Normal, Serious, Annoying (NSA) chatters: when the internet land is littered with cyber trash, our first instinct is too can do that. So, we will bring you the occasional IM chatters that we engage in.
Now, you may scream and run for the exit.
Class dismissed.
[10:52:22 AM] AE says: no, that's the official mispelling of 'spell checking'. if you're gonna misspell it... get it right.
[10:53:30 AM] pD says: AE, don't be a killjoy - as chairman mao once said, let a thousand flower bloom - diversity is good
[10:54:01 AM] pD says: (of course, it turns out that was a trick for mao to find all of his enemies so he can easily deal with them. But, that is a differnt story)
[10:54:40 AM] AE says: so let all the weeds bloom so you can mow them down?
[10:54:48 AM] AE says: or "mao" them down?
[10:55:04 AM] pD says: precisely...
[10:55:07 AM] AE says: cool link! It's amazing how much we learn from nature!
[10:55:26 AM] pD says: btw, what is the story on the gay republican senator - do we care?
[10:55:45 AM] pD says: the bigger question for me is that why does he still need to do his busienss in an airport bathroom?
[10:55:51 AM] AE says: um... no. sorry, but being alt-sexual in this day and age is very blase
[10:56:05 AM] pD says: aren't there airport hotels that he can use?
[10:56:09 AM] AE says: and that he's a perverted replublican.. kind of redundant.
[10:56:15 AM] pD says: so, is he "old school"?
[10:56:20 AM] AE says: where's the fun in that?
[10:56:31 AM] AE says: don't know.
[11:00:13 AM] pD says: btw, what is his name, craig something?
[11:09:52 AM] AE says: uh Larry I think. From Idaho
[11:10:02 AM] AE says: Oh... Larry Craig. that' the dude
[11:10:52 AM] pD says: we wre both right!
[11:10:55 AM] pD says: talk about win-win
[11:11:07 AM] pD says: nsy, got any good pix of larry and craig?
[11:28:48 AM] pD says: was that john ashcroft and trent lott singing?
[11:29:49 AM] pD says: what is with politicians singing? didn't orrin hatch do a CD or something?
[3:31:33 PM] pD says: knock, knock
[3:32:28 PM] nsy says: who's there?
[3:32:36 PM] AE says: banana
[3:32:49 PM] pD says: banana who?
[3:33:10 PM] pD says: (just thought it was awfully quiet)
[3:33:37 PM] pD says: just got back from the airport picking up benevelent illustrious boss (BIB) who was away on business
[3:34:56 PM] AE says: Welcome back B I B!
[3:35:08 PM] AE says: I have to go to a birthday party on the beach.
[3:35:10 PM] AE says: poor me.
[3:35:22 PM] AE says: have a good night all!
[3:36:24 PM] pD says:
[3:37:03 PM] pD says: btw, going to oregon tomorrow for a short R&R. talk with you next week, AE
[3:37:55 PM] pD says: got any plan for the labor day weekend, nsy?
[3:39:29 PM] nsy says: shameless plug - mike's band (the history lesson) is playing at the parkside in san francisco saturday, and we are helping his cousin pick up some furniture sunday, and relaxing monday.
[3:39:40 PM] nsy says: are you goign to see shakespeare in oregon?
[3:40:28 PM] pD says: cool! you should annoucne the history lesson's performance more often - i am all for shameless plugs
[3:40:40 PM] pD says: is there a website? what is the location and time?
[3:41:19 PM] pD says: not going to see shakespeare. little boss has little patience for the "to be or not to be" crowd - not enough blinking stuff
[9:53:53 AM] pD says: from an interesting magazine which I have no idea why they send to me: Pacific Maritime:
[9:54:05 AM] pD says: how is life?
[9:54:57 AM] nsy says: i have to get ready for a meeting in 30 min, but i'm all over this topic as soon as i'm done!
