[9/6/2007 9:21:15 AM] pD says: just love long weekends
[9/6/2007 9:21:21 AM] pD says: you get not just the long weekend
[9/6/2007 9:21:27 AM] pD says: you also get a shorter work week following that
[9/6/2007 9:21:34 AM] pD says: sweet!
[9/6/2007 9:33:40 AM] nsy says: yeah - it doesn't feel like thursday already - so great!
[9/6/2007 10:22:38 AM] pD says: i must say that i am glad that larry craig is not leaving the senate yet
[9/6/2007 10:22:57 AM] pD says: this just seems so petty - what the republicans are doing
[9/6/2007 10:23:24 AM] pD says: aren't they suppose to be the small government hands-off people? why would the same people try to regulate what people do in their bedroom
[9/6/2007 10:23:25 AM] AE says: as opposed to... when?
[9/6/2007 10:23:30 AM] pD says: ok, bath room
[9/6/2007 10:23:34 AM] pD says: but, you get the idea
[9/6/2007 10:24:10 AM] AE says: to me, the republican party has always been hypocritical. ever since I was a child (Nixon was my intro to the republicans)
[9/6/2007 10:25:34 AM] AE says: my family was always staunchly republican, and i see the same hypocriticalness in them as well. two are out and out racists, one loves nothing but money, always saying 'those hippies and junkies should be locked up for good!' and has a serious drug problem.
[9/6/2007 10:26:12 AM] AE says: so... that the republican party is getting into all sorts of trouble is not surprising.
[9/6/2007 10:26:39 AM] AE says: of course.. the democrats have had some interesting deviant behavior as well (Gary Hart and President Clinton)
[9/6/2007 10:27:30 AM] AE says: so maybe it's a politician thing. but the republican party always stands for 'decency' and 'family values', two things they talk a lot about but seem to have a hard time up-holding.
[9/6/2007 10:27:37 AM] AE steps off his soap box
[9/6/2007 10:27:46 AM] AE says: Next!
[9/6/2007 10:33:11 AM] pD says: well, i don't care for democrats either
[9/6/2007 10:33:26 AM] pD says: my biggest issue is that they have a preference to spending OPM - other people's money
[9/6/2007 10:33:48 AM] pD says: trust me, i understand the impulse, but throwing money at problem is not the cure all
[9/6/2007 10:34:19 AM] pD says: ideologically, i think democrats are burdened by what Roosevelt did - he did good things, but really, move on
[9/6/2007 10:34:34 AM] pD says: my favorite "democrat" is arnold
[9/6/2007 10:34:43 AM] pD is an independent
[9/6/2007 10:34:48 AM] AE says: wait, didn't clinton pay off the national debt that the previous two administrations racked up?
[9/6/2007 10:35:00 AM] AE says: and then the current administration spent us deeper than ever?
[9/6/2007 10:35:05 AM] pD says: i think greenspan paid off the national debt...
[9/6/2007 10:35:16 AM] AE says: haha.. yes, that actually is more accurate
[9/6/2007 10:35:23 AM] pD says: i think it is unrealistic to attribute economic activities to politicians
[9/6/2007 10:35:29 AM] pD says: it is just an unnatural act
[9/6/2007 10:35:47 AM] AE says: as opposed to what they do in the bathrooms...
[9/6/2007 10:35:53 AM] pD says: clinton's contribution to the national debt is simply that he never had full control of the congress, so his damage is quite limited
[9/6/2007 10:36:06 AM] AE says: oh, and I agree with you on the govenator... he's the surprise candidate for me as well.
[9/6/2007 10:36:08 AM] pD says: whereas W has full control and you see how ugly it can get
[9/6/2007 10:36:23 AM] pD says: politicians and economy do not mix
[9/6/2007 10:36:46 AM] pD says: or, i should say, sound economic policy and execution
[9/6/2007 10:37:10 AM] pD says: anyway, back to the bathroom republicans
[9/6/2007 10:37:22 AM] pD says: doesn't that have a ring - more interesting than the log cabin republicans
[9/6/2007 10:38:01 AM] AE says: heh
[9/6/2007 10:38:11 AM] pD says: anyway, i am sadden by the fact that republican are so down on themselves that they are much more inner looking and being "anti-" instead of being "pro". that is no way to create a national agenda
[9/6/2007 10:38:32 AM] pD says: you can be the best slasher in town, but it won't much too far in a democratic political process...
