[11:29:11 AM] pD says: i assume you drove yourself instead of car pooled
[11:31:25 AM] nsy says: yep - my carpool is in boston this week. i brought mike's saturn yesterday because he is off thurs fri
[11:32:03 AM] pD says: mike! yes, the band dude
[11:32:56 AM] pD says: would he be willing to make a guest appearance?
[11:33:01 AM] nsy says: i was hoping to drive to LA last night and work from my moms house today, so i can see my sisters. maybe i'll leave tonight, but seems a lost cause without 3 days at least.
[11:33:19 AM] pD says: or, nsa chatters is too mickey mouse for him?
[11:33:34 AM] pD says: sorry, you lost me at the second half
[11:33:45 AM] pD says: so, you will not go?
[11:33:58 AM] nsy says: he just made breakfast - and we're about to eat - then he's running off to play disk golf, but i'll ask him during breakfast anyway ;)
[11:34:11 AM] nsy says: sorry - tired and blathering
[11:34:14 AM] pD says: well, we are ranked by google now
[11:34:16 AM] nsy says: back in a bit...
[11:34:25 AM] pD says: hopefully, that gives a touch of cachet
[11:34:31 AM] nsy says: neat-o!
[11:34:50 AM] pD says: what is for breakfast?
[11:50:05 AM] AE says: gruel.
[11:50:31 AM] pD says: grits is pretty good
[11:50:42 AM] AE says: "what are grits?"
[11:50:51 AM] AE says: "grits is free with breakfast."
[11:51:01 AM] AE says: "but what are grits?"
[11:51:16 AM] AE says: "grits are $1.50 extra."
[11:51:23 AM] AE says: "Ok. I'll have the grits."
[11:51:36 AM] AE is done talking to himself
[11:52:00 AM] pD says: Usually a breakfast item in the US Southern region. Made from the kernel of corn. When corn has been soaked in lye and the casing has been removed it becomes Hominy. The lye is rinsed out very well and the corn is left to harden. Then the swollen hominy is ground up to the texture of tiny pellets. When boiled with water, milk and butter it becomes a cereal similar to cream of wheat. It's used as a side dish for a good old fashioned Southern breakfast. ...
[11:52:07 AM] pD says: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGIH_enUS211US211&q=define%3a+grits
[11:52:48 AM] nsy says: is that a movie quote, AE?
[11:53:14 AM] pD says:

[11:53:32 AM] pD says: grits and bacon. hmm....
[11:53:32 AM] nsy says: mmm bbq grilled chicken apple sausage and country potatoes - yum!
[11:54:45 AM] pD says: y'all having grits in santa cruz?
[11:57:16 AM] nsy says: never been a fan of grits or cream of wheat - but oat meal is a different story...
[12:14:19 PM] pD says: steel cut oat meal
[12:14:22 PM] pD says: hmm....
[12:14:32 PM] pD doing the Homer Simpson
[12:14:59 PM] nsy says: don't know if i've had that...
[12:16:25 PM] pD says:
[12:17:06 PM] pD says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steel-cut_oats
[12:17:37 PM] pD says: great texture and goes beautifully with cream and honey - steel cut oats
[12:21:13 PM] AE says: got to cook them right though, or they're crunchy.
[12:23:39 PM] nsy says: mmm - sounds tasty.
[12:23:53 PM] AE says: they're a little more filling than rolled oats.
[12:24:46 PM] pD says: steel cut oats does take more time to cook - about 20-30 minutes -depending on the cut - but it is worth it - if you have the time
[12:24:55 PM] AE says: I totally agree.
[12:25:09 PM] AE says: what do you put on them?
[12:25:27 PM] pD says: cream and honey as start
[12:25:31 PM] pD says: sometime i use brown sugar
[12:25:49 PM] AE says: cream and honey... wow! That sounds awesome!
[12:26:08 PM] pD says: for savory, i put in bacon and fried egg
[12:26:14 PM] pD says: probably would not work for you
[12:26:18 PM] pD says: tho
[12:26:42 PM] AE says: We put fresh berries and yogurt. Or syrup and nuts.
