Friday, May 25, 2007

Foods Around the World - KublaCon and Games - Vacation Plans

[11:05:20 AM] pD says:

[11:05:23 AM] pD says: it is official

[11:05:33 AM] pD says: i have also re-send invites to you guys

[11:06:10 AM] pD says: btw, we can try different design templates and other stuff

[11:06:30 AM] pD says: but, i figure that it is a work in progress and should just get it up and running first

[11:12:36 AM] nsy says: looks good - would be easier to read without the line breaks, but i'm guessing thats from IM history cut-n-paste into a forced line width.

[11:12:45 AM] nsy says: this will be fun! - is fun!

[11:13:33 AM] pD says: yeah, i thought about it

[11:13:41 AM] pD says: it is relatively easy to fix using Word

[11:13:52 AM] pD says: but, i thought it gives the flavor of IM

[11:14:12 AM] pD says: maybe the next post, we "fix" the line breaks and we can decide

[11:14:33 AM] nsy says: if your IM history opens in notepad, you can go to format - no line wrap before copying, then it should paste correctly.

[11:14:49 AM] nsy says: or maybe i'm a dreamer

[11:15:18 AM] nsy says: i meant - uncheck word wrap

[11:15:57 AM] pD says: i see. it works. that is even easier

[11:15:59 AM] pD says: cool

[11:16:11 AM] pD making happy faces

[11:16:28 AM] nsy says: /doing the happy dance

[11:16:31 AM] pD says: btw, AE advise how to do this text emotion thing

[11:16:33 AM] nsy says: arg!

[11:16:39 AM] AE says: it's /me

[11:16:41 AM] AE says: then the action

[11:16:45 AM] nsy doing the happy dance

[11:16:46 AM] pD says: just type (with spaces) / m e

[11:16:46 AM] AE instructs

[11:16:49 AM] AE says: yeah!

[11:16:53 AM] AE cheers

[11:16:54 AM] pD says: hahaah!

[11:17:02 AM] pD says: we are easily entertained

[11:17:14 AM] AE runs

[11:17:15 AM] pD doing the one man wave

[11:17:29 AM] AE says: what is the sound of one man waving?

[11:17:56 AM] pD says: ouch! ouch, "what the hell are you doing", etc. from all the people around the man doing the one man wave

[11:19:49 AM] nsy says: lol

[11:27:38 AM] AE says: I'm going to run. and then eat.

[11:27:46 AM] AE says: cause if I do them both at once my shirt gets dirty.

[11:28:24 AM] pD says: and your sneakers will also complain that you are not paying full attention

[11:28:49 AM] pD says: and, we know how these fancy sneakers feel about themselves, don't we

[11:29:22 AM] AE says: these have the Nike+ in them too. so you can probably track exactly how they feel on some website.

[11:30:15 AM] pD says: of course, what is really at issue is how do the feet feel about the whole situation. after all, they are the ones doing the work.

[11:30:52 AM] pD says: sneakers may have fancy exteriors and high price tags - all in the name of protecting the feet.

[11:31:11 AM] pD says: but, what is a pair of sneakers if there are no feet.

[11:32:12 AM] pD says: the perpetual tension between the two - pedestrian reflection of the day

[11:32:31 AM] AE says: remember the saying: before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes...

[11:32:44 AM] AE says: then, when you criticize, you'll be a mile away and have their shoes.

[11:33:18 AM] pD says: only if the shoes fit - could be a very unpleasant mile, otherwise

[11:33:32 AM] pD says: btw, should you be running?

[11:33:41 AM] AE says: who says I'm not?

[11:33:57 AM] AE hides under his desk so nowone can see him

[11:34:05 AM] AE says: bye

[1:20:13 PM] pD says: have you seen the film: the queen?

[1:20:17 PM] pD says:

[1:20:50 PM] AE says: no, is it good?

[1:23:48 PM] nsy says: me either

[1:28:08 PM] AE says: there was a great quote from the Queen in Time magazine: She was out walking by herself and someone said "you look just like the Queen." to which she replied 'How very re-assuring."

[1:28:35 PM] nsy says: haha

[1:31:39 PM] pD says: it is an okay film

[1:31:43 PM] pD says: i have not finished it yet

[1:32:03 PM] pD says: sort of a "british" production in terms of cinematography, if you know what i mean

[1:32:13 PM] pD says: and, it also has a "soap" feel to it

[1:32:14 PM] AE says: cheesy costumes?