[9/7/2007 10:53:05 AM] pD says: anybody home?
[9/7/2007 10:53:07 AM] pD says: knock knock
[9/7/2007 10:56:04 AM] AE says: Who IS It?
[9/7/2007 10:56:26 AM] pD says: hmmmm.....
[9/7/2007 10:56:30 AM] pD says: dr. who?
[9/7/2007 10:56:40 AM] AE says: Who?
[9/7/2007 10:56:51 AM] AE says: He's on first
[9/7/2007 10:57:01 AM] pD says: isn't there a james bond villain called dr who?
[9/7/2007 10:57:10 AM] AE says: that was Dr. No
[9/7/2007 10:57:18 AM] pD says: then, who is dr who?
[9/7/2007 10:57:25 AM] AE says: Dr. Who is a Timelord from the BBC series
[9/7/2007 10:57:45 AM] AE says: started waaaay back in the late 60's. currently revived again and on Sci Fi
[9/7/2007 10:58:05 AM] pD says: is that the thing with the red dwarf and stuff?
[9/7/2007 10:58:07 AM] AE says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr_who
[9/7/2007 10:58:29 AM] AE says: Nope, that was a different show called "Red Dwarf". Chicken Vindaloo anyone?
[9/7/2007 10:58:54 AM] AE says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Dwarf
[9/7/2007 11:57:30 AM] pD says: nsy, are you around?
[9/7/2007 11:57:43 AM] pD is feeling a bit lonely these days...
[9/7/2007 12:03:39 PM] AE says: Lonely. He's Mr. Lonely. He has nobody, do call his own...
[9/7/2007 12:06:21 PM] nsy says: i'm here! ta da!
[9/7/2007 12:06:40 PM] nsy makes a grand entrance
[9/7/2007 12:07:09 PM] pD says: (clap)
[9/7/2007 12:07:14 PM] AE says: *Princes wave*
[9/7/2007 12:07:15 PM] nsy says: chicken vindaloo in hand...
[9/7/2007 12:07:24 PM] AE says: we're ordering Fish Taco's
[9/7/2007 12:07:27 PM] nsy says: wrist, wrist, elbow, elbow
[9/7/2007 12:07:35 PM] AE says: exactly!
[9/7/2007 12:07:47 PM] nsy says: dang it! i always miss the good friday stuff!
[9/7/2007 12:07:57 PM] pD says: fish tacos, that is so unfair - only after I have left...
[9/7/2007 12:08:16 PM] nsy says: and AE doesn't eat fish - agh!
[9/7/2007 12:08:16 PM] AE says: You can buy them too, you know.
[9/7/2007 12:08:18 PM] AE says: haha!
[9/7/2007 12:08:25 PM] nsy says: ;)
[9/7/2007 12:08:41 PM] nsy says: the tragic irony
[9/7/2007 12:08:41 PM] pD says: good point, those fish died in vain...
[9/7/2007 12:11:30 PM] nsy says:

[9/7/2007 12:13:07 PM] AE says: pD, the printer misses you. :(
[9/7/2007 12:13:37 PM] nsy says: yes, it’s been all downhill for the dell since you left
[9/7/2007 12:14:19 PM] AE says: right now there's a big ole piece of taping keeping the duplex unit on so we can print.
[9/7/2007 12:14:29 PM] AE says: total ghetto printer repair...
[9/7/2007 12:18:36 PM] pD says: what happened?
[9/7/2007 12:18:54 PM] pD says: the color printer has been pretty okay beyond the occasional overheating...
[9/8/2007 9:48:19 PM] pD says: tapes to keep the duplex in place? i hope there is a good story behind this one...
[9/8/2007 9:48:22 PM] pD says: i am all ears!
