[11:59:00 AM] nsy says: he was supposed to be out sick today, but i've seen a couple of emails from him.
[11:59:21 AM] pD says: do you know that we can do a joint drawing thing?
[11:59:32 AM] pD says: i will send you an invite and we can try it, if you are game
[11:59:47 AM] pD says: I would like to invite you to use "Sketch Pad". If you have Skype 3.0 you can open this Extra by clicking this link: skype-plugin:open?id=F35E193DC3E84933B83DE961D9AC33BF
Otherwise please visit http://www.skype.com to get the new Skype.
[12:00:44 PM] nsy says: i guess i need the new version
[12:02:57 PM] pD says: oh, well. when you upgrade. They also offer multi-player games. thought ti would be kind of fun to do it with you and AE
[12:03:32 PM] nsy says: AE should be back, but working from home tomorrow
[12:12:16 PM] pD says: no worries. just wondering how AE is feeling. but, he is not on skype
[12:21:56 PM] nsy says: i think hes on yahoo [deleted]
[12:22:31 PM] pD says: too lazy to install yahoo IM
[12:22:41 PM] pD says: can i talk to AE via skype at yahoo
[12:24:38 PM] nsy says: not sure - doubt it. i use trillian
[12:26:44 PM] pD says: trillian is?
[12:26:54 PM] nsy says: http://www.download.com/Trillian/3000-2150-10047473.html?part=dl-trillian&subj=dl&tag=button
[12:27:18 PM] nsy says: a chat manager. you can add all of your chat accounts to one tool and manage them there - except skype
[12:28:30 PM] pD says: hahaha! bastards! skype!
[12:29:07 PM] nsy says: yes. skype is secure unlike most other clients
[12:29:21 PM] nsy says: it actually encrypts the conversation
[12:31:21 PM] pD says: okay
[12:31:24 PM] pD says: i take it back
[12:31:28 PM] pD says: it is a good thing then
[12:31:32 PM] pD says: they are unbastards!
[12:31:58 PM] nsy says: yes, and they offer free voip - very cool!
[12:33:52 PM] pD says: can you entice AE to sign in to skype?
[12:34:54 PM] nsy says: oops - he's gone now. his virtual ears must have been burning
[12:35:28 PM] pD says: so, how do you burn virtual ear?
[12:35:49 PM] pD says: btw,
[12:35:58 PM] pD says: i changed the GUI for the blog: http://nsa-chatters.blogspot.com/
[12:36:16 PM] nsy says: by having a virtual conversation about someone in their absence
[12:36:37 PM] nsy says: nice!
[12:36:43 PM] nsy says: i like it :)
[12:37:05 PM] pD says: maybe we can get a pix of the jolly roger for the crew section?
[12:39:57 PM] nsy says:

[12:40:14 PM] nsy says:

[12:40:49 PM] nsy says:

[12:42:33 PM] nsy says:

[12:42:33 PM] pD says: actually, i was hoping that you could take a pix of the jolly r above us
[12:42:44 PM] nsy says: uh... oh, right!
[12:42:58 PM] pD says: more of a human touch
[12:43:12 PM] nsy says:

[12:43:20 PM] nsy says: ok, i'll stop
[12:44:02 PM] nsy says: just one more...

[12:44:51 PM] pD says: hahah! do you use google image?
[12:45:04 PM] nsy says: of course
[12:45:25 PM] nsy says: not so much "use" as "abuse"
[12:45:46 PM] pD says: same difference
[12:46:51 PM] nsy says: hm... corporate acceptible abuse policy?
[12:47:13 PM] nsy says: sure - i'll buy that
[12:48:50 PM] nsy says: wow - you inserted the images and everything - it looks great!
[12:49:13 PM] nsy says: as borat would say: "very nice"
[12:50:49 PM] pD says: ...
[12:50:51 PM] pD says: ...
[12:50:53 PM] pD says: ...
[12:50:54 PM] pD says: ...
[12:50:56 PM] pD says: ...
[12:50:57 PM] pD says: ...
[12:50:58 PM] pD says: ...
[12:50:59 PM] pD says: ...
