pD says: that is a convenient argument: if you believe in GOD, then, you are okay
[4:54:04 PM] pD says: then, my question would be, what is the point of sending his son to be killed
[4:54:05 PM] nsy says: all i know is that there is so much in the bible, and so much is cryptic and conflicting, that anyone can present it in such a way that it will support their personal beliefs.
[4:54:18 PM] pD says: surely, that is not very efficient
[4:54:39 PM] pD says: conversely, if that was important - send his son to be killed by human to cleanse the sins -
[4:54:52 PM] pD says: then, wouldn't he send a few more every so often, to just keep things in balance
[4:55:20 PM] pD says: and, maybe all the people who claimed to be the messiah were not lying...
[4:55:29 PM] pD is a non-believer
[4:56:24 PM] nsy says: i love ann rice. she has interesting theories about catholic principles.
[4:57:19 PM] nsy says: in one book, she talks about that very topic. the story goes - well, can't remember exactly, but...
[4:58:40 PM] nsy says: god created angels, they lived eternally, but they did not have free will. he created humans and gave them free will and finite life. the angels thought of humans like animals.
[4:59:56 PM] nsy says: some angels sympathized with the human struggle with limited knowledge and the huge burden of free will, and they pleaded for god to have mercy on us and allow us to have eternal life.
[5:00:07 PM] nsy says: lucifer was one of these
[5:00:36 PM] nsy says: he challenged god to live a single human life - which was the blink of an eye to god, and then decide
[5:01:04 PM] nsy says: god lived as christ, sympathized with humans, and granted eternal life after his human death.
[5:01:36 PM] nsy says: but god was upset with lucifer for challenging him, so he banished lucifer to live with the humans he so loved.
[5:02:10 PM] nsy says: there was a battle between angels that sympathized with humans and those that did not somewhere in there
[5:02:32 PM] nsy says: the movie dogma has a lot of this too
[5:08:07 PM] pD says: yeah, i was going to say that it sounds a lot like the movie dogma
[5:08:25 PM] pD says: which is a heck of a film - very enjoyable
[5:06:06 PM] nsy says: i went to catholic school and i never really understood how/why christ's death was the catalyst for god to give humans eternal life instead of our existence ceasing at death as before.
[5:09:04 PM] pD says: i suppose having been banned by the catholic church give the viewer, mio, that extra added perverse pleasure - even though i am not a catholic
[5:10:03 PM] pD says: every the cynic, i always viewed organized religion as a political force more than anything else
[5:10:15 PM] nsy says: yah - me too
[5:10:29 PM] pD says: i think that is a very reasonable assumption and applicable to all religions regardless of location and timeframe
[5:10:54 PM] pD says: so, it is always interesting to me when somebody takes on a holier than thou position because his/her religion
[5:10:59 PM] pD says: long long time ago
[5:11:18 PM] pD says: i got into this discussion with a preacher type about GOD
[5:11:50 PM] pD says: my central argument was that it is more important to be a good/ethical person
[5:12:45 PM] pD says: faith and believing in god, should be subordinate to being a good person
[5:13:26 PM] pD says: it is one of those fruitless arguments, but it was fun
[5:13:32 PM] pD says: ah... the days of youth
[5:16:07 PM] nsy says: yes, i love to argue with my atheist philosopher friend about the existence of God. not as fun with religious types like my mom, they take it personal ;)
[5:18:49 PM] pD says: you know me, i am not exactly the god fearing type
[5:18:55 PM] pD says: same with my immediate family members
[5:19:18 PM] pD says: but, i also recently realized that most of my extended family take their church duty quite seriously
[5:19:32 PM] pD says: i am not sure who should be more disturbed, me or them
[5:20:14 PM] nsy says: it has reverted back to what it was originally - a social opportunity
[5:20:18 PM] nsy says: brb
[5:35:03 PM] pD says: btw, i added search function to the NSA Chatters blog
[5:46:38 PM] pD says: also added rss feed
[5:46:50 PM] pD says: woo hoo, we are big time now!
