Monday, June 25, 2007

science fiction - b movie - ranking - pirates - cheerleading - pom-pom - jackson pollock

[10:38:03 AM] pD says: just realized that it is June 25th!

[10:38:17 AM] pD says: hate it! nearly half of year is gone and i have not done anything

[10:39:17 AM] nsy says: half a year since...?

[10:39:26 AM] nsy says: oh, 2007

[10:39:29 AM] pD says: since half year ago...

[10:39:56 AM] pD says: as a kid, i always felt time moved too slow. now, it is the reverse.

[10:40:54 AM] nsy says: heh. the 4th dimension is a silly place. tomorrow is my one-year at our current workplace, and i haven't done anything either - so don't feel bad

[11:01:38 AM] pD says: 4th dimension sucks, it only goes in one direction for mere mortals like me

[11:18:08 AM] nsy says: for now...

[11:18:34 AM] nsy says: until we make our 4th dimension travel machine

[11:25:25 AM] pD says: actually, i already do, but it is a hassle to get everyone on the same bus...

[11:25:43 AM] pD has changed the chat topic to "anti-environmental science fiction"

[11:26:05 AM] pD says: so, i just came up with a new sci-fi idea

[11:26:37 AM] pD says: as nano technology improves, RFID tags are nano-nized

[11:27:08 AM] pD says: and, as wal-mart leads the charge to put RFID on everything, the world is now tagged with nano RFID

[11:28:08 AM] pD says: in parallel, bio-science is developing all the sequence of RNA and people are now theorizing the possible of creating artificial intelligence using tinny bits of information like DNA/RNA

[11:28:22 AM] pD says: as the world develops, everyone is now onto re-cycling

[11:28:47 AM] pD says: then, in the recycling center, all the nano RFID are mixed and combined through out the process

[11:29:08 AM] pD says: so, like the scientists predicted, this inadvertently created new life forms

[11:30:38 AM] pD says: that is the basic idea - the rest becomes a narrative

[11:31:16 AM] nsy says: maybe Troma films will produce your movie as a Toxic Avenger sequel

[11:32:45 AM] pD says: but, in this story, everyone is doing the right thing - human recycling is the "cause"

[11:33:01 AM] pD says: RFID makes the world more efficient

[11:33:41 AM] pD says: Nano technology and bio-tech development improves quality of life through smaller physical footprint and better/targeted medicine

[11:34:39 AM] pD says: besides, there is no predisposition on the new life form is necessarily a bad thing - that is a moral judgment that would need to determine by the narrative

[11:37:45 AM] nsy says: if you're not doing a "b" movie where the audience is supposed to assume that the premise is true as a pre-cursor to the story, then i want to know how the rna/dna chips come to be "alive".

[11:38:56 AM] pD says: well, i am thinking of a "B" movie format, the above was pretty much the background info. what i am struggling is what the narrative would be, because it is too easy to become an anti-technology/development story line

[11:39:01 AM] pD says: now, about how the combine thing works

[11:39:10 AM] pD says: actually, i have a few theories

[11:39:19 AM] pD says: DNA works with ATGC pairs

[11:39:36 AM] pD says: each can only combine with specific counterpart

[11:40:03 AM] pD says: RNA, i am not as sure, but it is similar idea - but the current speculation is that RNA is really the mojo of life in the eye so human

[11:40:24 AM] pD says: in other words, most living forms have similar DNA structure - think hardware

[11:40:41 AM] pD says: but RNA is the OS that makes decisions on the various wirings and capabilities

[11:40:56 AM] pD says: now, back to how the chip combinations would work.

[11:41:20 AM] pD says: first off, it would have to be carbon based - this makes the chips "organic" (chemically speaking)

[11:42:01 AM] pD says: there are any number of reasons why human would want to make the chips organic - chiefly because it makes the chip flexible.