[1:32:22 PM] pD says: but, given the subject matter, it is appropriate

[1:32:36 PM] nsy says: ooh - soap! i love that show!

[1:32:50 PM] pD says: it is a docu-drama on the days surrounding the death of princess di

[1:33:03 PM] AE says: ah, when the queen was so tight lipped about it.

[1:33:11 PM] pD says: the story line (the first half that i saw) took a rather negative view of the royal family

[1:33:14 PM] AE says: I think she got a bad rap then... she's just a reserved person.

[1:33:26 PM] pD says: being out of touch with the people and thinking that di's death is none of their problem

[1:33:46 PM] AE says: I don't think that's it at all. Look at the history of her contact with the world.

[1:33:55 PM] AE says: She's always been reserved to the point of private

[1:34:02 PM] AE says: and this is totally in keeping with her character.

[1:34:06 PM] pD says: oh, i am not taking a position on the queen. just the film's perspective

[1:34:11 PM] AE says: ah. Ok.

[1:34:27 PM] pD says: anyway, the actress who played the queen apparently won the best actress of oscar

[1:34:38 PM] pD says: not sure what that means though

[1:34:47 PM] pD says: i know her work and she is an excellent actress

[1:35:00 PM] AE says: Hollywood didn't like the queen either?

[1:35:05 PM] pD says: does she work makes her better than other actresses or

[1:35:14 PM] nsy says: yes, she is a very busy woman - i like her work

[1:35:18 PM] pD says: has she done a good job doing the queen, i really do not know

[1:35:40 PM] pD says: another interesting film to consider

[1:35:55 PM] nsy says: she played elizabeth 1 in another movie too i think

[1:36:06 PM] AE says: that's kind of funny

[1:36:09 PM] pD says: i have a feeling that if she did not win the oscar, this film would not have gotten much attention in the US

[1:36:41 PM] pD says: oh, yes, the more important thing tho

[1:37:04 PM] pD says: is that i also realized/reminded of how middle class my existence is

[1:37:37 PM] pD says: in the film, queen mother has a code name for her funeral that she (queen mother) has overseen the planning the rehearsal

[1:38:14 PM] pD says: they basically modified the same plan to do Di's funeral becuasethat was the one they can mount quickly where everyone knows where he/she would do

[1:38:37 PM] pD says: so, i am thinking what kind of code name i should have for my funeral

[1:38:49 PM] AE says: ok. i'll bite. what's the name?

[1:39:35 PM] pD says: oh, that was really a question, i have not come up with one yet

[1:40:03 PM] pD says: something description "cheat and easy" may be appropriate

[1:40:15 PM] AE says: what was the Queen's?

[1:40:27 PM] AE says: operation "shoe box"?

[1:40:34 PM] AE says: for you, not the Queen.

[1:41:04 PM] nsy says: lol!

[1:41:17 PM] nsy says: if you're not claiming that one, I am!

[1:41:18 PM] pD says: re-used shoe box

[1:41:26 PM] AE says: heh.

[1:41:29 PM] AE says: when I die there's something I want done with my body...

[1:41:43 PM] pD says: which is

[1:41:44 PM] AE says: fill it with high explosives...

[1:42:00 PM] nsy says: well, actually plastic bag is more accurate, but not as funny.

[1:42:04 PM] AE says: place it somewhere where no one will get hurt, and light the fuse.

[1:42:11 PM] AE says: true.

[1:42:15 PM] AE says: unless you cremate.

[1:42:24 PM] AE says: then you can put the ashes in anything.

[1:42:24 PM] pD says: it is your body (if not life), but wouldn't it be a bit messy for the clean up?

[1:42:33 PM] nsy says: this is what i want...

[1:42:35 PM] AE says: hey, I'll be dead.

[1:42:38 PM] nsy says: yes, very messy

[1:42:38 PM] AE says: what's that?

[1:42:47 PM] pD says: exploding bodies

[1:43:13 PM] pD says: on a related note, i reading something about death by gun shot (suicide)

[1:43:15 PM] AE says: no, what does nsy er... whatever he code is... SD? what does she want?

[1:43:35 PM] nsy says:

[1:43:47 PM] pD says: what i found most compelling in terms of not shoting yourself in the head is that it is a complete mess to clean up

[1:44:08 PM] AE says: Fantastic Fireworks will treat such situations with the dignity and respect they deserve.

