[7/12/2007 10:12:30 AM] pD says: i have blown through (literally and figuratively) a good stack of tissue papers this morning already
[7/12/2007 10:20:34 AM] nsy says: yikes! do you know what you're allergic to?
[7/12/2007 10:20:53 AM] pD says: O2
[7/12/2007 10:20:55 AM] AE says: trees
[7/12/2007 10:21:14 AM] pD says: organic objects
[7/12/2007 10:21:15 AM] AE says: oh, maybe you're alergic to tissue paper!
[7/12/2007 10:21:48 AM] AE says: it's a plot by the tissue paper industry!
[7/12/2007 10:22:12 AM] AE says: everytime you blow your nose it makes your nose run! A viscious circle...
[7/12/2007 10:22:22 AM] AE says: first they engineered the death of the cloth hanky...
[7/12/2007 10:22:37 AM] AE says: then they subverted us to the paper tissue...
[7/12/2007 10:22:53 AM] AE says: now they've imbued them with a special powder that makes you sneeze!
[7/12/2007 10:23:19 AM] AE says: and if they haven't they should! Because it would be good for the economy!
[7/12/2007 10:24:01 AM] pD says: hahaha!
[7/12/2007 10:24:29 AM] pD says: you remind me of the character from "King of the Hill" who believes in conspirarcy theories of all sorts
[7/12/2007 10:25:00 AM] pD says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_of_the_Hill
[7/12/2007 10:25:23 AM] pD says: Dale: Dale Gribble
[7/12/2007 10:25:50 AM] pD says:

[7/12/2007 10:26:20 AM] pD says: btw, why would imbuing sneeze power be good for the economy?
[7/12/2007 10:27:37 AM] AE says: because massive tissue production will help deforestation.
[7/12/2007 10:27:46 AM] AE says: and trees are bad for the economy.
[7/12/2007 10:28:57 AM] pD says: AE, i know you are being facetious, but that still makes no sense
[7/12/2007 10:29:09 AM] AE says: ok, what is US currency printed on?
[7/12/2007 10:29:59 AM] AE says: a cloth pulp mixture.
[7/12/2007 10:30:01 AM] AE says: and what is counterfiet currency printed on?
[7/12/2007 10:30:02 AM] AE says: paper
[7/12/2007 10:30:31 AM] AE says: so, remove the paper, you remove the material component of counerfiet money.
[7/12/2007 10:30:55 AM] AE says: since counterfieting costs the US govenerment billions a year...
[7/12/2007 10:31:08 AM] AE says: it would be good for the economy to reduce or totally remove it.
[7/12/2007 10:31:28 AM] AE says: not to mention the side savings we'd all incurr in not having to do as much paperwork...
[7/12/2007 10:33:09 AM] AE says: Ok. Off to do an instal.
[7/12/2007 10:36:41 AM] pD says: well, within the US, the move is to go into electonic money. Most of the transactions are done via credit cards already. and, larger ticket items are done via check. so, the amount of paper money in circulation is quite minimum.
[7/12/2007 10:37:38 AM] pD says: and, even the use of check is dropping significantly. so much that Fed reserve announced recently that they will consolidate their check processing facilities and cut over 1,700 positions related to that process: http://www.wtop.com/?nid=111&sid=1175678
[7/12/2007 10:38:39 AM] pD says: interestingly, most of the US paper money circulates outside of the US as it is considered a good store of value - be you drug lord or Japanese tourists visiting Uganda
[7/12/2007 10:40:00 AM] pD says: on that basis, it has been the intention of the US mint to increase the frequency of paper money design. This does not deter counterfeits per se, but it does significantly increases the costs of printing large quantity. i think one of the latest in disucussion was to embed RFID onto the bill
[7/12/2007 10:40:55 AM] pD says: http://www.eetimes.com/story/OEG20011219S0016
[7/12/2007 10:41:17 AM] pD says: but, that does raise significant privacy concerns because it becomes a de-facto tracking machanism.
