[9:53:34 AM] pD says: i included several embedded youtube clips on the blog
[9:53:55 AM] pD says: and, you can play them simultaneously - i think that qualifies us since they are multiple threads going at the same time
[9:54:18 AM] pD is feeling a bit down since he thought Web 2.0 was something more fancy
[9:57:01 AM] AE says: please define web 2.0...
[9:57:25 AM] AE says: Actually, there was a great spiel about security, identity and web 2.0... let me see if I can find a link...
[9:57:33 AM] pD says: hell if i know!
[9:57:44 AM] pD says: but, seriously, that is a subject of much debate
[9:57:56 AM] pD says: i think the technical definition of AJAX is more precise
[9:58:20 AM] pD says: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
[9:58:28 AM] pD says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajax_(programming)
[9:58:57 AM] pD says: as for Web 2.0, i think the original idea is that using techniques such as AJAX, it allows the web to be more interactive in both directions.
[9:59:08 AM] pD says: in the bad old days, web content is more one direction
[9:59:33 AM] pD says: now, slackers like me can post blog and embed video clips to create our own content
[9:59:37 AM] AE says: here, this is brilliant: http://youtube.com/watch?v=RrpajcAgR1E
[10:00:17 AM] pD says: and, with that, now web 2.0 seems to have developed into the concept of end-user based web/content activities - youtube, blog, etc.
[10:00:45 AM] pD says: well, that is my personally definition
[10:01:26 AM] pD says: what is the clip about, AE?
[10:01:31 AM] pD says: it is 15 minutes long...
[10:15:24 AM] AE says: yeah. that's right.
[10:15:35 AM] AE says: it's about 15 minutes long.
[11:12:40 AM] pD says: Little boss seems to be doing well in day care
[11:12:59 AM] pD says: the first day was a bit traumatic - mostly for BIB
[11:13:41 AM] pD says: the little boss also came back a bit cranky - i think he was just over stimulated since he never hangs out with many others
[11:14:01 AM] pD says: but, second day, yesterday, was okay. he was pretty normal when i picked him up
[11:16:00 AM] pD says: so, my conclusion is that he either hates me now, but did not want to say it or he can deal with shifting vicissitude well
[11:16:26 AM] pD is pondering the imponderable
[11:42:12 AM] pD says: btw, nsy, how did you get volunteered to do a re-fresher course?
[11:50:39 AM] pD says: little lindsey is very cute, isn't she
[12:13:41 PM] pD says: say, isn't this sort of what we do? Assignment Zero: Can Crowds Create Fiction, Architecture and Photography?
[12:13:47 PM] pD says: http://www.wired.com/techbiz/media/news/2007/07/assignment_zero_all
[12:14:53 PM] nsy says: S knows i'll do it because i like educated customers - better for us in the long run ;)
[12:16:10 PM] pD says: good point
[12:16:23 PM] pD says: 8-|
[12:17:55 PM] nsy says: wow, crowdsourcing - cool jargon, too
[12:20:43 PM] pD never realizes he is in front of the wave...
[12:23:40 PM] nsy says: pD the surfer - hang ten, bra
[12:31:23 PM] pD says: never been "cool", not use to this...
[12:31:52 PM] pD says: on James Bond: Birdsong author Sebastian Faulks writes a new official James Bond book, Devil May Care, set during the Cold War.
[12:31:59 PM] pD says: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/6289186.stm
[1:04:36 PM] pD says: this kind of news makes me feel warm and fuzzy. common sense triumphant
[1:04:45 PM] pD says: 1937 – A Shanghai newspaper believed it could boost circulation by including special editions to entice the reading public. They produced reams of copy and sold pages and pages of advertising eventually producing the largest ever Sunday newspaper edition to hit the streets of Shanghai . Sales of the paper doubled and the owners were delighted. But not much use for the advertisers – canny Chinese had bought up multiple copies of the paper in the knowledge that due to its gargantuan size the paper’s worth as scrap exceeded the cover price – they made about US$25 per thousand copies after forming syndicates to buy up every copy available making themselves about US$300 – not a bad Sunday’s work.
2007 – 70 years later and the Chinese post office announces proudly that it had delivered a record weight for a newspaper, a special pre May Day edition of the Beijing Evening News, circulation 650,000, containing 208 pages (normally just 48) – the most in the paper’s history, and resulting in a total delivery weight of 400 tons. However, the cover price of RMB0.50 (US$0.06) was less than the scrap value of the paper, so many dealers held the paper back and sold them for scrap at a better profit margin – something the advertisers were understandably unhappy about.