[12:51:02 PM] pD says: NOT!
[12:53:50 PM] nsy says: this suit is black not
[12:54:02 PM] pD says: saw the film recently
[12:54:14 PM] pD says: found it a bit too middle/high school-ish
[12:54:30 PM] pD says: pretty dsiappointed 'cause i was hoping to laugh out loud
[12:55:02 PM] nsy says: yes, it wasn't quite what i had hoped, but i was amused by the social commentary
[2:05:39 PM] pD says: i must have become an old fart somewhere along the way
[2:05:49 PM] pD says: i thought the first few minutes were kind of "cute"
[2:05:56 PM] pD says: but, it wore thin rather quickly
[2:07:11 PM] nsy says: well, the "interview the unexpecting" and laught while they are made fools of, is not my favority comedy. unless it is The Daily Show ;)
[2:07:52 PM] pD says: you know
[2:07:58 PM] pD says: i have never seen the daily show
[2:08:00 PM] pD says: i know of it
[2:08:04 PM] pD says: but, cannot get it on my tv
[2:08:08 PM] pD says: no cable
[2:08:25 PM] pD says: so, i only get PBS, NBC, (sometimes) ABC
[2:08:31 PM] pD says: but all the spanish cahnnels are quite clear
[2:08:40 PM] nsy says: heh - sounds like my radio
[2:08:52 PM] pD says: i also get the channel that play the A's baseball games
[2:09:19 PM] pD says: they have good re-runs on some of the shows that I cannot see like The 70's Show
[2:09:41 PM] pD says: but, the truth is that i do not watch a lot of standard TV programming
[2:09:50 PM] pD says: mostly movies
[2:10:00 PM] nsy says: got o videos here http://www.comedycentral.com/shows/the_daily_show/index.jhtml
[2:10:54 PM] nsy says: yes, i usually watch History channel, discovery or A&E. we record some comedy central shows like daily show for moments when you need some comedy.
[2:11:23 PM] nsy says: check out the interviews
[2:13:34 PM] nsy says: one of the greatest tv moments was when he was on crossfire and killed taht show for good. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Stewart#Crossfire_appearance
[2:14:19 PM] pD says: yeah, i heard about it
[2:14:34 PM] pD says: i think it has to do with the overall ideological tilt of W and neocon's
[2:14:44 PM] pD says: in many ways, i do feel sorry for them
[2:14:52 PM] pD says: they really believe in what they believe in
[2:15:18 PM] pD says: in many ways, it is this "cynical" world that killed their conviction
[2:15:21 PM] nsy says: yes, it seems sad to be so shortsighted
[2:15:37 PM] pD says: recall what happened to clinton during his first term?
[2:15:46 PM] pD says: they wanted to change the world, but they got changed
[2:15:48 PM] nsy says: which thing?
[2:15:51 PM] pD says: same story
[2:15:57 PM] pD says: oh, healthcare
[2:16:19 PM] pD says: of course, the difference between clinton and w is that clinton has lower body count
[2:16:23 PM] nsy says: interesting. i never looked at it that way.
[2:16:34 PM] pD says: but, unfortunately, that is not how the history judges the presidential legacy
[2:16:50 PM] pD says: oh, recall the bruhaha about hillary leading the healthcare thing?
[2:17:03 PM] pD says: she was the "shadow" president who is smarrter than bill
[2:17:29 PM] pD says: but, people bulked at the idea that an unelected person would preside over such a momumental national policy
[2:27:34 PM] nsy says: what can you say to that, really? you're right, of course - its unfortunate and unfair. So, how would things be different if pD ruled the world? 1) less body count=better president, 2) ...?
[2:29:14 PM] pD says: hold, hold, hold
[2:29:45 PM] pD says: less body count is good only if it enhances my glory, i.e. if my glory index is linked to the body count. watch out!
[2:30:24 PM] nsy says: i see how you are - gloryhound
[2:30:39 PM] nsy says: so, are you a fan of alexander?
[2:30:45 PM] pD says: the great?