[7/12/2007 10:42:31 AM] pD subscribes to all the federal reserve publications
[7/12/2007 10:42:45 AM] pD is a dork
[7/12/2007 10:59:10 AM] pD has changed the chat topic to "dork v geek"
[7/12/2007 10:59:22 AM] pD says: so, here is a question that i ponder every so often
[7/12/2007 10:59:35 AM] pD says: what is the difference between a dork vis-a-vis a geek?
[7/12/2007 10:59:53 AM] pD says: equally importantly, who would win when pitted against each otehr
[7/12/2007 12:00:44 PM] pD says: saw two funny bumper stickers today
[7/12/2007 12:01:01 PM] pD says: one says: my kid is a honor student but my president is an idiot
[7/12/2007 12:01:09 PM] pD says: the other is graphic in format
[7/12/2007 12:01:35 PM] pD says: nixon (head shot) - brain (a picture) = bush (head shot)
[7/12/2007 2:02:48 PM] pD says: this is a blantant commercial - becasue they are - from Dailey. Go on their site and you can see some really interesting ad's. Never seen any of them - then, I do not watch TV often: http://www.daileyads.com/
[7/12/2007 4:50:28 PM] pD says: btw, how often does AE get a massage, i am jealous
[7/12/2007 7:52:03 PM] AE says: he gets one about once every 6 weeks.
[7/12/2007 7:52:29 PM] AE says: and the debate I've heard is Geek v Nerd.
[7/12/2007 7:52:58 PM] AE says: It's an East Coast (Nerd's are cool) vs West Coast (Geeks rule) thing.
[7/12/2007 7:53:24 PM] AE says: if you call someone a geek in New York, it's like calling them a nerd or dork on our coast.
[11:19:39 AM] pD says: need to grab lunch
[11:19:46 AM] pD says: wanna walk to ming's, AE?
[11:31:20 AM] AE says: yes!
[11:31:28 AM] AE says: I'll go run and then we'll walk over.
[11:43:11 AM] pD says: i want: Mings Special Hong Kong Pan Fried Noodles
[11:43:47 AM] pD says: btw, i found the msuic at Ming's site, very distrubing: http://www.mings.com/
[11:43:59 AM] pD says: bad music is bad music is bad music
[12:06:57 PM] pD says: I can see how nerds vs geeks would be considered positive traits on the coastal context
[12:07:31 PM] pD says: but, i guess i am more exploring the deragatory side of things. when do you call somebody a dork vs a geek - what isthe difference?
[12:27:43 PM] AE says: on this coast at least, Geek is a positive term.
[12:32:50 PM] AE says: sweet and sour mock pork
[12:33:17 PM] AE says: (650)856-7700
[2:50:57 PM] AE says: But on the east coast Geek is a negative term.
[2:50:59 PM] AE says: Geek vs dork...
[2:51:14 PM] AE says: I think dork is universally a derogatory term.
[2:51:21 PM] AE says: but geeks can be cool, hip.
[2:51:33 PM] pD says: that is fair.
[2:51:35 PM] AE says: http://geekspeak.org, for example. Those guys are way cool!
[2:52:00 PM] pD says: but, let's transport ourselves outside of the silicon valley or any tech centers, how would the two terms play out?
[2:52:35 PM] AE says: my relatives know I'm a geek. In Texas, I was introduced as : "This is my grandson, he's a geek."
[2:52:41 PM] AE says: this was received very well.
[2:52:58 PM] AE says: so it was not a derogatory term, and the people invovled were octogenarians at least.
[2:53:13 PM] pD says: hahah!
[2:53:22 PM] AE says: plus it's entered our common lives as non-derogatory: geeksquad is an example.
[2:53:38 PM] pD says: so, i guess i can only refer to my self as a dork, then
[2:53:47 PM] AE says: Ok... that's a bad example, because people (especially their geek piers) think they suck.
[2:53:55 PM] AE says: why? what are you trying to portray?
[2:54:03 PM] AE says: un-hipness?
[2:54:06 PM] AE says: un-coolness?
