Monday, June 4, 2007
CD collection - chairman mao - Day of sympathy - dim sum - fan movies - In memory - Lucasfilm - POOPED
[11:53:45 AM] pD says: hi folks, i would like to motion that we make today a day of sympathy in memory of AE's grandma
[11:53:52 AM] pD says: can I get a second for the motion
[11:55:52 AM] nsy says: second :)
[11:56:06 AM] pD says: to make this official
[11:56:19 AM] pD says: all in favor, pls say "ay"
[11:56:24 AM] pD says: ay
[11:57:19 AM] pD has changed the chat topic to "Day of sympathy"
[11:57:49 AM] AE says: when is the anniversary for Operation Overlord?
[11:58:08 AM] nsy says: ay
[11:58:22 AM] AE says: ay.
[11:58:35 AM] pD says: oppose, please say nay
[11:58:39 AM] pD says: hearing none
[11:58:42 AM] pD says: motion carries
[11:59:08 AM] pD says: second order of business
[11:59:14 AM] pD says: i would like to note two things
[11:59:30 AM] pD says: first is that I have added a email subscription service to the NSA Chatters blog
[11:59:36 AM] pD says: it also provides RSS feed
[11:59:50 AM] pD says: but, since i still have not figured out how RSS works, email notificaiotn may be helpful
[12:00:16 PM] pD says: the other busienss is that i have posted the two jolly roger flags onto the blog for voting
[12:00:44 PM] pD says: and, thanks to nsy, I have added a javascript that allows people to vote. It turns out to be eaiser than mannual tollying the results
[12:01:06 PM] pD says:
[12:01:41 PM] pD says: this is not meant to be a fair voting scheme. so, I have already casted two votes
[12:01:58 PM] AE says: three cheers for nsy and her non-democratic voting java app!
[12:02:23 PM] nsy says: nice! wii hoo!
[12:03:37 PM] pD doing the one man wave again
[12:04:28 PM] pD says: i would also encouage you to vote as well as inviting others to vote. we want to hear from the masses - unwashed or pristine
[12:10:22 PM] pD says: no cable - no daily show
[12:10:33 PM] AE says: no Comedy Central
[12:11:05 PM] pD says: that's okay, we all have to make trade-off's and i have done my share of cable earlier in life
[1:42:04 PM] pD says: a CD of Chair Maio's songs
[1:42:12 PM] pD says: Mao
[1:42:33 PM] nsy says: i didn't know he was a musician
[1:42:52 PM] pD says: it is a compilation of Mao's praises
[1:43:02 PM] pD says: it is kind of scary, but an interesting momento
[1:43:03 PM] AE says: is this like Shatner's album?
[1:43:18 PM] pD says: oh, it is other people singing priases of the great chairman
[1:43:28 PM] nsy says: ah, i see
[1:43:32 PM] pD says: i do not believe that i have actually listened to the whole CD
[1:43:33 PM] pD says: ever
[1:43:33 PM] AE says: ok. that's too funny.
[1:43:44 PM] pD says: but, i am on a quest to listen to all of my existing CD's.
[1:43:48 PM] pD says: so, here it goes...
[1:44:21 PM] nsy says: good luck
[1:54:06 PM] pD says: these are truely horrible music
[1:54:12 PM] pD says: or, orchastration
[1:54:32 PM] pD says: and, i am not saying it because i do not care for mao
[1:55:13 PM] AE says: devotional music often reflects the true feelings of those performing it.
[2:24:17 PM] AE says: take southern gospel music; that stuff can move you!
[2:27:20 PM] pD says: oh, i love gospel music
[2:27:25 PM] pD says: but, the singers mean it
[2:27:38 PM] pD says: this stuff (the CD) are very perfunctory
[2:28:04 PM] pD says: it would have been great to have a May day parade's live recording of the millions singing Mao's praise
[2:28:25 PM] pD says: misguided, yes, moving, probably, amazing, definitely
[2:28:39 PM] AE says: and of course, very very wierd
[2:28:50 PM] AE says: weird.
[2:28:53 PM] pD says: oh, why
[2:29:13 PM] AE says: of that many singers, how many actually believed the words?
[2:29:17 PM] AE says: how many sang in fear?
[2:30:59 PM] pD says: oh, i don't know, people who show up tends to be pretty devotional
[2:31:31 PM] AE says: really? are they really devoted to a dictator?
[2:31:42 PM] AE says: I guess there were some who were fanatical about Hitler...
[2:31:47 PM] pD says: especially during the cultural revolution, it was a pretty emotional time, Mao was taking them to the promised land
[2:32:02 PM] AE says: are they there yet?
[2:32:21 PM] pD says: i did some freelance work translating historic photos of China for a textbook publisher
[2:32:37 PM] pD says: and, the pictures from the cultural revolution period was pretty awe inspiring
[2:34:19 PM] pD says: promised land? well, it is somewhat of a moving target...
