[9:39:17 AM] pD says: howdy, howdy!
[9:39:32 AM] pD says: what is going on today?
[9:40:00 AM] nsy says: hey PD! thanks for the booga-man!
[9:40:18 AM] pD says: hahahah! i have already forgotten about it. glad you like it
[9:40:30 AM] pD says: (with side glance)
[9:41:03 AM] nsy says: yes, perfectly placed - much enjoyment!
[9:41:20 AM] pD says: btw, hope you got my message about chair mao and leninade
[9:41:33 AM] pD says: cannot get the files deleted after two reboots, weird
[9:41:54 AM] nsy says: no, haven't seen your message yet
[9:42:09 AM] pD says: should be from my other account
[9:42:24 AM] nsy says: an email?
[9:42:33 AM] pD says: the laptop is still on, assuming you have not taken it off line yet
[9:42:36 AM] pD says: from skype
[9:42:55 AM] pD says: anyway, basically, i was not able to delete the leninade and mao t-shirt pix from my laptop
[9:43:04 AM] pD says: so, i am wondering if you can do your magic
[9:43:14 AM] pD says: btw, the other post-it has my id/pw into the laptop
[9:43:16 AM] nsy says: sure - NP
[9:43:26 AM] pD says: let me know if you have any question
[9:43:31 AM] nsy says: ok, will do
[10:06:49 AM] pD says: is AE back?
[10:06:53 AM] pD says: how did the run go?
[10:09:06 AM] nsy says: yep, they're all back and the run went well according to G. AE worked this morning, and is taking the rest of the day off to spend with his family. they beat their top time by about 20 minutes
[10:09:18 AM] nsy says: G has some good pictures
[10:09:38 AM] pD says: all thanks to AE, i assume, since he is the new addition to the team
[10:10:19 AM] pD says: cool, glad to know that all went well. and with so many people exerting so much effort over the weekend, i feel doubly entitled to take it easy - to maintain the cosmic karmic balance, mind you
[10:10:23 AM] nsy says: he earned a new nickname - the dalai lama - due to his graceful zen-like demeanor, yet still kicking butt
[10:10:58 AM] nsy says: i'm just going to call him "lama"
[10:11:56 AM] pD says: lama? Scientific name for the genus containing llamas, alpacas, guanacos, and vicunas
[10:21:34 AM] nsy says: exactly
[10:42:41 AM] pD says: this is cool! Out-of-body experience recreated
Near-death events have triggered out-of-body experiences
Experts have found a way to trigger an out-of-body experience in volunteers
[10:42:47 AM] pD says: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/6960612.stm
[10:47:07 AM] nsy says: wow, interesting
[10:49:21 AM] nsy says: that tricky brain of ours.
[10:49:37 AM] pD says: having been appointed a savior by your guys a while back, i have been diligently honing my skills - gotta get your money worth, ya know
[10:51:54 AM] nsy says: "my guys" - i like that
[10:52:22 AM] pD says: hmm... typing too fast again, gets you every time
[10:52:35 AM] nsy says: and i definitely want my money's worth. so thanks for figuring that one out. video games will only get better now.
[10:54:04 AM] pD says: video game is asking for a lot - this savior is kind of low tech that way - cannot get his own signal booster working...
[10:54:46 AM] nsy says: heh. maybe it was overwhelmed by your omnipotence.
[10:56:34 AM] nsy says: http://www.tjmahaffey.com/full/omnipotent.jpg
[10:56:37 AM] pD says: yeah, the thought did cross my mind, but was dismissed since it was working fine before
[10:58:59 AM] nsy says: stumbled upon this searching for omnipotent: http://www.acceleratingfuture.com/michael/blog/?m=200604
[1:29:21 PM] pD says: you know the beauty of being at home when there is nobody around - including neighbors - is that you get to blast music
[1:29:33 PM] pD says: ah, just until my vacuum tubes get warmed up properly!
[1:30:14 PM] nsy says: vacuum tubes in your stereo? or are you playing guitar through an amplifier?