[5:50:33 PM] nsy says: wow- so cool! thanks poly
[5:50:34 PM] nsy says: http://pr3rna.wordpress.com/2007/02/17/where-did-people-go-after-death-before-religion-was-discovered/
[5:51:12 PM] nsy says: oops - not poly - ;)
[5:51:17 PM] pD says: actually, if you have a better looking rss icon - in jpg or gif, pls let me know, it is kind of ugly right now
[5:53:39 PM] pD is poly-dense, the opposite of polymath
[5:55:14 PM] pD says: i do love the search function - it rocks!
[5:57:42 PM] pD says: btw, i have been advised that we will be visiting Tartine bakery tomorrow
[5:57:44 PM] pD says: http://gc-gastronomic.blogspot.com/2005/01/tartine-bakery.html
[5:57:54 PM] pD says: before that, delfina pizza
[5:58:02 PM] pD says: http://www.pizzeriadelfina.com/
[5:58:10 PM] pD says: looks like it is going to be a busy day
[5:58:30 PM] nsy says: woe is you!
[5:58:43 PM] pD says: indeed, 'tis a tough job
[5:59:34 PM] nsy says: the rss logo is so small - i wonder if we can make it bigger - I had to "look" for it - and I'm lazy so thats a lot of work.
[5:59:57 PM] nsy says: can it be in a box like the search box with some text?
[6:00:03 PM] pD says: yeah, i know what you mean, can you find a "good" rss logo that i can point to?
[6:00:45 PM] nsy says: lemme look...
[6:00:59 PM] nsy says: mmm dreaming of Frangipane pastry ;)
[6:02:15 PM] nsy says: too big? ;) http://www.hudsonhorizons.com/pub/blog/rss-logo.gif
[6:02:28 PM] nsy says: http://www.omniupdate.com/articles/images/rss-logo-lg.gif
[6:03:20 PM] nsy says: http://www.guidesandtutorials.com/image-files/rss_indexlogo.gif
[6:04:06 PM] nsy says: http://greensboring.com/rss_logo.gif
[6:05:38 PM] nsy says: http://rollerweblogger.org/roller/resource/javanet-rss2.gif
[6:06:23 PM] pD says: hahaha
[6:06:31 PM] pD says: just inserted the really big rss logo
[6:06:38 PM] pD says: big enough for ya, nsy?
[6:07:26 PM] nsy says: hahaha - yes, thats quite enough RSS for me!
[6:08:01 PM] pD says: seriously, made it smaller to 50px
[6:08:07 PM] pD says: do you think that is a good size?
[6:10:39 PM] nsy says: hmm... hard to read the little "rss" at the top of the logo, but most ppl know what the image mans anyway. can you give it a header like "Search NSA Chatters", then put it in one of those pretty boxes like the search box?
[6:11:06 PM] nsy says: nvrmind -you have the RSS text there anyway
[6:12:15 PM] pD says: 100px
[6:12:25 PM] pD says: should i remove the text "rss"?
[6:12:47 PM] nsy says: yah - i think so
[6:14:17 PM] pD says: done
[6:14:25 PM] pD says: that is one heck of an RSS logo
[6:14:28 PM] pD says: love it!
[6:15:00 PM] pD says: btw, on a somewhat unrelated topic: just like to introduce a new buddha into the conversation
[6:15:01 PM] pD says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ksitigarbha
[6:15:16 PM] pD says: Ksitigarbha or 地藏菩薩
[6:15:32 PM] nsy says: or bust?
[6:15:38 PM] pD says: is known for making the vows that he should go into hell and save all the souls
[6:15:47 PM] pD says: before he claims his buddha-hood
[6:16:03 PM] pD says: what got me thinking was about my planned visit to the pastry shop and pizzeria
[6:16:14 PM] pD says: if not me, who, if not now, when
[6:16:18 PM] pD says: :)!
[6:16:23 PM] pD says: i am so full of shit!
[6:17:24 PM] nsy says: hahahaha - you're killing me!
[6:17:38 PM] nsy says: what a cool non-buddha!!
[6:17:40 PM] pD says: darn!