[9/9/2007 2:23:42 PM] *** pD has changed the chat topic to "gay friends"
[9/9/2007 2:23:57 PM] pD says: i was very disturbed by the lack of primary gay friends and did some search in my contact list.
[9/9/2007 2:24:32 PM] pD says: lo and be hold, i did find at least one - a co-worker who is a lesbian
[9/9/2007 2:25:47 PM] pD says: so, i definitely feel better, but i am still wondering about the lack of (male) gay friend(s). this is the bay area after all...
[9/10/2007 10:20:45 AM] pD says: good morning
[9/10/2007 10:21:54 AM] AE says: Hello!
[9/10/2007 10:25:09 AM] pD says: how is life?
[9/10/2007 10:25:21 AM] AE says: life. don't talk to me about life.
[9/10/2007 10:25:29 AM] pD says: this is the end of the quarter, drum beats?
[9/10/2007 10:25:45 AM] AE says: actually it's all rolling along very well!
[9/10/2007 10:26:11 AM] AE says: I was just throwing the obligatory HHGTTG reference. NSA Chatters is void of them as of late.
[9/10/2007 10:28:27 AM] pD says: ?
[9/10/2007 10:28:32 AM] pD says: HHGTTG
[9/10/2007 10:28:44 AM] AE says: Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy
[9/10/2007 10:29:00 AM] AE says: It was an old BBC radio show.
[9/10/2007 10:29:15 AM] pD says: didn't they make a film?
[9/10/2007 10:29:21 AM] AE says: later it was made into a book, a BBC television series, and yes, a really bad movie
[9/10/2007 10:29:45 AM] AE says: please don't judge it by the movie. That was made after Douglass Adams died.
[9/10/2007 10:30:08 AM] AE says: he's the brain power behind the radio show, and author of the 5 books in the trilogy.
[9/10/2007 10:37:09 AM] pD says: since i am not familiar with HHGTTG, was the "rolling along nicely" a common expression to indicate that shit is about to hit the fan? ;)
[9/10/2007 10:38:44 AM] AE says: no, the "life, don't talk to me about life" was something one of the characters would always say
[9/10/2007 10:38:54 AM] AE says: things actually are rolling along quite well.
[9/10/2007 10:39:11 AM] pD says: very cool!
[9/10/2007 10:40:18 AM] AE says: the character was a robot named Marvin who was always very depressed.
[9/10/2007 10:40:50 AM] AE says: he was a product of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation
[9/10/2007 10:40:56 AM] AE says: Motto: Share and Enjoy
[9/10/2007 10:41:21 AM] AE says: ah... here's the complaints department anthem. Make sure you're speakers are on. http://www.zootle.net/afda/share-and-enjoy.shtml
[9/10/2007 10:52:52 AM] nsy says: hers where I was Sunday: http://www.singinst.org/summit2007/
[9/10/2007 10:54:09 AM] nsy says: I wish I had been there saturday - especially for Steve Omohundro: http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=6086
[9/10/2007 10:54:30 AM] nsy says: Laurel and I worked with his cousin at Lutris
[9/10/2007 10:55:24 AM] nsy says: Saturday was about practicalities, applications and uses, while sunday there was a lot of speculation and ethics, and debate
[9/10/2007 10:57:24 AM] nsy says: Peter Norvig made some statements arguing against some of Kurzweil's theories: http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=6187
[9/10/2007 10:58:02 AM] nsy says: Kurzweil is very brave to make such specific time-based predictions, and I respect him for that
[9/10/2007 10:59:34 AM] AE says: excellent stuff! Thanks for bringing some tidbits back!
[9/10/2007 11:00:38 AM] pD is completely lost...
[9/10/2007 11:05:27 AM] nsy says: they had a financial speaker talking about how to invest in AI. I was trying to find a podcast for you, pD. but i don’t see it on the site
[9/10/2007 11:08:52 AM] pD says: AI - artificial intelligence?
[9/10/2007 11:17:04 AM] nsy says: yep
[9/10/2007 11:17:39 AM] pD says: why would anyone invest in AI? is that a new hot vertical?
[9/10/2007 11:18:08 AM] nsy says: some people apparently think so
[9/10/2007 11:18:32 AM] pD says: what is the hook with AI?