[2:30:54 PM] pD says: i know lots of sasha
[2:31:26 PM] pD says: actually, how i look at it is that the president is only the representative of the popular perception
[2:31:48 PM] pD says: nobody would be a glory hound if everyone else do not give a hoot
[2:33:02 PM] nsy says: the president SHOULD BE the representative of the popular perception, but they often misrepresent themselves
[2:33:40 PM] pD says: well, that is actually a very dangerous statement - never forget the tyranny of the majority
[2:33:50 PM] pD says: that is technically what happened with Hitler
[2:34:10 PM] pD says: he did get to his positoin legally
[2:34:12 PM] nsy says: i stand corrected
[2:34:55 PM] pD says: more over, in a more political science context, by definition, a president elected in a democracy cannot represent everyone
[2:34:59 PM] nsy says: i guess he technically did not misrepresent himself, but i'm guessing he did not campaign on the genocide ticket, but i don;t know
[2:35:02 PM] pD says: lest there is no opposition
[2:35:42 PM] nsy says: by popular, i assume majority
[2:35:44 PM] pD says: not an expert on that part of the history, but he was never shy about his hatred of jews and the internaional finance they were suppose to represent
[2:36:03 PM] pD says: yeah, then, there is the trap of majority tyranny
[2:36:16 PM] pD says: on a related note
[2:36:53 PM] pD says: i find it absolutely fascinating that most second presidential terms were mired in controversies
[2:37:00 PM] pD says: W - where do I even begin
[2:37:06 PM] pD says: clinton has his monica
[2:37:16 PM] pD says: reagan has his iran-contra
[2:37:28 PM] pD says: Nixon has his watergate
[2:38:00 PM] pD says: LBJ has his 'Nam - although I do not think that he saught a second full term
[2:38:17 PM] pD says: something about presidential power and hubris
[2:38:26 PM] pD says: or sloppiness in the context of clinton
[2:38:38 PM] pD
[2:38:42 PM] pD sigh
[2:38:48 PM] pD says: clinton is the man!
[2:38:55 PM] nsy says: i think there were controversies all along. its just that the opposition is more intent on bringing them to light inthe second term to ensure a change of parties inthe next election
[2:39:00 PM] pD says: never voted for him, but he is so cool
[2:39:26 PM] nsy says: yes, i voted for him both times. he is the man.
[2:39:52 PM] nsy says: as far as you can be a politician and be the man, that is.
[2:41:35 PM] pD says: i do not wish to sound callous, but poking body parts around with other consenting adult is really really really minor in my view
[2:41:49 PM] pD says: poor form, bad for family harmony, yes
[2:41:54 PM] pD says: good entertainment, defintieily
[2:42:01 PM] pD says: but, who the F cares?!
[2:43:27 PM] nsy says: yes, damn puritans that founded this new america. the rest of the world was rightly amused by our pious self-righteousness. how victorian of us. sigh.
[2:54:59 PM] pD says: actually, i thought it was quite entertaining. and, i have no issue with people enjoying all the salacious stories - i would be the first to admit that i enjoy glancing through the tabloids in front of supermarket check outs
[2:55:43 PM] pD says: on the other hand, to make it into a national issue and having debates in the congress and senate is quite rediculous
[2:55:52 PM] pD says: maybe this is the oppose of being "plutoed"
[2:56:02 PM] nsy says: yes, but you either know they are not true, or don;t care. these people can't tell the difference.
[2:56:38 PM] nsy says: ha! nice tie-in!
[2:56:54 PM] nsy says: de-plutoed?
[2:57:09 PM] pD says: so, would it be clintoned or monica'd?
[2:59:31 PM] nsy says: starr'd
[2:59:49 PM] pD says: he was mostly an instrument tho
[3:00:07 PM] pD says: actaully
[3:00:13 PM] nsy says: you think monica would have found some other patsy to bring it public?
[3:00:26 PM] pD says: if you want to be very cynical, the most appropriate may be Spitzer
[3:00:52 PM] nsy says: and that sounds better - spitzer'd - ha!
[3:00:53 PM] pD says: oh, who was that scary looking woman who proped Monica to tell all?
[3:01:05 PM] nsy says: thats who i was thinking of...