[1:30:29 PM] pD says: tubes in stereo
[1:30:45 PM] pD says: classical guitars are, by definition, unplugged
[1:31:12 PM] pD says: which, in a way, is unfortunate - because amplification brings a very different dimension to the music making
[1:32:30 PM] nsy says: ooh - i would love to have a tube stereo! they just don't make things like they used to...
[1:33:07 PM] pD says: oh, you can buy them brand new - tube stereos. actually, tubes are making a come back.
[1:33:25 PM] nsy says: nice!
[1:35:06 PM] pD says: tubes are beautiful for LP's. maybe i should fire up my turntable too
[1:36:23 PM] pD says: this is what i have: http://www.ear-usa.com/earproducts.htm
[1:39:11 PM] nsy says: supashweet!
[1:39:42 PM] pD says: do you listen to LP's? i saw you had a Beatles album on your desk a while back
[1:39:47 PM] nsy says: i need this turntable: http://www.ear-usa.com/ear_sources.htm
[1:42:01 PM] pD says: cool! did not know that he makes turntables now
[1:43:00 PM] pD says: i think the most interesting turntable that i have seen is air driven which eliminates all the vibration from the drive. never seen it in live - only read about it. supposed the darn thing weights in at 2 tones - i think you need an enforced floor for that sucker
[1:45:23 PM] nsy says: i have a limited collection of LPs. my turntable needle broke about 12 years ago during a move, and I never found another needle for the model. i've been putting off buying another one because my Mom has a nice old Magnavox she said I can have, but I didn't want to pick it up until I own my own home and won’t be moving for a while.
[1:45:26 PM] pD says: ah, here it is: pretty darn good review, Mike Fremer is the dean/god of analog for many: http://www.stereophile.com/analogsourcereviews/258/index.html
[1:45:33 PM] nsy says: wow, 2 tons! incredible!
[1:49:33 PM] nsy says: "We love those LPs, and we know they can sound good—certainly better than CDs—but can a stone dragged through a vinyl drainage ditch ever sound $73,750 worth of good?"
[1:49:39 PM] nsy says: no way - ever
[1:52:37 PM] pD says: hahah! i beg to differ
[1:53:04 PM] pD says: CD suffers the sampling limitation as well as the inability to store sound in the extremes
[1:53:50 PM] pD says: so, in a chamber/jazz setting, the resolution of spatial relationship is much more clearly delineated - in other words, if you close your eyes, you can hear how far each instrument is from each other
[1:54:41 PM] pD says: and, in the orchestral/operatic context, when everything and everyone is going at full blast - CD sounds like there is a governor that throttles back the high and low ranges
[1:55:13 PM] pD says: CD is great, i got lots of them. but, it is great for reasons different from LP's
[1:55:29 PM] pD says: /pD is an analog dork
[1:55:37 PM] pD is an analog dork
[1:56:18 PM] nsy says: I can't think of any way that even the best listening experience - even live, with my favorite players playing my favorite piece just for me could ever be worth 73k, unless i was filthy stinking rich and that was chump change to me - but right now - its definitely not.
[1:56:54 PM] pD says: on that point, i concur.
[1:57:28 PM] nsy says: music is my church, but finding god is cheaper
[1:57:51 PM] pD says: having said that though, if you think of the number of concerts, flights, and hotels that you would have to endure - 73K amortized over X years, may not be as outrageous as it sounds initially
[1:58:16 PM] pD says: but, it is true that people are known to go over board with stereo equipments
[1:58:25 PM] nsy says: live music is always better than recorded for me - its the energy
[1:59:03 PM] pD says: when i was talking with a dealer, he told me that there are two types of stereo people - one who buys the gear to listen to music and those who buy the gear for the gear
[1:59:12 PM] pD says: and, there are a lot of gear heads
[1:59:55 PM] pD says: on the live music part - i agree theoretically. i use to have season tickets and as much as i hate some of the performances, i suffer through them
[2:00:06 PM] pD says: it builds character and i need to show my support
[2:00:48 PM] pD says: but, the reality is that when it becomes impossible to travel - with domestic diaper duties - stereo gear becomes a nice second best
[2:01:31 PM] nsy says: ok, i'll give you that. but if i was into gear, i'd go big and gaudy: http://www.stpaulsesquimalt.com/organ.html
[2:01:45 PM] pD says: speaking of energy, if the performance sucks, it also drains the energy big time - there are several times, i have been known to beat a hasty retreat when the music gets unbearable
[2:01:47 PM] nsy says: i guess that’s not really gear, but you get my drift.