[12:27:40 PM] pD says: i like nuts too
[12:28:04 PM] pD says: i tend not to put (fresh) fruit, sometimes, there is too much acidity with fruit
[12:29:17 PM] nsy says: i like walnut or pecan bits and honey
[12:29:30 PM] nsy says: and cream of course
[12:30:47 PM] pD says: this is hypothetical, but i think avocado and a touch of balsamic would be quite nice too
[12:31:11 PM] pD says: or, you can do the japanese style with avocado and a touch of sea salt
[12:31:21 PM] pD says: hmm... avocado
[12:31:27 PM] pD doing the homer simpson
[12:31:55 PM] AE says: I love avocado with salt...
[12:32:01 PM] AE says: /joins pD
[12:32:07 PM] AE joins pD
[12:32:22 PM] pD says: we need bibs
[12:32:23 PM] nsy says: i once had "chocolate" pudding at a vegan shop that consisted of avocado and carob powder blended
[12:32:28 PM] AE says: heh
[12:32:32 PM] AE says: wow! how was it?
[12:32:38 PM] AE says: did it taste like pudding?
[12:32:50 PM] nsy says: not really, but it was very good!
[12:32:56 PM] AE says: wait... chocolate has no milk...
[12:33:01 PM] AE says: why substitute it?
[12:33:34 PM] nsy says: caffeine?
[12:34:03 PM] nsy says: why do people normally substitute carob for cocoa?
[12:34:07 PM] AE says: maybe... but vegans drink coffee...
[12:34:18 PM] AE says: because their taste buds are defective
[12:34:22 PM] nsy says: well, it was a "health food" type place
[12:34:34 PM] pD says: could be cost
[12:34:41 PM] AE says: yeah, well, only your MOM ever said health food had to taste bad.
[12:34:42 PM] pD says: cocoa butter is quite expensive
[12:34:52 PM] AE says: I consider chocolate healthier than carob.
[12:35:07 PM] pD says: so, if they use the dutch cocoa powder, that could significantly cut down on the cost
[12:35:29 PM] AE says: why? is that carob based?
[12:36:34 PM] pD says: sorry, got confused. i was thinking of cocoa
[12:36:37 PM] pD says: carob: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carob
[12:36:49 PM] pD says: did not know that it is a substitute
[12:39:01 PM] AE says: trust me. it's not.
[12:39:20 PM] nsy says: http://www.chow.com/stories/10491
[12:45:27 PM] pD says: i say, go for the real stuff
[12:49:22 PM] pD says: speaking of which - i also like to recommend Jouvaud: http://gc-gastronomic.blogspot.com/2004/12/jouvaud.html
[12:58:45 PM] nsy says: sounds de-lish!
[1:13:25 PM] pD says: sad to report that my absolutely favorite first son will be going to day care starting next week
[1:15:46 PM] AE says: don't do that!
[1:15:52 PM] AE says: we can make a fair job of it here!
[1:16:09 PM] AE says: bring him in! it would be great to help raise your son!~
[1:16:15 PM] pD says: too much EM waves in the office
[1:16:31 PM] AE says: we'll turn off all the lights when he's here then.
[1:16:41 PM] pD says: and computers
[1:16:59 PM] AE says: the lights produce more than the computers: the computers are shielded.
[1:17:01 PM] pD says: beside, our carpet is kind of yucky
[1:17:12 PM] AE says: even after we washed it... sheesh.
[1:17:20 PM] pD says: there is also the wireless thing
[1:17:31 PM] AE says: yeah... he'll love that!
[1:17:49 PM] pD says: anyway, the really sad part if that i will have to come in during normal hours now
[1:17:58 PM] pD says: since i have to leave around 5pm to pick him up
[1:18:01 PM] AE says: wow...
[1:18:10 PM] pD is not complaining about the picking up part
[1:18:17 PM] AE says: what a change... you're usually here pretty late.
[1:18:41 PM] pD says: i use to be the last one in - but, some people have been beating me on that score...
[1:18:48 PM] pD says: and, i am not talking about nsy
[1:19:42 PM] nsy says: heh
[1:19:51 PM] nsy says: so lonely...
[1:54:24 PM] pD says: yeah, go ahead blame it on my favorite first son
[1:55:56 PM] AE says: children make us grow up.
[1:56:08 PM] pD says: they don't!
[1:56:09 PM] AE says: whether we want to or not.
[1:56:21 PM] pD says: they make us long for the truly good old days
[1:56:29 PM] pD says: that is how we become old farts...
[1:56:42 PM] AE says: they show us how to appreciate what we once had.
[1:57:09 PM] pD says: walking bare foot uphill both ways?