[3:01:12 PM] pD says: not jennifer flower
[3:01:18 PM] pD says: she was actually respectable looking
[3:01:36 PM] nsy says: tripp
[3:01:41 PM] nsy says: linda
[3:01:52 PM] nsy says: tripp'd
[3:01:59 PM] pD says: oh, that is a good one
[3:02:04 PM] pD says: tripp'd
[3:02:09 PM] nsy says: hehehe
[3:02:21 PM] pD says: you have been tripped
[3:02:27 PM] pD says: or, you are tripping
[3:02:30 PM] pD says: i like that
[3:02:34 PM] nsy says: nice! me too!
[3:08:24 PM] pD says: actually, my sister may object
[3:08:46 PM] pD says: her professor's last name was tripp
[3:09:25 PM] nsy says: not our problem. just unfortunate for him. look at lindsey lohan - soiling my good name.
[3:09:27 PM] pD says: but she would jsut have to deal
[3:09:46 PM] nsy says: lilke michael bolton in office space.
[3:10:10 PM] pD says: ? what is michael bolton and what is office space?
[3:10:11 PM] nsy says: you just have to hope that the other humans with your name behave. if not, you deal with the misfortune
[3:10:29 PM] nsy says: office space the movie - cult classic
[3:10:40 PM] pD says: i have a highschool classmate, very nice guy and very white, and his name is Michael Jordan
[3:10:53 PM] nsy says: heh - exactly.
[3:11:08 PM] pD says: was it the one with the "my swingline" guy?
[3:11:17 PM] nsy says: yep
[3:11:57 PM] pD says: do not remember much about the film, except the swingline guy. oh, the openign scene on the massive traffic jam was memorable too
[3:18:14 PM] nsy says: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDevzgCjYaY
[3:18:39 PM] nsy says: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6kvNXQX6UI
[3:33:00 PM] pD has changed the chat topic to "pD's Heros"
[3:33:09 PM] pD says: john meriwether: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Meriwether
[3:34:23 PM] pD says: Bill Gross: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_H._Gross
[3:40:17 PM] nsy says: so what are you doing here if these are your heroes?
[3:40:29 PM] pD says: jim simons: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Harris_Simons
[3:40:30 PM] nsy says: shouldnt you be in finance?
[3:40:39 PM] pD says: hahah! i know my limitations
[3:40:54 PM] pD says: i actually know finance quite well and and banter with the best of them
[3:41:05 PM] pD says: but, as a buseinss, it is not where my heart is
[3:41:16 PM] pD says: don't get me wrong, i have no objection to money
[3:41:25 PM] pD says: but, i do value happiness more
[3:42:10 PM] pD says: but, i do wonder about it sometimes, what would have happened if i was followed the traditional route of going into finance
[3:42:20 PM] pD says: since my "training" was for finance
[3:43:18 PM] pD says: i do still manage a small protfolio and my average return is better than most mutual funds.
[3:43:27 PM] nsy says: you would probably be rich and unhappy. since money is power and power corrupts. but some people are corrupt and happy, so you never know.
[3:43:44 PM] nsy says: well, that is a testament to your skill, then
[3:44:02 PM] pD says: power, for the lack of a better word, is good
[3:44:15 PM] pD says: love Grecko, in the movie Wall Street
[3:44:24 PM] pD says: talk about a guy who is clear about his purpose in life
[3:44:34 PM] nsy says: never seen it
[3:44:36 PM] pD unlike me, sigh...
[3:44:52 PM] nsy says: i thought you were seeking nothingness?