[9/10/2007 11:20:22 AM] nsy says: one hook is the ability to extend life as we know it by uploading consciousness to new body/brain/machine/whatever
[9/10/2007 11:22:11 AM] nsy says: another is that they want machines that teach themselves, better themselves, repair themselves, and if this is the case, they may surpass our intelligence at an uncontrollable rate. so these people feel that this is inevitable, and that we need to take action now in order to prevent the world from being taken over by intelligent machines in the future, or so that when it happens, they are friendly instead of destroying or enslaving us
[9/10/2007 11:23:33 AM] nsy says: the singularity is a time period that these folks think is inevitable where the tables will turn one way or another.
[9/10/2007 11:37:27 AM] pD says: terminator... singularity has already happened - he is now our governor!
[9/10/2007 11:45:14 AM] nsy says: can't resist...

[9/10/2007 11:46:00 AM] nsy says:

[9/10/2007 11:50:16 AM] nsy says: open singularity is an interesting concept, but i'm not sure how realistic: V
[9/10/2007 11:50:19 AM] nsy says: http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=6180
[9/10/2007 11:51:34 AM] nsy says: it was amazing how many tall, skinny, white men were there
[9/10/2007 11:53:49 AM] pD says: pale, you mean
[9/10/2007 11:53:53 AM] pD says: or, pasty?
[9/10/2007 11:55:01 AM] nsy says: both
[9/10/2007 1:17:26 PM] pD says: with a day old pizza and flat Jolt in hand, probably...
[9/10/2007 1:17:34 PM] pD says: i was like that once
[9/10/2007 1:17:52 PM] pD says: then, i discovered something else
[9/10/2007 1:18:03 PM] pD says: ;)
[9/11/2007 12:37:52 PM] *** pD has changed the chat topic to "america the empire"
[9/11/2007 12:38:07 PM] pD says: so, i listen to a bit of news coverage on the iraq thing
[9/11/2007 12:38:56 PM] pD says: as bone headed of an idea it was to go into iraq was in the first place, the reality is that we are in there and walking away would not make the issues go away
[9/11/2007 12:39:18 PM] pD says: so, i must say that i am not impressed by the Democrat's incessant chant about pulling out
[9/11/2007 12:39:50 PM] pD says: equally unimpressive was republican's insistence on staying the course without specific objectives
[9/11/2007 12:40:35 PM] AE says: at least pulling out is less expensive money and soldier wise.
[9/11/2007 12:40:57 PM] AE says: but i agree... we're leaving behind a wonderful breeding ground for more terrorists against the US
[9/11/2007 12:41:43 PM] AE says: so pulling out now is irresponsible... but i don't see that anyone is pushing for a positive change in the situation there.
[9/11/2007 12:41:57 PM] AE says: we're trying to bomb them until they love us.
[9/11/2007 12:46:15 PM] pD says: well, that too is a bit simplistic - i am confident that nobody subscribes to the bomb them until they love us theory (even if army intelligence is an oxymoron)
[9/11/2007 12:47:12 PM] pD says: i think what is missing is a public discourse on what US's role is inside Iraq, Middle East, and the world in general
[9/11/2007 12:48:20 PM] pD says: even if the conclusion is that america is a global empire with interests around the world and we have to behave accordingly - i am okay with that, but let's be honest about it and with the knowledge that our boys will have to die to maintain the vision
[9:18:03 AM] pD says: found nsy's post-it note with stick figure in my pile
[9:18:27 AM] pD says: was laughing out loud!
[9:18:29 AM] pD says: thanks!
[9:21:38 AM] nsy says: i'm so glad to hear it. i see booga-man every now and again and it gives me a good laugh too - thanks :)
[9:36:06 AM] pD says: the boss just bought the entire 7 seasons of the next generation with picard
[9:36:15 AM] pD says: just watched the first episode last night
[9:36:25 AM] pD says: man! the production quality was seriously poor
[9:36:31 AM] pD says: they clearly had no budget then
[9:36:34 AM] AE says: have you seen any of TNG before?