[11:43:19 AM] pD says: the other part is standardization, as wal-mart's of the world standardize on RFID, there is likely to come up with a standard set of designs much like ATGC

[11:43:45 AM] pD says: the final ingredient is nano-nization, which is another thing that is being pushed hard on

[11:43:59 AM] nsy says:

[11:44:08 AM] pD says: nano-nization makes it possible to create very basic blocks

[11:44:46 AM] pD says: so, in sum, these are the pieces that makes the leap of "recycling" as the primordial soup of life quite "plausible"

[11:48:18 AM] nsy says: fascinating. ok, i'll go see that b movie. whats the narrative, then?

[11:48:41 AM] pD says: well, that is the part that i struggle with

[11:49:24 AM] pD says: the initial creation of the organic-chip based life form would be fairly small and not a lot of "intelligence" beyond survival. but, that does that mean?

[11:49:45 AM] nsy says: amoeba?

[11:50:02 AM] pD says: sure

[11:50:44 AM] pD says: or, to make it "interesting" for the story, we can fast forward on their development from amoeba to XYZ, but what is that background story?

[11:59:44 AM] AE says: wait....

[12:00:10 PM] AE says: it's a B movie about RNA/DNA forming from RFID, and now you're throwing in XYZ....

[12:00:17 PM] AE says: too many acronyms... it will never work.

[12:01:00 PM] AE fades away again.

[12:01:24 PM] pD says: XYZ is a yet to be determined name for the being arising out of nano-RFID life form that human has to deal with on a (more or less) equal basis

[12:01:33 PM] nsy says: so, lets leave that part on the cutting room floor, and just get on to the meaty part

[12:02:34 PM] pD says: so, my assumption is that the initial creation of NR (nano-RFID) amoeba was not detected

[12:02:56 PM] pD says: so, while human congratulate themselves on being enlightened and efficient, etc., NR is being created

[12:03:00 PM] pD says: en masse

[12:03:45 PM] pD says: so, first question, what happens to their equals? do they cooperate with existing amoebas or do they act more like predators?

[12:04:43 PM] AE says: all life strives to survive.

[12:04:53 PM] AE says: so they would be predators.

[12:05:19 PM] AE says: but easy to track predators.

[12:05:24 PM] nsy says: but if they are all predators, who wins?

[12:05:35 PM] pD says: survival does not require predatory tendency - lot of beings, smaller ones usually, tend to survive better by cooperating

[12:05:43 PM] AE says: eventually our hero's learn they can track the RFID signals and are able to create a nano-hunter.

[12:06:01 PM] AE says: but that makes for bad horror/fiction.

[12:06:14 PM] AE says: "and everyone lived in cooperative harmony"

[12:06:21 PM] AE says: NOT!

[12:07:05 PM] nsy says: i guess their behavior at amoeba stage depends on the point you are trying to convey later in the film

[12:07:14 PM] nsy says: which is...?

[12:07:20 PM] pD says: i think it would be much more interesting to make NR being a more complex being. Otherwise, it becomes too easy to objectify them as the ruthless enemy and become yet another channel for human aggression

[12:07:42 PM] pD says: well, that is what is struggling with, what/where is the point that i want to reach?

[12:08:06 PM] pD says: i am not suggesting that it becomes a lovey-dovey thing - complexity is good

[12:09:07 PM] pD says: lunch time - brb

[12:12:58 PM] pD says: so, here are two routes that i can think of

[12:14:16 PM] pD says: one is that NR becomes integrated into the overall human-centric environment and replaces functions that is currently taken up by bacteria - digestion, etc.

[12:14:46 PM] pD says: the other is that NR develops its own biological tree and becomes distinct specie

[12:17:34 PM] pD says: one question that i cannot answer/decide is how does NR produce offspring. can it be done outside of the nano-RFID context. If yes, then, NR has to live closely to human footprint. or, they can develop separately

[12:17:39 PM] pD says: any thoughts?

[12:20:35 PM] nsy says: i don't see as many options for an exciting conclusion with the integration option... unless its the integrate - then take over scenario.

[12:27:36 PM] pD says: or, it creates two classes of human - the super-NR type and the regular

[12:28:09 PM] pD says: then, it could be the two classes duking it out, or maybe NR allies with regular to fight super-NR human?