[1:44:11 PM] AE says: that's awsome!

[1:44:20 PM] pD says: more importantly, it is most likely that either a loved one or an innocent hotel cleaning crew have to do the work

[1:44:27 PM] pD says: it just seems so unfair...

[1:44:29 PM] AE says: dignity and respect and *swooosh BOOM*!!!

[1:44:53 PM] AE says: Ok fine, do it near the ocean and the seagulls can clean up.

[1:45:17 PM] pD says: i think the firework guys are talking shooting up your ashes

[1:45:20 PM] pD says: not the actual body

[1:45:25 PM] AE says: bummer.

[1:45:32 PM] pD says: i am sure there is a sanitary code violation somewhere there

[1:45:33 PM] AE says: that would really be messy!

[1:45:39 PM] nsy says: yes, my sister went through the entire trainoing to be a police office, and on the last day before her graduation, they took her on a coroner ride to a shotgun suicide scene that was discovered a week after the fact. i won't go into more detail, but she dropped out.

[1:46:01 PM] AE says: yeah.. I dropped out of EMT school for the same reason.

[1:46:03 PM] nsy says: the coroners clean that up

[1:46:20 PM] AE says: yuck. mine was decapitation of a motorcycle rider by a fence.

[1:46:22 PM] pD says: for the same reason that i can never attend med school

[1:46:29 PM] nsy says: ugh. horrid.

[1:46:32 PM] nsy says: agh!

[1:46:37 PM] pD says: i almost fainted when i saw my own blood

[1:46:44 PM] AE says: now you got that image in your head, eh>

[1:46:53 PM] AE says: really? and now you're a dad?

[1:47:06 PM] AE says: you'll get over the body fluid thing pretty quick.

[1:47:06 PM] pD says: decapitated rider or pD's blood?

[1:47:16 PM] AE says: either one.

[1:47:21 PM] nsy says: i'm sure grateful to people like my other suster who can be ER nurses

[1:47:26 PM] pD says: the truth is that i does not both me that much when i see otehr's blood

[1:47:32 PM] pD says: i can be quite intellectual about it

[1:47:48 PM] pD says: but, when it is mine, boy, every drop is worth more than gold...

[1:47:53 PM] nsy says: i knew you were a vampire

[1:47:57 PM] AE says: hehe

[1:48:07 PM] AE says: that's why he stays up so late.

[1:48:26 PM] nsy says: hehe

[1:48:28 PM] pD says: i do enjoy variations of blood sausage from different cultures...

[1:48:50 PM] nsy says: blood cake isn't bad

[1:48:52 PM] AE says: erk. I had hagus once... never again.

[1:49:01 PM] nsy says: eeew!

[1:49:15 PM] AE says: you're talking about blood cake and ewing hagus!?!

[1:49:30 PM] AE says: it's just a big freakin' sausage.

[1:49:39 PM] AE says: stuffed into a goat's intestine.

[1:49:48 PM] pD says: well, we do need to be sensible about the whole food thing

[1:50:02 PM] AE says: I agree

[1:50:03 PM] pD says: to the extent that you/i are going to trying seomthing "exotic"

[1:50:20 PM] pD says: it is best to try dishes from people know for their cooking

[1:50:22 PM] AE says: there's no you in team... so count me out.

[1:51:48 PM] pD says: ?

[1:51:51 PM] pD lost

[1:52:18 PM] AE says: let's sum up.

[1:52:19 PM] AE says: we were talking about death.

[1:52:30 PM] AE says: then we were talking about gross jobs

[1:52:36 PM] AE says: then we were talking about gross foods

[1:52:43 PM] AE says: then you were talking about eating

[1:52:57 PM] AE says: specifically, something "exotic".

[1:53:04 PM] pD says: i object to the suggestion that blood sausage is gross

[1:53:08 PM] AE says: to which I was saying, "thank yo but no thanks"

[1:53:17 PM] nsy says: i'm hungry... gonna go eat... brb

[1:53:27 PM] AE says: anything with blood in the name is off my menu.

[1:53:36 PM] AE says: haha bye.

[1:53:45 PM] pD says: hagus, yes (gross)

[1:53:52 PM] pD says: blood sausage, no

[1:54:10 PM] AE says: blood cake?

[1:54:19 PM] pD says: never tried it. what is in it?

[1:54:21 PM] nsy says: this kind, gross:

[1:54:24 PM] AE says: I've never had it, but I'm going to venture it's not vegitarian.