[9:55:18 AM] pD says: make sure that you have your pom-poms at the ready
[10:06:58 AM] pD says: you know how alberto gonzales said "Even my worst days as attorney general have been better than my father's best days"
[10:07:15 AM] pD says: free speech aside, i do wonder, what he actually means by that?
[10:07:39 AM] pD says: is this a dig on who his father is - a day laborer is "nothing" vs. the attorney general?
[10:07:46 AM] pD says: sounds like class warfare
[10:08:18 AM] pD says: or, is he suggesting that as the attorney general, he is making a greater contribution to the welfare of his fellow citizen?
[10:08:53 AM] pD says: sure, that is certainly theoretically possible, it is, however, also theoretically true that he can cause more misery for his fellow citizen.
[10:09:18 AM] pD says: my father
[10:09:28 AM] pD speaking from own perspective
[10:10:19 AM] pD says: never finished high school, but i think he is pretty cool and even if i can do certain things better/more than he does, i sure, for goodness sake, hope that his best days are no worse than mine...
[10:19:44 AM] pD says: Highly detailed photographs of the Moon taken by the Apollo missions are being made available to the public for the first in more than 30 years.
[3:20:56 PM] pD says: how can nsy get slow connection, she probably has the biggest pipe amongst the three of us...
[3:21:05 PM] AE says: heh
[3:21:43 PM] pD says: love the skirts - very manly
[3:21:48 PM] nsy says: but i have to share my pipe with everyone in the building
[3:21:49 PM] AE says: Skirts?
[3:21:55 PM] AE says: skirts?
[3:21:56 PM] nsy says: sarongs
[3:22:04 PM] pD says: reminds me of the Hawaiian warriors
[3:22:08 PM] AE says: those are, of course, sulu's
[3:22:13 PM] AE rolls his eyes
[3:22:24 PM] AE says: they're from the Fiji Islands
[3:22:29 PM] pD says: i have always wanted to get a kilt
[3:23:18 PM] pD says: how come nobody else was wearing the skirts? was it a team uniform thing?
[3:23:28 PM] AE says: yes
[3:23:39 PM] AE says: our benefactor owns the Turtle Islands in Fiji
[3:23:43 PM] pD is singing "you say sarongs, i say skirts... (music)"
[3:23:58 PM] AE says: Hence the turtle on the shirt, and the sulus
[3:24:01 PM] pD says: really!
[3:24:08 PM] pD says: that is cool
[3:24:24 PM] pD says: what does it mean to own the turtle islands? does he get to print his own stamps?
[3:24:41 PM] pD says: man! some seriously bad typos - will fix it up with a spell check
[3:24:46 PM] AE says: no, they're still part of the Fiji Island chain.
[3:25:14 PM] pD says: i have always thought that it would be an interesting business to own an island with stamp printing rights and just make money off the "commemorative issues"
[3:25:41 PM] AE says: true. But they'd have to be cool looking and rare.
[3:25:42 PM] pD says: ok, who in the pix is the benefactor and the ruler of turtle islands
[3:26:29 PM] AE says: not in there... it's a long story.
[3:26:41 PM] pD says: btw, is it really call sulu? on wiki, sulu refers to an island province of the Philippines:
[3:26:49 PM] AE says: but the original founders are no longer on the team. They are too busy with their projects
[3:34:02 PM] pD says: fascinating stuff - according to the article i read, the worst region is SE Asia with a few African and Middle eastern regions sprinkled in. basically, anywhere there is poor economic condition and an imploding political system - basically when there is no credible government in place - kind of make sense, i suppose
[3:37:13 PM] nsy says: desperation and lack of repercussions does seem like a good pirate recipe
[3:42:30 PM] pD says: yeah, there is not a lot of glamour on being a real pirate
[3:43:06 PM] pD says: i recall there was a study on the economic advantage of being a drug dealer - because popular image is that dealers are "playa's"
[3:43:41 PM] pD says: basically, the conclusion was that life of an everyday dealer is tough and they unusually do not make enough money and they tend to live with mom
[3:43:55 PM] pD says: not very player-like in that fact...