[3:44:56 PM] pD says: oh, i would recommend it highly as a cheap thrill
[3:45:12 PM] pD says: oh, i am not a budhist
[3:45:54 PM] pD says: wall street is a funny place. i do not think that i will fit in well
[3:46:04 PM] nsy says: so you were talking about buddhists in general seeking nothingness - not you, personally
[3:46:14 PM] pD says: i just like religion as a philosophical topic - on nothingness
[3:46:15 PM] nsy says: but you are funny
[3:46:21 PM] nsy says: ;)
[3:46:57 PM] pD says: actually, most buddhists do not seek nothingness
[3:46:58 PM] nsy says: its the people who don;t fit in that chang the face of an industry - or so i heard
[3:47:02 PM] pD says: it is too abstract and scary
[3:47:15 PM] nsy says: yes, i can see that
[3:47:27 PM] pD says: most buddhists i know are looking for redemption in a heavenly sense
[3:47:36 PM] pD says: human nature, i totally respect that
[3:48:01 PM] nsy says: i just want to know my purpose, or if i don;t have one at all, or if i need to create one
[3:48:15 PM] nsy says: i'm guessing its the latter, though
[3:48:42 PM] pD says: purpose in life and for life?
[3:48:48 PM] pD says: man! i need a stiff martini first
[3:49:00 PM] pD says: lots of vermouth
[3:49:09 PM] pD says: and good fresh olives
[3:49:14 PM] pD says: stirred only
[3:49:19 PM] pD says: with gin
[3:49:20 PM] nsy says: yes, easier after a nice cocktail. but it would have to be a vodke martini - i hate gin
[3:49:32 PM] pD says: i am old fashionied that way
[3:49:57 PM] nsy says: i've heard a taste for gin is hereditary, due to the anise flavor - but that could be hooey
[3:50:43 PM] nsy says: jhs sounds like an interesting guy
[3:51:39 PM] pD says: hey, whatever it is, it just means less competition for me, lower price for good gin
[3:52:22 PM] nsy says: since the topic is your heroes - why did you choose these people?
[3:52:51 PM] pD says: yeah simons is cool! i know a few people who used to work with that fund, retired now with big ass houses
[3:53:20 PM] pD says: with guys like him, i think he deserves every cent he made
[3:54:09 PM] nsy says: does anyone really deserve 4 billion? i guess so if they helped a bunch of other people get rich too.
[3:55:20 PM] pD says: well, it was an open and competitive market. he made the money fair and square. no special connection or inheritance. I have no issue with that. isn't that the ultimate american dream?
[3:55:53 PM] nsy says: i thought that was winning the lottery and not having to work at all
[3:56:19 PM] pD says: hahah! that was more of a plan B
[3:56:24 PM] pD says: at least mine
[3:57:16 PM] nsy says: i was talking with friends about some guy who made 4 million in one year on a business started with 50 dollars, and how that is the american dream.
[3:57:50 PM] pD says: i am sure simon started with money than $50
[3:58:22 PM] pD says: my theory is that at some point, it is not the money, but the fact that he is the hero for geeks like me that counts
[3:58:26 PM] pD says: so, i hope
[3:58:51 PM] nsy says: not sure who it was - but it was a frinds/dating site he made for his social circle, and people started posting half-dressed and nude pics, so the site became very popular, and they started charging a subsription. in interviews he always says he never intended to peddle porn, but thats what the public wanted. he provided a forum and got rich.
[3:58:53 PM] pD says: on a related note, i recall reading somewhere that MSFT used to have a person/department that handles all the marriage proposal to Bill Gates
[3:59:19 PM] nsy says: hahah - thats hillarious!
[3:59:44 PM] nsy says: ok, i'll buy your geek hero for $50
[4:03:30 PM] pD says: porn (within reason, like consenting adults) is another industry that i really respect
[4:03:46 PM] pD says: they are really the technology driver for a lot of the things taht we take for granted today
[4:04:00 PM] nsy says: so i've heard. ;)
[4:04:10 PM] pD says: VCR
[4:04:27 PM] nsy says: really? interesting
[4:04:56 PM] pD says: well, VCR was the perfect medium for porns. you get to watch it at the privacy of home
[4:05:29 PM] pD says: early internet has a lot of porn too and their traffic requirement drove a lot of the early infrastrcuture
[4:05:49 PM] nsy says: wow, cool history tidbit
[4:06:23 PM] pD says: the question is really
[4:06:29 PM] pD says: why do i know these...?
[4:06:45 PM] nsy says: "youhave a curious mind"
[4:07:18 PM] pD says: i am not a picky reader...
[4:08:35 PM] nsy says: do you speed read?