[1:54:43 PM] nsy says: this kind, good:

[1:56:19 PM] pD says: oh, wimps!

[1:56:40 PM] pD says: i actually have had the vietname blood cake - at least the equivalent in Chinese

[1:56:43 PM] AE says: that last one sound really good!

[1:56:50 PM] AE says: really? what's it made of?

[1:57:01 PM] pD says: it is not bad - texture similar to firm tofu

[1:57:11 PM] AE says: oh good. tofu. I can eat that.

[1:57:15 PM] pD says: the one i had is made from pork blood

[1:57:26 PM] AE says: ah... never mind then.

[1:57:27 PM] nsy says: and sticky rice

[1:57:47 PM] pD says: textrue, my dear, texture.

[1:57:58 PM] pD says: the one with sticky rice is a variation

[1:58:11 PM] pD says: actually, you can get both in chinese markets in the bay area

[1:58:21 PM] AE says: Ok, that's it!

[1:58:23 PM] pD says: pretty "common" items

[1:58:33 PM] AE says: We're going to have to have an unusal food party here.

[1:58:40 PM] AE says: everyone bring in a dish to share.

[1:58:40 PM] pD says: just like milk, blood can be re-generated...

[1:58:43 PM] nsy says: sweet!

[1:58:53 PM] AE says: yeah... so can urine.

[1:58:54 PM] pD says: do not seem to violate the killing an animal thing

[1:59:02 PM] nsy says: and spicy!

[1:59:08 PM] pD says: you do not re-use urine though

[1:59:16 PM] pD says: speaking of spices

[1:59:19 PM] AE says: if you're Kevin Costner you do,

[1:59:28 PM] nsy says: LOL!

[1:59:34 PM] pD says: just got a jar of mixed spices from Si-Chuan

[1:59:41 PM] nsy says: AE, working inthe waterwork reference - nice!

[1:59:43 PM] pD says: KC? oh, world world or some such

[1:59:57 PM] nsy says: waterworls

[1:59:59 PM] nsy says: world

[2:00:05 PM] pD says: water world

[2:00:07 PM] nsy says: must get food...

[2:00:10 PM] AE says: buye

[2:00:16 PM] AE says: buh bye

[2:00:18 PM] pD says: nsy go, we will prep for your return

[2:00:22 PM] nsy says: bye

[2:00:39 PM] pD says: going back to my spices, this is apparently the real mcCoy

[2:01:08 PM] pD says: i have not tried it yet, but i will provide a full report when i do

[2:01:33 PM] pD says: the last time i had real SiChuan spicy cooking, it burnt both ways...

[2:01:38 PM] pD says: 'nuff said...

[2:04:05 PM] AE says: ewe

[2:04:18 PM] AE says: too much said, me thinks.

[2:04:28 PM] pD says: read a bit mroe about the raw blood cake posting/url

[2:04:32 PM] pD says: that is pretty intense

[2:04:39 PM] pD says: it is not cooked.

[2:04:53 PM] pD says: i would not touch stuff that is not cooked

[2:04:57 PM] pD says: just too high risk

[2:05:00 PM] AE says: agreed.

[2:05:15 PM] AE says: and I'll extend that same courtesy to the cooked as well.

[2:05:17 PM] pD says: unless we are talking about sushi, of course

[2:05:23 PM] AE says: or vegitables.

[2:05:52 PM] pD says: what is wrong with cooked blood? it is a common food item found in old cultures in both europe and asia

[2:06:11 PM] AE says: you're asking a this question to a vegetarian.

[2:06:36 PM] AE says: there are a lot of things cooked in multiple cultures that will not pass through my gullet.

[2:07:44 PM] pD says: that is fair

[2:08:40 PM] nsy has changed the chat topic to "The Gullet Gauntlet"

[2:09:18 PM] nsy says: lego cake: lego cake

[2:09:58 PM] nsy says:

[2:10:28 PM] nsy says: ok, you can reset the topic now ;)

[2:11:22 PM] AE says: oh, that is beautiful!

[2:11:30 PM] AE says: I want one of those at my wedding!

[2:11:33 PM] pD says: same bloody disucssions tho

[2:12:30 PM] pD says: btw, what is for lunch nsy?

[2:13:12 PM] nsy says: veggie burger from foster freeze

[2:13:28 PM] AE says: woah. did you get a shake too??