[6:17:46 PM] pD says: one more soul to save from hell
[6:18:04 PM] nsy says: yep - you dialed my number there.
[6:18:38 PM] nsy says: at least our friends will be there too
[6:18:50 PM] pD says: between bites of frangipane, of course
[6:19:24 PM] nsy says: well, of course
[6:19:32 PM] nsy says: whoa - harsh! : it is said that the souls of children who die before their parents are unable to cross the mythical Sanzu River on their way to the afterlife because they have not had the chance to accumulate enough good deeds and because they have made the parents suffer.
[6:19:54 PM] nsy says: it must be tough to be japanese
[6:20:07 PM] pD says: yeah, i wouldn't want to be one - japanese
[6:20:18 PM] pD says: very nice people, but they are...
[6:20:27 PM] pD says: how do i say it with political correctness?
[6:20:35 PM] pD says: NUTS!
[6:20:41 PM] nsy says: LOL!
[6:20:51 PM] pD says: nice place to visit though
[6:21:11 PM] nsy says: I want to see the winter ICE sculptures...
[6:21:54 PM] pD says: yeah, never seen them in person either. not a big fan of freezing my fannies
[6:22:03 PM] pD says: although, the same area are known for some very nice hot spring
[6:22:16 PM] pD says: that would be pretty cool to do a hot spring when it is snowing outside
[6:22:41 PM] nsy says: yes - my ancestors were really into the sauna in winter concept
[6:23:06 PM] nsy says: china is no slouch with the ice carving either i guess: http://www.iftk.com.br/wordpress/chinese-international-ice-and-snow-festival/
[6:23:48 PM] pD says: personally, as long the ice is part of my martini, i am a-okay with it, but it is just me
[6:23:57 PM] pD, the drunk
[6:24:23 PM] nsy says: just gin? or flavored?
[6:24:41 PM] pD says: my definition of martini
[6:24:46 PM] pD says: the only definition of martini
[6:24:53 PM] pD says: 1/2 gin
[6:24:59 PM] pD says: 1/2 vermouth
[6:25:05 PM] pD says: 1/2 ice
[6:25:11 PM] pD says: olives
[6:25:14 PM] pD says: stirred
[6:25:21 PM] pD says: btw
[6:25:33 PM] pD says: naturally, my martini does not add up to a whole number 1
[6:25:47 PM] pD says: but, that is a separate story
[6:26:07 PM] nsy says: that is fitting
[6:26:20 PM] pD says: not much of a cocktail person - but martini is different
[6:26:39 PM] pD says: speaking of which, maybe i should make some tonight
[6:26:48 PM] pD says: 'tis the day before the 4th of july
[6:27:31 PM] nsy says: true. what is a patriotic drink?
[6:27:49 PM] nsy says: liberated from mother britain?
[6:27:56 PM] pD says: tea?
[6:28:39 PM] nsy says: i guess i have to drink tea tonight. long island style maybe...?
[6:29:19 PM] pD says: long island ice tea?
[6:29:23 PM] pD says: i actually never had it
[6:29:35 PM] pD says: the ingredients sounds a bit unnerving
[6:29:43 PM] pD says: on the subject of tea
[6:29:49 PM] pD says: i would highly recommend: Mariage Feres
[6:30:02 PM] pD says: they are a french tea merchant for centuries
[6:30:08 PM] pD says: http://gc-gastronomic.blogspot.com/2004/12/mariage-feres.html
[6:30:26 PM] pD says: and, although french are not as renown for tea as the brits in the US
[6:30:42 PM] pD says: i must say that Mariage Feres's tea are absolutely excellent
[6:31:05 PM] pD says: now, with that uncalled for advert done
[6:31:19 PM] pD says: are you waiting for your ride?
[6:35:50 PM] pD says: okay, i am out of here
[6:35:51 PM] pD says: ciao
[6:37:24 PM] nsy says: ok, i'll try that tea... have a great holiday - bye
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
security - virginity - 4th of july - dickensian - catholicism - rss - frangipane - Ksitigarbha - martini,
4th of july,
blog search,
st jude,
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