[9:36:44 AM] pD says: not sure about the scripts either, pretty dodgy
[9:36:53 AM] AE says: because it gets better.
[9:37:06 AM] pD says: yeah, i have not been a close follower of the star trek series, but i have seen a few
[9:37:21 AM] pD says: my sister actually write a synopsis of the episode after watching one
[9:37:44 AM] pD says: and, the boss is totally fanatical for the Voyager series
[9:38:13 AM] pD says: i think the rule of thumb - according to the boss - is that the whole series gets better after season 2
[9:38:47 AM] pD says: i must say that this is a clear case of fan loyalty - i cannot image any other series that has two years to clean up their acts
[9:39:02 AM] pD says: btw, the last one - the beginning (what it is called) was really bad
[9:39:13 AM] AE says: enterprise?
[9:39:19 AM] AE says: yeah... it was really bad.
[9:39:20 AM] pD says: i am sorry that they had to terminate that series, but i am glad that they did. it was just painful to watch
[9:39:26 AM] AE says: :)
[9:39:54 AM] pD says: being a dutiful companion to the boss - i have endured my share of bad episodes...
[9:39:59 AM] AE says: If you want some really good sci - fi, I highly recommend the new Battlestar Galactica.
[9:40:03 AM] pD says: btw, what was the story with Tasha?
[9:40:15 AM] pD says: i know she was killed half way through the series in TNG
[9:40:16 AM] AE says: Tasha, the security guard?
[9:40:20 AM] pD says: because of some controversy?
[9:40:27 AM] pD says: yeah, the security chief
[9:40:30 AM] AE says: the actress wanted to leave the show. that was all.
[9:40:41 AM] AE says: and they didn't want her to since she was a main character.
[9:40:47 AM] AE says: what was her name? Crosby?
[9:40:59 AM] pD says: oh, i thought some nude pictures from prior incarnations was involved
[9:41:06 AM] AE says: she had done a playboy shoot a while ago... i wonder if there was something about that.
[9:41:08 AM] AE says: yeah, exactly.
[9:41:35 AM] AE says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denise_Crosby
[9:41:37 AM] pD says: but, seriously though, i would have thought that playboy shot makes a really cool character on the series
[9:41:51 AM] AE says: especially considering their demographic...
[9:42:14 AM] pD says: precisely. the pin-up girls of today
[9:42:35 AM] AE says: that would be her, seven of nine, starbuck...
[9:42:36 AM] pD says: i like good story lines and drama, so science fiction or not is not the big consideration
[9:42:56 AM] AE says: you would really like Battlestar Galactica. it's a very involved and evolved story line.
[9:43:01 AM] pD says: and, of course, i have no cable and very poor TV reception (I think I get 3 channels)
[9:43:14 AM] pD says: so, i am more limited to what is available via DVD
[9:43:17 AM] AE says: there is Ok acting at first, but they get good quickly. the director is very good.
[9:43:35 AM] AE says: You can get the first 2 or 3 seasons on DVD, and I think the next season is the last.
[9:43:42 AM] AE says: sort of the B5 thing.
[9:43:59 AM] AE says: The story line is top rate, and the writing as well.
[9:44:06 AM] AE says: you can tell i'm a total fan of it.
[9:44:17 AM] AE says: i would watch it more, but it's not always kid friendly
[9:44:32 AM] AE says: so i've only seen season one and two and parts of thee so far.
[9:45:57 AM] nsy says: yeah, i'm not a big fan of the traditional sci-fi stuff on many counts, but someone forced me to sit and watch the new battlestar galactica, and i'm hooked. we just wait for the seasons to come out on netflix, and watch them all at once
[9:46:19 AM] nsy says: even mike likes it and he’s not a sci-fi fan
[9:46:47 AM] AE says: yeah. it's really well done, and they do a good job of discussing current issues in the context of the show.
[9:47:16 AM] AE says: it's a great vehicle for showing what's going on in a different light. It stands out well in the alien background of the show.
[9:47:19 AM] nsy says: there are a lot of interesting ethical questions raised. good brain food.
NSA Chatters crew
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