[2:13:35 PM] AE says: I love their shakes.

[2:13:57 PM] AE says: pineaple... that's my favorite because the chunks clog up the straw.

[2:14:11 PM] AE says: so it's a sensory experience, and a test, and a shake.

[2:14:15 PM] nsy says: no, just the burger. for now... they are only 2 blocks away

[2:14:23 PM] pD says: you should get one of 'em bubble tea straws, no clogging

[2:14:27 PM] AE says: get me a shake and I'll bring some mings.

[2:14:32 PM] AE says: ?

[2:14:36 PM] nsy says: deal

[2:14:39 PM] AE says: wots dat?

[2:14:50 PM] AE says: bubble tea straw... never heard of it.

[2:15:28 PM] pD says: bubble tea is a milk tea with topiocas in them

[2:15:35 PM] pD says: the topiocas are referred to as bubbles

[2:15:48 PM] nsy says: bubble tea

[2:15:55 PM] pD says: due to the size of 'em bubbles, the have extra wide straws

[2:16:34 PM] pD says: quite a few places in the bay area offer them

[2:17:03 PM] AE says: tapioca milk tea... is it sweet? that sounds really good!

[2:19:15 PM] nsy says: nauseatingly sweet

[2:19:25 PM] pD says: well, that depending on what you order

[2:19:48 PM] nsy says: yes, i had a thai tea, so very sweet

[2:19:49 PM] pD says: maybe we can have a field trip on a monday?

[2:20:14 PM] nsy says: woo hoo- i love fiend trips!

[2:20:16 PM] pD says: i must say that the extra sweetness is most likely a localization

[2:20:32 PM] pD says: i will check with the boss on which one she recommends

[2:20:38 PM] pD says: she is an expert on bubble tea

[2:21:00 PM] nsy says: perfect! we have an expert - right on!

[2:21:14 PM] AE says: i can't make it this monday....

[2:21:21 PM] AE says: some kind of holiday-thingy

[2:21:26 PM] nsy says: oh yah

[2:21:46 PM] pD says: the shops will be around, they can wait

[2:21:53 PM] AE says: yea!

[2:21:54 PM] pD says: speaking of holi's

[2:21:58 PM] nsy sigh

[2:22:01 PM] pD says: got any exciting plans?

[2:22:12 PM] pD says: happy sigh or?

[2:23:55 PM] nsy says: longing sigh - wanted hte field trip, but happy to have a day off.

[2:24:14 PM] nsy says: no, i try to stay in on holiday weekends. all the norms are out.

[2:24:48 PM] nsy says: mike is working, so i'm going to catch up on geek projects

[2:25:00 PM] nsy says: how bot y'all?

[2:25:08 PM] pD says: oh, and, don't forget to back up your files.

[2:25:29 PM] nsy says: yippe! backups!

[2:25:32 PM] pD says: russians are attacking estonian infrastructure and, i think as a reuslt, i am getting a lot of spam in russian

[2:25:40 PM] AE says: prevet

[2:25:46 PM] pD says: ?

[2:25:52 PM] nsy says: ??

[2:25:56 PM] AE says: (means hello in russian, familair version)

[2:26:03 PM] AE says: kak dela?

[2:26:06 PM] nsy says: cool

[2:26:15 PM] pD says: prevet

[2:26:21 PM] nsy says: booang

[2:26:25 PM] AE says: tui nyet gavaret parushk?

[2:26:25 PM] pD says: and, i was actually trying to insult but cannot type

[2:26:58 PM] AE says: I sprech klein parushki.

[2:27:07 PM] nsy says: nice!

[2:27:21 PM] AE says: that's mixing languages.


[2:27:37 PM] pD says: WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?

[2:28:03 PM] AE says: in german I was saying "I speak a little" then in russian "russian"

[2:28:05 PM] pD says: oh, i don't speak russian?

[2:28:16 PM] AE says: ok. I can teach you all 20 word I know.

[2:28:30 PM] AE says: chort vas mir means "devil take the world"

[2:28:36 PM] AE says: mir is world and also peace.

[2:28:44 PM] AE says: miru mir is world peace.

[2:28:53 PM] pD says: i know that "idyot idyot" means "here comes the idiot"

[2:29:13 PM] nsy says: LOL - how did you learn that one?

[2:29:16 PM] AE says: chto eta (or kto eta) means what is? It's a common gretting to say "chto?"

[2:29:41 PM] nsy says: like "sup?"