[12:28:18 PM] nsy says: maybe they can reproduce by taking over stem cells and duplicating their genetic pattern - um, somehow. well, it's "b" sci-fi, right?

[12:29:35 PM] pD says: stem-cell, that is brilliant! since it would be carbon based and there is every incentive to "enhance" the stem cell with additional capabilities

[12:29:54 PM] pD says: the drawback, however, is that would the story line take an anti-stem cell stance?

[12:33:45 PM] nsy says: i'm pro stem cell usage, so, in the end, maybe humans will also have to use stem cells to "fight fire with fire" or some other cheezy catch-phrase.

[12:35:00 PM] nsy says: but then maybe its getting a little too cliche. not sure

[1:01:06 PM] AE says: the NR could also look to WalMar for fresh FRID-DNA...

[1:01:10 PM] AE says: *RFID...

[1:01:16 PM] AE says: I'm fried!

[1:01:30 PM] AE vs Apollo... Apollo wins!

[1:04:22 PM] AE says: it was really hot out today

[1:04:32 PM] AE says: in centigrade... that means REALLY HOT!

[1:09:04 PM] pD says: how about in kelvins?

[1:15:41 PM] AE says: I wear boxers, not kelvins...

[1:16:21 PM] pD says: too much details

[1:23:36 PM] pD has changed the chat topic to "google ranking slut"

[1:23:54 PM] pD says: noticed that NSA Chatters is coming up on regular google search every so often

[1:33:06 PM] pD says: as i am reasonably familiar with how google works, i am fascinated to see how the search engine would place this blog. after all, there is no obvious topic for a category

[1:35:48 PM] nsy says: have to reboot - be back soon...

[1:37:13 PM] pD says: that was weird, the last entry was missing from the blogspot location

[1:37:19 PM] pD says: just went in and re-published it

[1:37:28 PM] pD says: loved those pirate flags

[1:43:49 PM] nsy says: Aye, pirate flags are always fun

[1:44:44 PM] pD says: did we ever get too far on doing our own pirate flag?

[1:45:35 PM] pD says: btw, the flag voting is stagnating at 28 votes. should we aim for 30+ to reflect popular will or should we consider it good enough?

[1:46:19 PM] nsy says: good nuff for me

[1:47:37 PM] AE says: Ok. I'll go vote a few times then.

[1:47:52 PM] pD says: that is the spirit!

[1:48:20 PM] pD says: if we do not stuff the ballot box, we make no good pirates

[1:51:03 PM] AE says: arrr... depends on what yer stuffin' it with...

[1:51:19 PM] AE says: I hide all me dabloons in mine.

[1:51:34 PM] AE says: but now you all know that, so i'll have to keel ya.

[1:51:59 PM] pD says: arr... arr... arr.....\

[1:52:08 PM] pD says: just like saying "arrrrr...."

[1:57:05 PM] pD says: clears the throat quite nicely

[2:04:01 PM] nsy says: rra raa raa

[2:04:09 PM] nsy says: i'm a dyslexic pirate

[2:05:56 PM] nsy says:

[2:09:55 PM] nsy says:

[2:58:55 PM] pD says: hahah! water coming out of my nose!

[2:59:06 PM] pD says: Dyslexic pirates

Make outstanding cheerleaders.

Their cry rings out, "Rahhhh!"

- by Brett Slater, Bangor, Maine

[2:59:13 PM] pD says: pirate haiku

[2:59:46 PM] nsy says: my personal favorite as well

[3:27:01 PM] pD says: would pirates use pom-pom's?

[3:27:22 PM] pD says: say, maybe that is our pirate flag - skull with pom-poms!

[3:28:55 PM] nsy says: lol

[3:29:05 PM] AE says: yeah!

[3:29:25 PM] pD says: skull with NSA spelt with pmo-poms

[3:40:22 PM] nsy says: or maybe the cross-bones could be 2 pom-poms?

[3:41:30 PM] pD says: nsy, can you humor us with a few pom-pom images?