[3:46:48 PM] nsy says: indeed. pirate life is no picnic - not very glamorous in reality
[3:52:58 PM] pD says: steven levitt is a bit of a popular celebrity as far as an economist goes. but, i hope his celebrity does not destroy his work as a researcher
[4:41:07 PM] nsy says: wow, that was amazing - thanks. TED is wonderful stuff.
[4:41:49 PM] pD says: gets you thinking, doesn't it!
[4:42:26 PM] pD says: okay, gotta get ready for baby daddy duty - trying to get more face time with the little boss until new gig starts
[9:40:00 AM] nsy says: hey PD! thanks for the booga-man!
[9:40:18 AM] pD says: hahahah! i have already forgotten about it. glad you like it
[9:40:30 AM] pD says: (with side glance)
[9:41:03 AM] nsy says: yes, perfectly placed - much enjoyment!
[9:41:20 AM] pD says: btw, hope you got my message about chair mao and leninade
[9:41:33 AM] pD says: cannot get the files deleted after two reboots, weird
[9:41:54 AM] nsy says: no, haven't seen your message yet
[9:42:09 AM] pD says: should be from my other account
[9:42:24 AM] nsy says: an email?
[9:42:33 AM] pD says: the laptop is still on, assuming you have not taken it off line yet
[9:42:36 AM] pD says: from skype
[9:42:55 AM] pD says: anyway, basically, i was not able to delete the leninade and mao t-shirt pix from my laptop
[9:43:04 AM] pD says: so, i am wondering if you can do your magic
[9:43:14 AM] pD says: btw, the other post-it has my id/pw into the laptop
[9:43:16 AM] nsy says: sure - NP
[9:43:26 AM] pD says: let me know if you have any question
[9:43:31 AM] nsy says: ok, will do
[10:06:49 AM] pD says: is AE back?
[10:06:53 AM] pD says: how did the run go?
[10:09:06 AM] nsy says: yep, they're all back and the run went well according to G. AE worked this morning, and is taking the rest of the day off to spend with his family. they beat their top time by about 20 minutes
[10:09:18 AM] nsy says: G has some good pictures
[10:09:38 AM] pD says: all thanks to AE, i assume, since he is the new addition to the team
[10:10:19 AM] pD says: cool, glad to know that all went well. and with so many people exerting so much effort over the weekend, i feel doubly entitled to take it easy - to maintain the cosmic karmic balance, mind you
[10:10:23 AM] nsy says: he earned a new nickname - the dalai lama - due to his graceful zen-like demeanor, yet still kicking butt
[10:10:58 AM] nsy says: i'm just going to call him "lama"
[10:11:56 AM] pD says: lama? Scientific name for the genus containing llamas, alpacas, guanacos, and vicunas
[10:21:34 AM] nsy says: exactly
[10:42:41 AM] pD says: this is cool! Out-of-body experience recreated
Near-death events have triggered out-of-body experiences
Experts have found a way to trigger an out-of-body experience in volunteers
[10:49:21 AM] nsy says: that tricky brain of ours.
[10:49:37 AM] pD says: having been appointed a savior by your guys a while back, i have been diligently honing my skills - gotta get your money worth, ya know
[10:51:54 AM] nsy says: "my guys" - i like that
[10:52:22 AM] pD says: hmm... typing too fast again, gets you every time
[10:52:35 AM] nsy says: and i definitely want my money's worth. so thanks for figuring that one out. video games will only get better now.
[10:54:04 AM] pD says: video game is asking for a lot - this savior is kind of low tech that way - cannot get his own signal booster working...
[10:54:46 AM] nsy says: heh. maybe it was overwhelmed by your omnipotence.