[2:54:13 PM] AE says: cluelessness?
[2:55:06 PM] pD says: soemthing like that
[2:55:24 PM] pD says: just like people who get into goth and punk in the initial stage
[2:55:35 PM] pD says: being un-hip is the hip thing
[2:56:18 PM] pD says: similarly, it is like black people calling each otehr nigga' or women refers themselves as bitches
[2:56:39 PM] pD says: i think, as an exercise, it is interesting because it initially adds a shock value,
[2:57:09 PM] pD says: but, as it gets cooped by the main(er) stream, it turns into something edgy/hip and lose much of its punch
[2:57:14 PM] AE says: shock to whom? Most people are too narcasitic to understand something like that.
[2:57:30 PM] AE says: are you trying to find the next edge?
[2:57:32 PM] pD says: imagine that, 5 years from now, "dork" is a good word
[2:57:48 PM] AE says: like geek.
[2:58:13 PM] pD says: oh, as a social phenemonem (i am butchering this word), it is intersting to see the evolution of words
[2:58:14 PM] AE says: when i was in highschool, being a geek or nerd was synonomus with being a dork.
[2:58:39 PM] AE says: and usually resulted in lowered enjoyment of social activities.
[2:58:51 PM] AE says: unless you count swirlies as a social activity.
[2:58:56 PM] pD says: that is a good example, now that the word "geek" has taken on a different set of meaning - esepcailly after the dot com thing
[2:59:14 PM] AE says: yeah. you know why?
[2:59:22 PM] pD says: why
[2:59:25 PM] AE says: beause the geeks were rich!
[2:59:38 PM] AE says: suddenly those geeks from highschool were driving porches
[2:59:43 PM] AE says: porches?
[2:59:48 PM] AE says: can you drive a porch?
[2:59:55 PM] AE says: you know what I mean.
[2:59:58 PM] pD says: not sure if that is a valid test - for example, i would quality both bill gates and warren buffets as more dorky than geeky
[3:00:10 PM] pD says: and they ain't poor
[3:00:14 PM] AE says: yea. and look at how popular they are.
[3:00:19 PM] pD says: porsche
[3:00:24 PM] AE says: pooch?
[3:00:48 PM] AE says: bill gates was hugely unknown in high school, I bet.
[3:01:14 PM] AE says: so I think that very much proves my point.
[3:01:27 PM] AE says: until he became a billionaire he was not much known.
[3:01:40 PM] pD says: NSA Chatters
[3:01:45 PM] pD says: btw, that was a commercial break
[3:01:47 PM] AE says: now there are probably very few people in the world who don't know him.
[3:01:49 PM] AE says: haha.
[3:02:00 PM] pD says: i noted that our google ranking has dropped since we do not refer to our own title often
[3:02:04 PM] AE says: Google that, biatch!
[3:02:21 PM] pD says: i would occasionally drop that in just becasue i am a ranking whore
[3:02:28 PM] AE says: So we need to start mentioning that NSA Chatters is going down in rankings?
[3:02:29 PM] pD says: (rofl)
[3:02:39 PM] pD says: that is a good start
[3:02:54 PM] pD says: speaking of bill gates, i think he was pretty well known in various circles
[3:02:55 PM] AE says: Or that NSA Chatters is going to one day rule the blogging universe?
[3:03:02 PM] AE says: Like where?
[3:03:03 PM] pD says: fame is a relative thing
[3:03:23 PM] pD says: oh, he was the first one to sell a Basic compiler
[3:03:34 PM] pD says: that is how Microsoft got started
[3:03:41 PM] pD says: he also did not shy from being an asshole
[3:03:55 PM] pD says: he was suiting everyone for copying/pirating his compiler
[3:04:01 PM] pD says: that was considered by unhip
[3:04:12 PM] pD says: then, of course, IBM called on him for the OS
[3:04:40 PM] pD says: and, i read somewhere that fairly early in Microsoft's life, there has been a person dedicated to answer all the "fan mails" for bill
[3:04:53 PM] pD says: apparently, he got a tonne of marriage proposals
[3:05:22 PM] AE says: right, but that was after.