[3:49:56 PM] AE says: you have to be careful how you read that word, pom...

[3:52:03 PM] nsy says: i looked for a pirate cheer, but there are too many sporting teams names "pirates" - no luck - let me try images

[3:53:15 PM] pD says: pirates in pom-pom could do well

[3:57:16 PM] AE says:

[4:01:21 PM] nsy says:

[4:02:48 PM] AE says: yea, but that pom means something else...

[4:03:27 PM] nsy says: lol -

[4:03:50 PM] nsy says: its about cheerleading, right?

[4:04:11 PM] nsy says: see url

[4:04:35 PM] nsy says:

[4:08:13 PM] AE says: oh, the izod pirate is a bad song....

[4:08:18 PM] AE says: bad. evil.

[4:08:21 PM] AE says: wicked.

[4:08:38 PM] AE says: I like this line though, from another song:

[4:08:40 PM] AE says:

There's a patch on me eye and there's stripes on me shirt

We're surrounded by water and still we find dirt

[4:08:49 PM] AE says: that sounds like me kids.

[4:18:19 PM] pD sent file "p2.JPG
" to members of this chat

[4:19:36 PM] nsy says: hahaha - thats hilarious

[4:20:18 PM] pD says: the alternative was to have pirates holding pom-poms in the formation of NSA. But, that is a bit too much work graphically.

[4:38:58 PM] pD says: so far this is the winning flag:

[4:39:03 PM] pD says: before the pom-poms

[5:03:06 PM] AE says: night all.

[5:04:37 PM] pD says: caio

[5:04:56 PM] nsy says: buh-bye

[5:11:57 PM] nsy says:

[5:14:46 PM] pD says: i trust the feeling is mutual

[5:14:58 PM] pD says: actually, flight attendants cannot do much against you

[5:15:08 PM] pD says: the worst is if you piss of your waiter, oh boy!

[5:15:13 PM] pD says: things can get ugly

[5:16:02 PM] nsy says: exactly! i never understood those people who are cruel to their servers. you're really just hurting yourself

[5:17:13 PM] nsy says: i knew a guy who was a bartender, and he claims he never did it himself, but they would put visine in pepoles drinks if they were jerks. i guess it is like ex-lax.

[5:19:17 PM] pD says: does it work? Visine - i just saw that in "the wedding crasher"

[5:19:29 PM] pD says: not a horrible film if you have no expectation

[5:19:56 PM] pD says: i think visine is a lot of work, i have heard that they just spit in your food

[5:20:39 PM] nsy says: he said it really works

[5:20:56 PM] nsy says: but i can't speak from experience

[5:21:30 PM] nsy says: yah - vince vaughan is entertaining - if you have no expectation like you said

[5:22:38 PM] pD says: i thought he did a good job playing dumb in Mr Ms Smith

[5:23:02 PM] nsy says: i didn’t see that one yet

[5:23:04 PM] pD says: he plays a certain role very well. Not so good at others. but, that is one more than most of us non-Hollywood type.

[5:23:27 PM] nsy says: he did a good job in clay pigeons - an early role for him

[5:23:33 PM] pD says: i think i need to put it on my list, i saw it on a flight a while back, so it was quite butchered.

[5:23:35 PM] pD says: thanks for reminding me

[5:23:54 PM] nsy says: ;)

[5:31:39 PM] pD says: in case you have not seen, i highly recommend "Who the $#%& is Jackson Pollock?"

[5:32:12 PM] pD says:

[5:41:45 PM] pD says: it makes the art establishment look silly

[5:42:00 PM] pD says: and, as we all know, anything that makes somebody look silly is a good thing

[5:43:04 PM] pD says: hmm...

[5:43:09 PM] pD says: just lost connection

[5:43:28 PM] pD says: am back

[5:41:55 PM] nsy: nice! i'll add that to my list - thanks

[5:42:10 PM] nsy says: yes, indeed

[5:46:32 PM] pD says: silly or jackson pollock

[5:46:37 PM] pD says: :)!

NSA Chatters crew

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