[4:08:59 PM] pD says: i studied that when i was a kid
[4:09:06 PM] pD says: not sure how much i still retained it
[4:09:13 PM] pD says: but, i think i have decent reading skill
[4:09:14 PM] nsy says: are there certain news sites/periodicals/rss, ec that you recommend?
[4:09:24 PM] pD says: meaning, i know how to find the info i need/want
[4:10:17 PM] nsy says: i read slowly. i like to let my imagination paint a picture. unless its technical - then i skip around to what i need. i read magazines and papers from the back usually
[4:10:53 PM] pD says: my reading is mostly utilitarian
[4:11:17 PM] pD says: my entertainment is mostly via movies
[4:11:37 PM] pD says: in terms of what to read, i really do not have any specific recommendation becasue it all depends on what you like and want to know
[4:11:52 PM] pD says: general news, i get daily ping from NY Time and BBC.
[4:12:10 PM] pD says: i usually just read the titles to make sure that i am not missing anything big
[4:12:53 PM] pD says: i used to have access to IIJ (institutional investor journal) and they have some super dry but really interesting stuff
[4:13:22 PM] pD says: i also subscribe to Nature's weekly update. just for kicks, mostly
[4:21:15 PM] pD says: oh, my latest "find" is that you can subscribe to the newsletter (some quarterly some semiannual) put out by the fed reserve system.
[4:21:21 PM] pD says: as you can see, i am an economics geek
[4:22:02 PM] pD says: oh, there is also NBER (national beauru of economic research) - their stuff is even drier than most for non economci geeks
[4:22:09 PM] nsy says: yes, I never would have suspected, but it is becoming very clear now...
[4:22:31 PM] nsy says: economics geek.
[4:22:34 PM] pD says: that i am not a buddhist?
[4:22:42 PM] nsy says: heh. i already knew that
[4:23:01 PM] pD says: what do you read?
[4:23:05 PM] nsy says: i just thought you were being funny saying you were seeking nothingness
[4:23:30 PM] nsy says: i don;t find much time for reading, sadly. since i love to read.
[4:23:38 PM] pD says: at an intellectual level, i really identify with the goal of nothingness.
[4:23:43 PM] pD says: noble, really
[4:23:59 PM] pD says: but, i also find that i am a very mundane person and nobility only goes so far for me
[4:24:36 PM] nsy says: bbc news, world science journal, hrc, pcrm, edf,
[4:24:42 PM] pD says: i jsut read a fascinating study on why HIV precention efforts seem very ineffectual in africa
[4:24:53 PM] nsy says: manythings you aer, but mundane is not one of them
[4:25:28 PM] nsy says: i'm guessing its cultural roles?
[4:25:29 PM] pD says: it turns out that the prevention measures are strongly correlated with the life expectancy of the individual
[4:25:44 PM] nsy says: ?
[4:25:49 PM] pD says: on average, risky behavior can result in death by AIDS in 10 years
[4:26:02 PM] pD says: so, if you do not expect to live more than 5 more years, it is party time!
[4:26:28 PM] nsy says: except for the people you are partying with - unless they also have less tahn 5 years
[4:59:00 PM] pD says: well, that was the insight from that analysis, a large group of population in africa have very low life expatancy
[4:59:36 PM] pD says: so, any "standard" method that work well in the west where people expects to live to their 60's - if you live really really hard
[4:59:51 PM] pD says: do not work when average life expectancy is in the 20-30's range
[5:00:14 PM] pD says: in other words, the policy insight on "fighting HIV" in africa
[5:00:34 PM] pD says: is not necessarily about HIV, but to generally improve life expectancy
[5:00:57 PM] pD says: and, this calls for very different set of implementatation
[5:01:21 PM] nsy says: hm. interesting
[5:01:29 PM] pD says: i thought it was so intuitively obvious that no wonder nobody thought of it before...
[5:03:24 PM] nsy says: reminds me of ender's game. the intelligent virus and the "crazy" virologist that belived if we stop fighting the virus and try to co-exist, it can be symbiotic.