[2:34:52 PM] pD says: but, China is buying 10% of the BlackStone Group, one of the most powerful investment groups in the world
[2:35:27 PM] pD says:
[2:35:58 PM] pD says: BTW, Y has picked up the first piece of dim sum
[2:36:05 PM] pD GOOOOOOONG
[2:36:32 PM] nsy says: mwahaha
[2:36:47 PM] AE says: ahhah. IT begins!
[2:36:48 PM] nsy says: although - i thought i geard him throw something away...?
[2:36:59 PM] AE says: quick! check the trashcan!
[2:37:05 PM] AE says: before he changes his mind!
[2:37:14 PM] pD says: argh!
[2:37:15 PM] nsy says: i'm guessing it was she shrimp in the plastic bag. bets?
[2:37:32 PM] pD says: what are we betting?
[2:37:36 PM] nsy says: if it was in the box with the other stuff i bet he would've eaten it.
[2:37:52 PM] nsy says: mmm... one vending machine item of the winner's choice
[2:38:11 PM] pD says: you are on
[2:38:30 PM] AE says: ewe. you're as bad as he is. Count me out of that bet.
[2:39:03 PM] pD says: we can bet an organic apricot, if that suits AE better
[2:39:17 PM] AE has changed the chat topic to "International Indigestion"
[2:42:04 PM] AE says: nope. not an apricot eater.
[2:42:25 PM] pD says: i think part of the problem is that the CD I got, by the time I bought it, Mao worshipping was consider more of a touristy curiosity.
[2:42:24 PM] AE says: kinda finicky for a guy with limited food choices...
[2:43:13 PM] nsy says: the vending machine has Mr. Nature unsalted nut and yogurt mix. my personal fave.
[2:43:16 PM] nsy says: ok, i'm going to look...
[2:43:36 PM] pD says: when i was working in China, i was talking with some of the local co-workers and it was interesting listening to how they used to sing the "revolutionaized" Chiense opera and such
[2:43:50 PM] pD says: okay,
[2:43:56 PM] pD says: drum rolls pls
[2:44:06 PM] AE says: so, what did he toss?
[2:44:11 PM] nsy says: it was just the empty box and bag! nothing was missing! just a few crumbs...
[2:44:19 PM] AE says: HO!
[2:44:28 PM] nsy says: we all lose - and we all win :)
[2:44:32 PM] pD says: so, who gets the apricot?
[2:44:39 PM] nsy says: AE
[2:44:42 PM] AE says: yuck!
[2:44:54 PM] nsy says: for being smart enough not to stoop to our level
[2:45:15 PM] nsy says: (like how i roped you into that one, pa?)
[2:45:31 PM] nsy says: or whatever your name is
[2:45:34 PM] pD says: oh, i was actually reaching hard to get to that level
[2:45:36 PM] pD says: my bad
[2:45:47 PM] pD says: pD
[2:45:51 PM] nsy says: tx
[2:45:57 PM] pD says: poly-dense
[2:46:03 PM] nsy says: right!
[2:46:05 PM] pD says: opposite of polymath
[2:46:25 PM] nsy says: what does math mean?
[2:46:52 PM] pD says: oh, i think it was greek for knowledge
[2:47:04 PM] pD says: so, polymath is a person who know several subject matters well
[2:47:08 PM] AE says: it encompases all forms of math.
[2:47:13 PM] pD says: whereas a poly-dense is just a poser
[2:47:13 PM] nsy says: ok, right - tx
[2:47:23 PM] pD posingly
[2:47:28 PM] nsy says: heh
[2:47:31 PM] AE says: poly = parrot
[2:47:36 PM] AE says: and parrots repeat things
[2:47:42 PM] AE says: and numbers often repeat
[2:47:50 PM] AE says: and numbers are used in math
[2:47:53 PM] AE says: so... polymath
[2:48:00 PM] pD says: not alwasy, you can have math without numbers
[2:48:16 PM] AE says: but you can't have a parrot without crackers.
[2:48:36 PM] AE says: cause they're small, and you really need something filling to stuff them with.
[2:48:58 PM] pD says: or, edible green dye
[2:52:23 PM] nsy says: sounds messy
[2:58:02 PM] pD says: blood sausage still taste better if more messy
[3:00:27 PM] pD says: mercyfully, the Mao CD has finished and I must confess that ip ut the earpiece down for the most part so I still ahve not heard through the whole thing.
[3:00:47 PM] pD says: i am a failure...
[3:03:14 PM] AE says: you need to look at why you're doing this thing.
[3:03:27 PM] AE says: why you feel this compulsion to listen to every CD
[3:03:34 PM] pD says: feeling even more of a failure...
[3:03:52 PM] pD says: i just
[3:03:54 PM] pD says: i just
[3:03:55 PM] pD says: just
[3:03:58 PM] pD says: ...
[3:03:58 PM] pD says: sob
[3:04:00 PM] AE says: you're trying to justify
[3:04:02 PM] pD says: ...