[2:29:49 PM] AE says: exactly

[2:29:54 PM] AE says: robotyet meant to work

[2:30:30 PM] AE says: dyelets mean doing. Chto tui dyelets? What are you doing?

[2:30:45 PM] pD says: are we stil on russian?

[2:30:51 PM] AE says: da

[2:30:54 PM] pD says: i thought NSA came up with a mahcine translation thinggie

[2:30:58 PM] pD says: for the hot line

[2:31:04 PM] pD says: did that thing ever worked?

[2:31:11 PM] AE says: not familair with it.

[2:33:59 PM] pD says: see this artile, i would suggst going to the bottom, the second last paragraph is kind of neat

[2:34:02 PM] pD says:

[2:34:23 PM] pD says: what is yoru paln AE, for the weekend?

[2:34:50 PM] pD says: i will go to tassajara

[2:34:58 PM] pD says: it is a bhuddist retreat

[2:35:00 PM] AE says: short run tomorrow, son's play tomorrow night, chess tourney and gaming convention sunday, monday sleep in late.

[2:35:04 PM] AE says: cool!

[2:35:12 PM] pD says: what kind of game?

[2:35:59 PM] pD says: btw, did you guys get the new invite?

[2:36:05 PM] nsy says: i had 2 friends who stayed at tassajara for almost a year. they loved it.

[2:36:23 PM] AE says: yes. the link said it was not valid.

[2:36:32 PM] nsy says: but they said youhave to eat really slow and the food is good so its hard.

[2:36:45 PM] pD says: you should look for the second invitaton

[2:36:46 PM] nsy says: yes, my link said the invitation was invalid also.

[2:36:56 PM] pD says: i changed the blog a bit so it is a new invitation

[2:37:14 PM] pD says: i will re-send the new invitation

[2:37:19 PM] AE says: k

[2:38:10 PM] AE says: some friends of mine run a gaming convention called KublaCon in Burlingham.

[2:38:27 PM] AE places a blatent commercial:

[2:38:30 PM] AE says:

[2:39:14 PM] nsy says: wow, sounds like fun!

[2:39:33 PM] pD says: okay, just re-send the invite

[2:40:31 PM] pD says: sounds like fun

[2:40:38 PM] pD says: the convention

[2:40:55 PM] AE says: always is. Friday through Monday... non stop gaming action.

[2:41:13 PM] AE says: they have every table top, roleplaying, and CCG available there

[2:41:33 PM] AE says: as well as some that haven't been released yet. It's great for my son who wants to be a game designer.

[2:41:39 PM] pD says: on tassajara

[2:41:46 PM] pD says: that is why we only go as guests

[2:41:55 PM] pD says: so, we can wolf down as much and as fast as we want

[2:42:06 PM] pD says: actually, the reason we go has more to do with the hot springs

[2:42:12 PM] pD says: ahhhhh...

[2:42:16 PM] pD says: /em sigh

[2:42:19 PM] pD sigh

[2:42:22 PM] nsy says: mmm - nice!

[2:42:46 PM] pD says: have you been to their restaurant in SF?

[2:42:53 PM] pD says: suppose to be really good

[2:42:55 PM] AE says: no

[2:43:09 PM] nsy says: so, do i put "NSY" as my display name here?

[2:43:16 PM] pD says: debra madison was the head chef there

[2:43:30 PM] pD says: she quite quite a few awards for her work in doing veggie food

[2:43:37 PM] nsy says: yum!

[2:43:38 PM] pD says: actually, AE, you would like it

[2:44:28 PM] AE says: and it's called tassajara?

[2:44:33 PM] nsy says: or if i choose nsy as my display name on blogger, will that show up on all blog posts - regardless of blog?

[2:45:24 PM] pD says: Debrah:

[2:45:33 PM] nsy says: looks to be that way, so i'll use my othe name and we can just edit these posrs..

[2:46:06 PM] nsy says: ooh - delicious! i love a good veggie dish!

[2:46:34 PM] pD says: tassajara:

[2:47:05 PM] pD says: veggie restaurant "Greens":

[2:48:53 PM] pD says: on names: i will do a find/replace for names in the text

[2:49:06 PM] nsy says: yay!

[2:49:09 PM] pD says: so, you can call yourslef what in terms of blogger names

[2:50:03 PM] AE says: Ok, I've heard of greens.