[1:38:09 PM] nsy says: ha - now thats ironic, alanis
[1:41:01 PM] pD says: gotta love those state controlled enterprises
[1:43:59 PM] nsy says: i like the way this guy thinks...http://homepage.mac.com/o051971/PhotoAlbum2.html
[1:46:08 PM] nsy says: someone found Jesus in their chocolate milk:

[1:46:33 PM] pD says: love the "Millennium Falcon Cookie!"

[1:47:14 PM] pD says: hahah "Naughty Nurse and Dirty Doctor Cookies"
[1:47:42 PM] pD says: i would have thought that chocolate milk image look more like Che
[1:48:02 PM] pD says:

[1:50:30 PM] nsy says: yes. in the eye of the beholder, i guess. this was the site where i found that - some other interesting stuff too... http://growabrain.typepad.com/growabrain/food_chocolate/index.html
[1:53:59 PM] pD says: cool site!
[1:54:14 PM] pD says: check out this story, from the blog, Woman buys 10,000 chocolate bars: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/london/3685925.stm
[1:54:25 PM] pD has just found new faith in huanity
[1:54:34 PM] pD says: humanity anyway
[2:03:14 PM] pD says: nsy, are you tempting me to insert my name in the
[2:03:19 PM] pD says: i am not shy that way, you know
[2:03:30 PM] pD says: ]:)
[3:52:24 PM] nsy says: haha, i can't believe i didn't do that myself!
[3:53:17 PM] pD says: are you too doing an ]:)?
[3:53:52 PM] nsy says: put your name in the deity field
[3:54:16 PM] nsy says: and how DO you make those cool smileys? i like the one with glasses - is that a capital bee?
[3:54:33 PM] nsy says: B-p
[3:54:37 PM] pD is feeling omnipotent
[3:54:39 PM] nsy says: 8)
[3:54:54 PM] pD says: i use the emoticons from skype
[3:54:58 PM] nsy says: BD
[3:55:04 PM] nsy says: cheater
[3:55:10 PM] pD is not omnipotent when it comes to smiley variations
[3:55:26 PM] pD says: i just know my limits - another sign of godliness in my dictionary
[3:55:55 PM] nsy says: heh. i guess AE reached his limit of us and dropped us like a hot potatoe
[3:56:18 PM] nsy says: eew - remove the "e" from the end of potato - ghastly
[3:57:26 PM] pD says: nsy just pulled a bush! nsy just pulled a bush! nsy just pulled a bush! nsy just pulled a bush!
[3:57:45 PM] pD says: the alternative scenario with AE is that
[3:58:17 PM] pD says: seeing that he's got a few hot potatoes on his hand, he is busy searching for sour cream, butter, and other condiments so he can enjoy 'em properly
[3:58:30 PM] pD says: that is what I (capital I, the godly kind) would do
[3:58:31 PM] nsy says: actually that was quayle, wasn’t it?
[3:58:57 PM] pD says: yeah, you are right
[3:58:59 PM] nsy says: well, either way - its worse for me!
[3:59:16 PM] pD says: so sorry, that i am confusing quayle and bush, not sure who to feel bad for
[3:59:33 PM] nsy says: heheh - true conundrum
[4:00:11 PM] nsy says: potato potaaahto
[4:01:31 PM] pD says: well, it got a complete paragraph in Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Quayle#Vice_Presidency
[4:02:26 PM] pD says: and there is even an entry about the kid whose spelling dan "corrected" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Figueroa
[4:02:50 PM] nsy says: wow, what a way to get your 15 minutes
[4:03:58 PM] pD says: and, here is more on the potatoe episode, apparently, it was an accepted spelling into the 19th century. Maybe dan was just a classy kind of guy...: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potatoe#Spelling
[4:05:24 PM] nsy says: yes, that was my renaissance faire training haunting me with the potatoe thing.
[4:07:19 PM] pD says: yeah, yeah, yeah
[4:07:54 PM] nsy says: heh - not falling for it? fie upon thee, rapscallion!
[4:08:28 PM] pD says: what a way to talk to god, your nun teachers would have been scandalized
[4:08:43 PM] pD says: repent - thee rapscallion
[4:10:46 PM] nsy says: no! not the rulers of wrath from the nuns of repentance!
[4:12:42 PM] pD sighs - so much fun at other's expense, the way way for mirth
[4:12:51 PM] pD says: the best way
[4:17:10 PM] pD doing the hail mary for repentance
[4:17:25 PM] pD says: in classical greek: Θεοτόκε Παρθένε, χαῖρε, κεχαριτωμένη Μαρία, ὁ Κύριος μετὰ σοῦ. εὐλογημένη, σὺ ἐν γυναιξί, καὶ εὐλογημένος ὁ καρπὸς τῆς κοιλίας σου, ὅτι Σωτήρα ἔτεκες τῶν ψυχῶν ἡμῶν.
[4:17:55 PM] pD says: in latin (middle age): Ave María, grátia plena, Dóminus tecum.