[3:05:30 PM] AE says: before he started M$, who was he?
[3:05:36 PM] AE says: some geek.
[3:07:55 PM] pD says: i think we are mixing several discussions here
[3:08:14 PM] pD says: one of the points for discussion is the difference between geek and dork
[3:08:27 PM] AE says: ok. you're a dork. i'm a geek.
[3:08:28 PM] pD says: on this point, i do not believe there is a clear answer beyond the fact that current usage
[3:08:40 PM] AE says: so now it's up to you to define who you are.
[3:08:44 PM] AE says: and i'll do the same.
[3:08:45 PM] pD says: is such that geek has a preferred image
[3:09:05 PM] AE says: it doesn't matter to me. I was a geek long before it was cool.
[3:09:08 PM] pD says: then, there is a discussion on what makes geek a preferred/popular word
[3:09:17 PM] AE says: i played with computers and model rockets in high school.
[3:09:24 PM] AE says: i spent friday nights gaming with other geeks.
[3:09:24 PM] pD says: the concludsion is that if you are rich, people would love you
[3:09:40 PM] AE says: ... i don't know that love is the right word.
[3:09:46 PM] AE says: more... know you? respect you?
[3:09:54 PM] AE says: i don't know if that's accurate either.
[3:10:07 PM] pD says: that is not in dispute and when Bill gates goes from a geek to a uber-rich geek in the eyes of the public is a debate on degree as oppose to definition
[3:11:04 PM] pD says: finally, there is the point of discussion on the usage of a word in the greater social context - words such as bitch, nigga, etc.
[3:11:29 PM] pD says: and, as there is no "answer" on that one as such, my proposal is to call myself as "dork"
[3:11:42 PM] pD says: becasue being a "dork" is the new un-hip
[3:11:48 PM] pD says: which makes you/me hip
[3:12:09 PM] pD says: which is definitely a very sophmoric logic,
[3:12:12 PM] AE says: you calling me a dork?
[3:12:22 PM] pD says: but, it makes me happy
[3:12:26 PM] AE says: LOL
[3:12:27 PM] pD says: i call myself a dork
[3:12:37 PM] pD says: you can call youself whatever you like
[3:12:42 PM] AE says: then it's up to you to define dorkdom.
[3:12:50 PM] pD says: but, i do claim the first dorkhood
[3:13:09 PM] AE says: Ok. We'll refer to you as sir dork.
[3:13:21 PM] AE says: if we had Lindsey on line we could make it official.
[3:13:24 PM] pD says: spellt backward, dork is kord
[3:13:26 PM] AE says: where is she, anyway?
[3:13:43 PM] pD says: kord is like a cord (let's say its a norse spelling)
[3:13:56 PM] pD says: and, what is a cord - it connects you with the mother ship
[3:13:59 PM] AE says: it's an acronym: King Of Real Dorks
[3:14:13 PM] pD says: and, surely, it is like the pope - also known as pontif
[3:14:30 PM] pD says: from the word that means bridge which is who he is - the brdige between men and god
[3:15:02 PM] pD says: so, King of Real Dorks, is nothing but a code for being the connectiion with the omnipotent
[3:15:13 PM] pD says: yeah, where is lindsey?
[3:15:21 PM] pD says: is she on other IM's?
[3:15:35 PM] AE says: congatulations! we'll all be asking you for stuff from above now.
[3:15:37 PM] AE says: nope.
[3:15:43 PM] AE says: Lindsey is MIA.
[3:16:01 PM] AE says: Well... time for me to battle the lords of chaos.
[3:16:12 PM] pD says: no probolem, i am never shy on making up stuff out of thin air
[3:16:22 PM] pD says: have a safe drive home and a good weekend
[3:16:26 PM] AE says: haha. thank you.
[3:16:31 PM] AE says: you have a good weekend as well!
[3:16:37 PM] pD says: ciao
NSA Chatters crew
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