[1:58:11 PM] AE says: but they can be darn cute... here's the picture my daughter drew of nsy:
[1:59:03 PM] AE sent file
to members of this chat
[2:00:31 PM] pD says: nsy in her pirate gear with a thawed chicken on her shoulder
[2:00:41 PM] pD says: that is cool
[2:00:59 PM] pD says: can she draw me on the plank, ready to take the plunge?
[2:01:34 PM] nsy says: just the coolest thing EVER!
[2:02:04 PM] pD says: thawed chicken? definitely
[2:02:27 PM] pD says: speaking of which, i remember a story about 'em chickens
[2:03:03 PM] pD says: so, part of the new testing for airplane is to make sure that it does not get damaged (significantly) when a bird flies into it as it happens sometimes around airports
[2:03:24 PM] AE says: is this the chicken catapult story?
[2:03:34 PM] pD says: so, there is an air gun that you can use to shot chicken (being the most economical ammunition choice) at the air plane
[2:03:37 PM] pD says: for testing, you know
[2:03:54 PM] pD says: one day, a call came in and there was panic on the other line
[2:04:12 PM] pD says: apparently, the chicken cut through cleanly and made some serious damage to the latest model in test
[2:04:35 PM] pD says: upon further inspection, it was determined, that the operator used frozen chicken instead of thawed chicken
[2:04:47 PM] pD says: thereby rendering the ballistic much more potent
[2:05:00 PM] pD says: is this the same catapult story you heard, AE?
[2:05:12 PM] AE says: yes. they had it on MythBusters...
[2:05:35 PM] pD says: so, did it actually happen?
[2:05:40 PM] pD has no cable
[2:05:42 PM] AE says: http://kwc.org/mythbusters/2004/02/mythbusters_chicken_gun.html
[2:07:24 PM] pD says: hahah!
[2:07:29 PM] pD says: but, what actually happened?
[2:07:43 PM] pD says: according to the mythbuster thing, the thawed chicken was annihilated?
[2:07:51 PM] AE says: pureed.
[2:07:57 PM] pD says: so, that means, they could not have fired a thawed chicken?
[2:08:09 PM] AE says: they did. they turned the pressure down in the air cannon.
[2:08:18 PM] pD says: was that the actual reason why a frozen is preferred?
[2:08:24 PM] AE says: then they were able to launch it without destroying it.
[2:08:39 PM] AE says: don't know... makes sense though.
[2:08:42 PM] pD says: i see, so it is the acceleration that purees the chicken
[2:08:54 PM] AE says: probably.
[2:09:15 PM] pD says: base on physically, it is true that when it is mass + velocity, the state of the matter does not matter that much
[2:09:49 PM] pD says: unless, of course, the aerodynamics changes significantly with a thawed chicken whereas a frozen one keeps its shape and thereby reduces the air drag
[2:10:25 PM] pD says: also, consider that a frozen chicken would have a smaller impact surface, it would also translate into high pressure per given surface area
[2:10:32 PM] pD says: so, again, that makes intuitive sense
[2:11:52 PM] nsy says: ask Y about how to stump an engineer about the Bernoulli effect. too much story to write, sorry
[2:12:18 PM] pD says: the thing that gives the wing the lift?
[2:12:33 PM] pD says: i will
[2:13:09 PM] nsy says: yep
[2:13:22 PM] pD says: vroom!
[3:13:41 PM] AE says: when the chicken hits the window, kinetic energy is distributed: both to the windscreen and the chicken.
[3:14:15 PM] AE says: if the chicken has a higher tensile strength (frozen), then it will impart more of the kinetic energy into the windscreen.
[3:14:31 PM] AE says: the chicken will take slightly less damage.
[3:15:05 PM] AE says: however, i believe the ability of the chicken to retain it's shape probably results in a higher velocity/impact speed.
[3:17:30 PM] AE says: well speaking of chickens, i've got to fly the coupe here.
[3:17:59 PM] AE says: may your weekend contain a perfect moment.
[3:24:10 PM] pD says: what is chicken's bird call?
[3:25:04 PM] AE says: [deleted]?
[3:25:24 PM] AE says: oh wait. I'm leaving... Bye!
[3:28:46 PM] pD says: AE is still here
[3:28:54 PM] pD says: liar liar pants on fire
[3:39:41 PM] pD says: AE is still here
[3:39:43 PM] pD sighs
[3:48:30 PM] pD says: no job is that good...
[9:24:50 AM] AE says: this job is.
NSA Chatters crew
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