Benedícta tu in muliéribus, et benedíctus fructus ventris tui, Jesus.
[4:18:20 PM] pD says: in latin (current official version): Ave María, grátia plena, Dóminus tecum. Benedícta tu in muliéribus, et benedíctus fructus ventris tui, Jesus.
Sancta María, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatóribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostræ. Amen.
[4:18:31 PM] pD says: wiki rocks! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hail_Mary
[4:24:57 PM] nsy says: look for the hail holy queen - i had to memorize that when i was 12. i still remember the whole thing. its morbid.
[4:26:26 PM] pD says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hail_Holy_Queen
[4:27:54 PM] pD says: or, salve regina, for the cognoscenti
[4:27:59 PM] pD says: talk about morbid
[4:28:17 PM] pD says: what i remember the most about hail mary is from the second god father film
[4:28:50 PM] pD says: when alfred (second brother who betrayed Michael the godfather) was fishing
[4:29:25 PM] pD says: alfred was whacked while fishing many years after the betray - Michael wanted to wait for their mother to die first
[4:29:36 PM] pD says: that was an extremely creepy ending
[4:29:48 PM] nsy says: sadly, another classic i have not seen all the way through (blasphemer).
[4:31:37 PM] AE jumps into the middle of everything without bothering to catch up to the 'story so far'.
[4:31:40 PM] AE says: Hi.
[4:31:49 PM] AE says: So, I've got these ideas for commercials for our products.
[4:31:53 PM] AE says: One is easy:
[4:32:08 PM] pD says: this is a clip from the film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQygwUBwnn4
[4:32:10 PM] AE says: there is a white area, nothing in it.
[4:32:16 PM] pD says:
[4:32:30 PM] pD says: beautiful cinematography
[4:32:52 PM] pD has changed the chat topic to "AE's commercial idea"
[4:33:14 PM] AE says: well now I'm watching the god father...
[4:34:02 PM] AE says: Ok.. where was I?
[4:34:08 PM] AE says: Oh, commercials...
[4:34:16 PM] AE says: there's this white room and a voice over:
[4:34:22 PM] AE says: "Your mail server"
[4:34:35 PM] AE says: then hands place a generic server in the white area.
[4:34:47 PM] AE says: "A delicate, dedicated piece of hardware."
[4:35:10 PM] AE says: "An integral and crucial part of your business infrastructure."
[4:35:22 PM] AE says: then a bunch of really heavy things fall on it, destroying the server.
[4:35:40 PM] AE says: "that's why you need [deleted]."
[4:35:59 PM] AE says: and a pair of hands puts [deleted] on top of the ruined server.
[4:36:36 PM] pD says: cool!
[4:36:41 PM] AE says: Commercial two (which I may have stolen from pD, or made up in my mind, I can't remember):
[4:36:59 PM] pD says: maybe drop a few sleazy (sales) looking people on the server
[4:37:01 PM] AE says: Guy is writing a letter and stuffing it in an envelope.
[4:37:15 PM] AE says: Camera pulls back a little so we can see him and a mail box.
[4:37:22 PM] AE says: there is a rope trailing off camera.
[4:37:51 PM] AE says: voice over: "Dear such and such. I'm sending you this in hopes you can use it. hope it finds you well.. blah blah blah blah."
[4:38:12 PM] AE says: person puts the envelope into the mail box.
[4:38:34 PM] AE says: camera pulls back following rope to a massive (boat, car, elephant, whatever).
[4:39:00 PM] AE says: Voice over describes [deleted] can help you!
[4:39:18 PM] AE says: Ok. Have to go get a massage now.
[4:39:27 PM] AE says: we should try and film some of these!
[4:39:31 PM] AE says: bye!
[4:41:35 PM] pD says: maybe AE just found the sour cream and stuff that he needed for the hot potatoes...
[4:41:37 PM] pD says: ciao
[4:53:13 PM] pD says: not to make light of dropping sales people onto servers - i do still think the Darth Vader as Shaft as a more interesting plot...
[4:53:11 PM] nsy says: ciao - go baby daddy
[4:53:26 PM] nsy says: maybe we can mix them somehow
[4:53:29 PM] pD says: oh, not quite time for me to leave for a bit
[4:53:35 PM] nsy says: oh, i see
[4:53:47 PM] nsy says: so, we can have darth vader levitating a server...
[4:56:39 PM] pD says: hahah! that would be a good one
[4:57:01 PM] pD says: maybe instead of air massage, he does the air transfer?
[4:57:08 PM] pD says: hmm... not as funny tho
[5:15:06 PM] pD says: okay, need to get ready to be baby daddy
[5:15:23 PM] nsy says: maybe he can levitate and drop the sales ppl on the server?
[5:16:05 PM] pD says: i think we are onto something here
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