[1:42:01 PM] pD says: cool! did not know that he makes turntables now
[1:43:00 PM] pD says: i think the most interesting turntable that i have seen is air driven which eliminates all the vibration from the drive. never seen it in live - only read about it. supposed the darn thing weights in at 2 tones - i think you need an enforced floor for that sucker
[1:45:23 PM] nsy says: i have a limited collection of LPs. my turntable needle broke about 12 years ago during a move, and I never found another needle for the model. i've been putting off buying another one because my Mom has a nice old Magnavox she said I can have, but I didn't want to pick it up until I own my own home and won’t be moving for a while.
[1:49:33 PM] nsy says: "We love those LPs, and we know they can sound good—certainly better than CDs—but can a stone dragged through a vinyl drainage ditch ever sound $73,750 worth of good?"
[1:49:39 PM] nsy says: no way - ever
[1:52:37 PM] pD says: hahah! i beg to differ
[1:53:04 PM] pD says: CD suffers the sampling limitation as well as the inability to store sound in the extremes
[1:53:50 PM] pD says: so, in a chamber/jazz setting, the resolution of spatial relationship is much more clearly delineated - in other words, if you close your eyes, you can hear how far each instrument is from each other
[1:54:41 PM] pD says: and, in the orchestral/operatic context, when everything and everyone is going at full blast - CD sounds like there is a governor that throttles back the high and low ranges
[1:55:13 PM] pD says: CD is great, i got lots of them. but, it is great for reasons different from LP's
[1:55:29 PM] pD says: /pD is an analog dork
[1:55:37 PM] pD is an analog dork
[1:56:18 PM] nsy says: I can't think of any way that even the best listening experience - even live, with my favorite players playing my favorite piece just for me could ever be worth 73k, unless i was filthy stinking rich and that was chump change to me - but right now - its definitely not.
[1:56:54 PM] pD says: on that point, i concur.
[1:57:28 PM] nsy says: music is my church, but finding god is cheaper
[1:57:51 PM] pD says: having said that though, if you think of the number of concerts, flights, and hotels that you would have to endure - 73K amortized over X years, may not be as outrageous as it sounds initially
[1:58:16 PM] pD says: but, it is true that people are known to go over board with stereo equipments
[1:58:25 PM] nsy says: live music is always better than recorded for me - its the energy
[1:59:03 PM] pD says: when i was talking with a dealer, he told me that there are two types of stereo people - one who buys the gear to listen to music and those who buy the gear for the gear
[1:59:12 PM] pD says: and, there are a lot of gear heads
[1:59:55 PM] pD says: on the live music part - i agree theoretically. i use to have season tickets and as much as i hate some of the performances, i suffer through them
[2:00:06 PM] pD says: it builds character and i need to show my support
[2:00:48 PM] pD says: but, the reality is that when it becomes impossible to travel - with domestic diaper duties - stereo gear becomes a nice second best
[2:01:45 PM] pD says: speaking of energy, if the performance sucks, it also drains the energy big time - there are several times, i have been known to beat a hasty retreat when the music gets unbearable
[2:01:47 PM] nsy says: i guess that’s not really gear, but you get my drift.
[2:02:20 PM] nsy says: well, i never thought of the loss of energy, but i've definitely felt that too
[2:02:27 PM] pD says: oh, that is not the half of it on gears
[2:02:55 PM] pD says: if you ever hear some of them talk about the cables and interconnects that they use, it can be quite hilarious
[2:04:50 PM] nsy says: as with any whateverophile, i suppose
[2:06:14 PM] nsy says: i want to have chills and goosebumps for my hard-earned cash, dammit. now, if that player lasts a lifetime, and I get chills every time i listen to it, but i wouldn’t with a cheaper one, then it might be worth it. but very doubtful.
[2:06:56 PM] pD says: what kind of LP's do you have?
[2:07:19 PM] pD says: i was given a batch of pop LP's from the 80's. do not know what to do with them
[2:07:50 PM] pD says: i am a decidedly jazz, classical, and opera kind of a person. i enjoy my share of pop - but there are a lot...