[2:02:20 PM] nsy says: well, i never thought of the loss of energy, but i've definitely felt that too
[2:02:27 PM] pD says: oh, that is not the half of it on gears
[2:02:55 PM] pD says: if you ever hear some of them talk about the cables and interconnects that they use, it can be quite hilarious
[2:04:50 PM] nsy says: as with any whateverophile, i suppose
[2:06:14 PM] nsy says: i want to have chills and goosebumps for my hard-earned cash, dammit. now, if that player lasts a lifetime, and I get chills every time i listen to it, but i wouldn’t with a cheaper one, then it might be worth it. but very doubtful.
[2:06:56 PM] pD says: what kind of LP's do you have?
[2:07:19 PM] pD says: i was given a batch of pop LP's from the 80's. do not know what to do with them
[2:07:50 PM] pD says: i am a decidedly jazz, classical, and opera kind of a person. i enjoy my share of pop - but there are a lot...
[2:07:54 PM] nsy says: not very good ones. yep - pretty much 80's mod and classic rock. nothing chill-worthy.
[2:09:01 PM] nsy says: i'm not a collector until i get my new turntable. and then, i'm all about blues, jazz and bop
[2:09:10 PM] nsy says: of course, classical.
[2:09:54 PM] nsy says: there's a record store downtown SC that might buy the batch. i've been thinking of trading mine.
[2:15:31 PM] pD says: cool! what is it called? let me know if you enjoy doing business with them, some of these stores can be a bit suspicious in their dealings...
[2:22:25 PM] nsy says: they did so well in the antique shop basement they recently moved downtown. http://www.metamusiconline.com/ http://sanfrancisco.tribe.net/recommendation/Metamusic-Records/santa-cruz-sf-ca/3fff1d01-d79b-4627-8309-e9ff1b6f656b
[2:27:36 PM] nsy says: grabbing food - back soon...
[2:52:36 PM] nsy says: mmm, vegetarian chili.
[2:53:33 PM] pD says: should go well with veggie dog
[2:53:48 PM] nsy says: definitely
[2:54:05 PM] nsy says: but you need real cheese as far as i'm concerned
[2:57:27 PM] nsy says: ...
[2:57:48 PM] pD says: what is fake cheese? made from petroleum?
[2:58:05 PM] pD says: wasn't there an urban legend about how pizza hut is using edible plastic..
[2:58:37 PM] nsy says: so quiet here today with you and AE out. i keep expecting to see you in the corner there. oh well.. i'll eat my sammich on your laptop as a protest.
[2:58:54 PM] nsy says: they make it out of soy - like everything else vegan.
[2:59:25 PM] pD says: ah, soy cheese, you are right, that thing don't fly with me
[3:00:06 PM] nsy says: its actually not bad on sandwiches, but it doesn't melt right
[3:00:07 PM] pD says: you are too late when it comes to eating on the laptop, i have done most of the damage
[3:00:26 PM] pD says: wait, that was my keyboard. the laptop should be in decent shape, save for a few tea spills
[3:00:36 PM] nsy says: true. i guess its a symbolic gesture.
[3:00:37 PM] pD says: btw, what are they gonna do with those old laptops?
[3:01:08 PM] nsy says: who knows. i don't understand why they don't sell it to you for cheap.
[3:01:21 PM] pD says: if they are going to be thrown out, can you reserve mine? i need a wifi ready laptop that i can use to surf the net in front of the stereo.
[3:01:31 PM] nsy says: sure
[3:01:35 PM] pD says: i only have a desktop right now and the stereo listening thing is much diminished...
[3:01:36 PM] pD says: thanks
[3:02:42 PM] pD says: since I have my own XP OS, I can wipe things out pretty clean. if there is any old ones that is wifi ready, i would be interested. getting my old laptop is just mostly sentimental value - all the stuff we have been through together... :)!