[2:50:19 PM] pD says: p.s. i guess debrah madison is no longer there

[2:50:33 PM] pD says: she probably makes more money not being the head chef

[2:50:43 PM] pD says: and, i respect that

[2:51:48 PM] pD says: p.p.s., i made you guys admin's

[2:52:08 PM] AE says: thanks. I didn't make you anything

[2:52:09 PM] pD says: play with the settings and templates

[2:52:18 PM] pD says: i think we can look better

[2:52:30 PM] AE says: I can make you something out of all these fortunes and plastic bags...

[2:53:00 PM] pD says: i want a cool game from the convention

[2:53:08 PM] pD says: just (slightly) kidding

[2:53:14 PM] AE says: damsk is a cool game.

[2:53:26 PM] pD says: speaking of games, AE, maybe you have source for this

[2:53:45 PM] pD says: recall that a couple of years ago, there was a robbery for Much's painting Screem in Norway?

[2:54:44 PM] pD says:

[2:54:53 PM] pD says: supposedly, the meusuem, or somebody

[2:55:09 PM] pD says: started to sell a board game about stealing a master piece from the meuseum

[2:55:27 PM] pD says: i talked to a friend in Sweden about getting that board game but

[2:55:39 PM] pD says: needless to say (and I will say it anyway)

[2:55:44 PM] pD says: never got the game

[2:55:52 PM] pD says: so, if you know where i can get the game

[2:56:00 PM] pD says: without travelling to norway, that would be really cool

[2:56:14 PM] AE says: there is a game about stealing a painting from a museum?

[2:56:19 PM] AE says: Ok. I'll look this weekend

[2:58:04 PM] AE says: these are some of the coolest games in the world

[2:58:23 PM] AE says: they each have different elemets (stone, wood, things like that).

[2:59:16 PM] nsy says: like othello on steroids

[2:59:37 PM] pD says: looks like Goh

[3:01:44 PM] pD says: i am more of a puzzle person

[3:01:58 PM] pD says: i am working on a 525 (i think) piece puzzle right now

[3:02:31 PM] pD says: jigsaw puzzle

[3:02:32 PM] nsy says: do you people never sleep?

[3:02:46 PM] nsy says: how do you find time for all this stuff?

[3:03:09 PM] pD says: well, you are right

[3:03:19 PM] pD says: "work" can be a bit of a distraction

[3:06:56 PM] pD says: btw, do you guys want your handle in upper, lower, or mixed case?

[3:07:24 PM] nsy says: lower is fine with me

[3:08:17 PM] pD says: "Pd" has a ying and yang thing going for it

[3:09:09 PM] pD says: "pD" looks like i am wearing monocle

[3:10:01 PM] nsy says: Nsy or nsy - your vote counts

[3:10:19 PM] pD says: how about "nSY"

[3:11:17 PM] pD says: on an unrelated issue

[3:11:39 PM] pD says: i recently heard that one of the popular text message in asia is Orz

[3:12:01 PM] pD says: as in somebody doing the kow-tow (i.e. "I am not worthy")

[3:12:33 PM] nsy says: hmmm interesting

[3:14:06 PM] pD says: how about NsY?

[3:16:37 PM] AE says: ae is fine for me.

[3:22:05 PM] pD says: BTW, should we make this the second entry for the chatters?

[3:22:24 PM] AE says: fine wit me

[3:22:57 PM] pD says: nsy?

[3:28:07 PM] nsy says: sure

[3:28:19 PM] nsy says: let er rip

[3:29:57 PM] pD says: yet anotehr unrelated topic

[3:30:15 PM] pD says: nsy, never got the photo you took of the juggling ball pile on AE's

[3:32:55 PM] nsy says: oh, its because there were 500 emails when i tried to send/recv on my phone. i'll try again :)

[3:33:38 PM] nsy says: ok, its sending

[3:43:40 PM] pD sent file "[deleted]" to members of this chat

juggling balls

[3:44:14 PM] pD says: oh, before i forget

[3:44:23 PM] pD says: what is your handle, nsy

[3:44:45 PM] nsy says: nsy

[3:44:57 PM] pD says: roger that

[3:45:53 PM] nsy says: nice! the image turned out pretty good

[3:46:30 PM] nsy says: shoulda gotten the jolly roger in there

[3:46:43 PM] pD says: oh, yeah

[3:46:53 PM] pD says: next time, take the pix and i will post it

[3:47:35 PM] nsy says: ok

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