[3:04:20 PM] pD says: want to express my feelings for the CD's
[3:04:25 PM] pD says: is that a crime
[3:04:40 PM] AE says: depends on your feelings for them, I guess...
[3:05:23 PM] AE says: we do have a microwave if you feel you need to express your feelings for the CD's in a different fasion...
[3:06:24 PM] pD says: do i want to know what you are suggesting...
[3:11:26 PM] AE says: you've never lived until you've put a CD and pounded it with radiation.
[3:11:48 PM] pD says: sounds like an environmental hazard
[3:12:06 PM] AE says: extremely. microwaves don't like it either.
[3:12:27 PM] pD says: what have those pits ever done to you...
[3:14:22 PM] AE says: well, when I was still impressionable (so, any time really) I was sent a whole bunch of junk CD's by a company I will not name, but who's initials are AOL.
[3:14:40 PM] nsy says: pits? i thought cds had seeds...?
[3:14:43 PM] AE says: I started coming up with creative ways to dispose of them...
[3:15:33 PM] AE says: the best way was to hang them on our fruit trees to keep the birds away.
[3:15:51 PM] AE says: (probably got the pits from the peach tree...)
[3:16:51 PM] pD says: so, you are taking it out on those innocent CD's? I should form "People Opposed to Opportunistic Pits Egregious Degradation"
[3:17:06 PM] pD says: a.k.a. Pooped
[3:19:22 PM] pD says: pits: how CD keeps info is via pits (sunken areas on the surface) which represents the )'s and 1's
[3:19:36 PM] AE says: I can tell, you've sided with the birds...
[3:19:50 PM] AE says: you're after our fruit trees!
[3:20:16 PM] pD says:
[3:25:34 PM] nsy says: yes, i was just being facetious (sp?)
[3:25:56 PM] nsy says: all that talk of apricots
[3:26:31 PM] nsy says: i love wiki. i always learn something new.
[3:27:21 PM] pD says: i have no green thumb
[3:27:27 PM] pD says: nothing grows well in my yard
[3:27:39 PM] pD says: but, i have turned it into an advantage
[3:28:12 PM] pD says: i have paid "special attention" to some specific weed problems and was quite successful
[3:28:13 PM] pD says: so far
[3:28:48 PM] nsy says: brb
[4:13:50 PM] pD says: have you guys heard about Lucas Film allowing fans to make their StarWars re-mix?
[4:18:27 PM] pD says: George Lucas picked this one:
[4:22:01 PM] pD says: very cute
[4:22:30 PM] pD says: more details on the fan movie challenge:
[4:30:52 PM] pD says: should we do one in a "foreign lanaguage" and we can sub-title it with whatever
[4:31:12 PM] pD says: think of those cheesy Kong-Fu films from the 70's
[4:31:46 PM] AE says: have you seen Troops?
[4:31:58 PM] AE says: It's a take off of Cops and Star Wars.
[4:32:05 PM] AE says: Brilliantly done too.
[4:32:40 PM] AE says:
[4:33:59 PM] AE says: the other one is the Pink Five trilogy:
[4:34:00 PM] AE says:
[4:34:16 PM] AE says: Think Star Wars meets Frank Zappa's Valley Girl
[4:34:30 PM] pD says: hahah!
[4:34:33 PM] pD says: have not seen it
[4:34:38 PM] pD says: i am downloading it right now
[4:34:53 PM] AE says: Oh cool! Company Screening! Let's fire up the projector!
[4:35:19 PM] pD says: even made it into IMDB:
[4:35:33 PM] AE says: yeah. they're pretty famous.
[4:35:45 PM] pD says: 28MB file tho
[4:35:50 PM] pD says: it's going to take a while
[4:36:01 PM] AE says: it's worth every bit.
[5:10:20 PM] pD says: got the server to work?
[5:11:17 PM] pD says: downloaded troops
[5:11:23 PM] pD says: cannot play on MSFT media player...
[5:11:31 PM] pD says: sad :(
[5:11:39 PM] AE says: bummer!
[5:12:15 PM] AE says: The server continues to be a thorn in my side.
[5:12:19 PM] pD says: it needs apple quicktime
[5:12:28 PM] AE says: I'm now aligning all the accellion tech support department to my cause.
[5:12:37 PM] pD says: you have a big side - for a server size thorn
[5:12:43 PM] AE says: the customer's crys will go unheeded!
[5:12:51 PM] AE says: Yeah... i've been trying to loose weight.
[5:12:55 PM] pD says: they are cry babies anyway
[5:13:11 PM] pD says: servers are, i mean
[5:13:17 PM] pD says: every time you turn them on, it cries
[5:13:18 PM] AE says: ah, yes, of course.
[5:13:22 PM] pD says: i rest my case
[5:13:53 PM] pD says: btw, can i post this thread?
[5:18:14 PM] AE says: fine with me.
[5:18:56 PM] pD says: hi nsy, would you mind taking a picture of JR at half staff?
[5:19:07 PM] pD says: trying to use up your HD space...
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