[3:05:43 PM] nsy says: i doubt they'll throw them away, but i'll keep my ears open and my eyes peeled.
[3:06:32 PM] nsy says: they'll probably try to foist them onto some new lackey grunts when we get them
[3:08:11 PM] nsy says: yours was going to go to a new sales person, but i talked them out of it
[3:12:01 PM] pD says: yeah, that is silly to give people old laptops that is clearly crawling - mine crashes a few times a week. nothing major, but it is sure annoying...
[3:15:32 PM] nsy says: yeah - its hard to come to terms with the fact that what might have seemed like a great deal at the time, and ideal for a mobile sales force - was simply not able to keep up with the speed at which applications grow and hog up cpu and ram.
[3:16:12 PM] nsy says: you almost have to incorporate the cost of a new computer every 1-2 years in with the cost of employing comeone
[3:16:20 PM] nsy says: someone
[3:17:36 PM] pD says: and, that is assuming that that somebody is competent in handling a laptop, not breaking it with or without a dog...
[3:18:49 PM] nsy says: and the fact that we don’t; have any rules, or centrally managed systems, or IT really, its just a recipe for PC death.
[3:19:16 PM] nsy says: or at least illness
[3:19:47 PM] nsy says: heh. nice work-in with the dog comment.
[3:21:06 PM] nsy says: i don’t know how IT people stay sane. it drives me nuts. i don’t have that much patience, or self-loathing. whichever is the preferred IT job requirement.
[3:21:35 PM] pD says: low self-esteem...
[3:23:59 PM] nsy says: masochists
[3:25:38 PM] nsy says: oh, wow, i just remembered this movie i was going to tell you about... "brother from another planet" - great social commentary - absolutely priceless: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Brother_from_Another_Planet
[4:09:40 PM] pD says: fine!
[4:09:43 PM] pD says: another film onto the list
[4:10:20 PM] pD says: sounds like fun - it is a pretty heavy subject to pull off, look forward to seeing it
[4:11:17 PM] pD says: i am currently watching volver by almodovar. about half way through - there is a touch of magic realism to it. quite sympathetic - unlike the in-your-face type of story in his prior films
[4:11:41 PM] pD says: my favorite remains women on the verge of nervous breakdown - it is hysterical
[4:12:00 PM] pD says: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0441909/
[4:12:47 PM] pD says:
[4:13:31 PM] nsy says: yeah, that’s on my list. i enjoyed "talk to her"
[4:16:10 PM] nsy says: i haven't seen any of his others - i'll have to see the "nervous breakdown" one
[4:19:41 PM] pD says: this is a clip in youtube, i thought it captured the sense of breathless wonderment that Almodovar exhibits that attracted me to his work in the first place.
[4:19:47 PM] pD says: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gu07LH81cok
[4:19:53 PM] pD says:
[4:21:51 PM] nsy says: excellent! I love it. another one for the list
[4:23:08 PM] nsy says: i finally saw ma vie en rose - good stuff. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119590/
[4:26:56 PM] pD says: cool stuff, adding to my list too
[4:33:28 PM] pD says: btw, just came up with the ultimate NSA Chatters idea
[4:33:34 PM] pD says: wanna know, wanna know
[4:33:47 PM] pD says: we should get an entry into Wiki...
[4:34:01 PM] pD is basking in his own brilliance
[4:34:15 PM] pD says: do you know how to do that? make an entry into wiki?
[4:34:35 PM] nsy says: oooh. hm...
[4:35:39 PM] pD says: ok, will continue tomorrow, i am signing off. need to get ready to pick up the little boss
[4:35:55 PM] pD says: ciao
[4:37:20 PM] nsy says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Who_writes_Wikipedia
[4:37:23 PM] nsy says: bye
NSA Chatters crew
Monday, August 27, 2007
chairman mao - laptop - lama - saviors - omnipotent - vaccum tubes - turntables - analog music - live music - LP's - veggie chili - wiki
analog music,
chairman mao,
live music,
vaccum tubes,
veggie chili,
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