[5:03:46 PM] nsy says: not that i'm saying that situation applies to HIV/AIDS
[5:05:49 PM] pD says: on a lighter topic
[5:05:55 PM] pD has changed the chat topic to "jolly roger"
[5:06:06 PM] pD says: do you have your camera? can you take a pix of the flag?
[5:06:08 PM] nsy says: often, i think we carry genetic triggers, and when populations rise, we clear out our own numbers to preserve the race - or some such nonsense
[5:06:21 PM] nsy says: yes... moment
[5:06:27 PM] pD says: clarify, not sure i understand
[5:10:48 PM] pD says: btw, the HIV situation is similar to the retirement home STD issue - just the reversed situation
[5:13:27 PM] nsy says: hehehe - yes, i suppose. not necessarily reverse, but close
[5:15:32 PM] pD says: so, what is the story about clearing out the race for survival?
[5:15:49 PM] pD says: sounds bad when i put it that way, doesn't it
[5:16:36 PM] nsy says: yes, but that is what i believe. i believe the same thing about homosexuality (on some cases). just population control - genetic switch.
[5:17:36 PM] nsy says: definitely a feature and not a defect - imho
[5:17:58 PM] nsy says: wow, i've never actually typed imho before. it doesn;t seem right
[5:18:27 PM] pD says: iyho (your) may feel better
[5:18:53 PM] nsy says: better, but still ends in "ho"
[5:19:12 PM] pD says: i recall some study/theory about the biological imperative of homosexuality
[5:19:19 PM] pD says: do not recall the details
[5:19:54 PM] pD says: but it has something to do with the need for some men to stay behind and participate in some of the activities that are typically fulfilled by women - gathering instead of hunting
[5:20:26 PM] pD says: ho, huh?
[5:20:28 PM] pD says: how about soho?
[5:21:55 PM] nsy says: yep, anything that ends in ho, really. although i do describesome of by girls with the ever-endearing "b-ho"
[5:24:02 PM] pD says: sort of like afriacn-american calling each other nigga's
[5:24:12 PM] nsy says: exactly
[5:24:32 PM] pD says: linguistically speaking though, it is really a game that you cannot win
[5:24:50 PM] pD says: language is a living thing and it reflects the social context as much as anything else
[5:25:56 PM] pD says: i recall a conversation with a friend,
[5:26:01 PM] pD says: she is white in terms of race
[5:26:09 PM] pD says: but she is south african and have been for genrations
[5:26:23 PM] pD says: she also works for ANC (so, that makes her one of the good guys)
[5:26:52 PM] pD says: and, she really object to the use of the term "african-american" because she feels that she is the real "african"
[5:29:05 PM] pD says: Similarly, extending the thought, people originally from northern africa would not meet the typcial description of "african-american" either
[5:31:51 PM] nsy says: why not northern africa?
[5:32:08 PM] pD says: northern african-american?
[5:32:52 PM] nsy says: you said: "people originally from northern africa would not meet the typcial description of "african-american" either"
[5:33:06 PM] nsy says: why?
[5:33:08 PM] pD says: northern african are algerian and morrocans whose physical appearance is mediterranian like itanlian or greek
[5:33:36 PM] nsy says: this could turn semantics
[5:36:58 PM] pD says: ?
[5:55:00 PM] pD says: btw, can i post this conversation on the blog
[5:55:05 PM] pD says: kind of intersting, i thought
[6:03:17 PM] nsy says: sure, fine with me. much appreciated ;)
[6:03:56 PM] pD says: how about the jolly roger pix?
[6:04:00 PM] nsy says: semantics -well they are still technically african, because they are from the african continent, right? or no?
[6:04:03 PM] pD task master cracking the whip
[6:04:12 PM] nsy says: ah, yes - tx
[6:08:46 PM] pD says: i think the point was that in the US, african-american is the way to describe "black"
[6:09:07 PM] pD says: but, what if you are "african" but not "black"?
[6:12:45 PM] nsy says: well, i think the terminology is now american of african descent - have you heard that one?
[6:13:08 PM] pD says: that is a new one
[6:14:31 PM] pD says: okay, i am signing off
[6:14:32 PM] pD says: ciao