[2:07:54 PM] nsy says: not very good ones. yep - pretty much 80's mod and classic rock. nothing chill-worthy.
[2:09:01 PM] nsy says: i'm not a collector until i get my new turntable. and then, i'm all about blues, jazz and bop
[2:09:10 PM] nsy says: of course, classical.
[2:09:54 PM] nsy says: there's a record store downtown SC that might buy the batch. i've been thinking of trading mine.
[2:15:31 PM] pD says: cool! what is it called? let me know if you enjoy doing business with them, some of these stores can be a bit suspicious in their dealings...
[2:27:36 PM] nsy says: grabbing food - back soon...
[2:52:36 PM] nsy says: mmm, vegetarian chili.
[2:53:33 PM] pD says: should go well with veggie dog
[2:53:48 PM] nsy says: definitely
[2:54:05 PM] nsy says: but you need real cheese as far as i'm concerned
[2:57:27 PM] nsy says: ...
[2:57:48 PM] pD says: what is fake cheese? made from petroleum?
[2:58:05 PM] pD says: wasn't there an urban legend about how pizza hut is using edible plastic..
[2:58:37 PM] nsy says: so quiet here today with you and AE out. i keep expecting to see you in the corner there. oh well.. i'll eat my sammich on your laptop as a protest.
[2:58:54 PM] nsy says: they make it out of soy - like everything else vegan.
[2:59:25 PM] pD says: ah, soy cheese, you are right, that thing don't fly with me
[3:00:06 PM] nsy says: its actually not bad on sandwiches, but it doesn't melt right
[3:00:07 PM] pD says: you are too late when it comes to eating on the laptop, i have done most of the damage
[3:00:26 PM] pD says: wait, that was my keyboard. the laptop should be in decent shape, save for a few tea spills
[3:00:36 PM] nsy says: true. i guess its a symbolic gesture.
[3:00:37 PM] pD says: btw, what are they gonna do with those old laptops?
[3:01:08 PM] nsy says: who knows. i don't understand why they don't sell it to you for cheap.
[3:01:21 PM] pD says: if they are going to be thrown out, can you reserve mine? i need a wifi ready laptop that i can use to surf the net in front of the stereo.
[3:01:31 PM] nsy says: sure
[3:01:35 PM] pD says: i only have a desktop right now and the stereo listening thing is much diminished...
[3:01:36 PM] pD says: thanks
[3:02:42 PM] pD says: since I have my own XP OS, I can wipe things out pretty clean. if there is any old ones that is wifi ready, i would be interested. getting my old laptop is just mostly sentimental value - all the stuff we have been through together... :)!
[3:05:43 PM] nsy says: i doubt they'll throw them away, but i'll keep my ears open and my eyes peeled.
[3:06:32 PM] nsy says: they'll probably try to foist them onto some new lackey grunts when we get them
[3:08:11 PM] nsy says: yours was going to go to a new sales person, but i talked them out of it
[3:12:01 PM] pD says: yeah, that is silly to give people old laptops that is clearly crawling - mine crashes a few times a week. nothing major, but it is sure annoying...
[3:15:32 PM] nsy says: yeah - its hard to come to terms with the fact that what might have seemed like a great deal at the time, and ideal for a mobile sales force - was simply not able to keep up with the speed at which applications grow and hog up cpu and ram.
[3:16:12 PM] nsy says: you almost have to incorporate the cost of a new computer every 1-2 years in with the cost of employing comeone
[3:16:20 PM] nsy says: someone
[3:17:36 PM] pD says: and, that is assuming that that somebody is competent in handling a laptop, not breaking it with or without a dog...
[3:18:49 PM] nsy says: and the fact that we don’t; have any rules, or centrally managed systems, or IT really, its just a recipe for PC death.
[3:19:16 PM] nsy says: or at least illness
[3:19:47 PM] nsy says: heh. nice work-in with the dog comment.
[3:21:06 PM] nsy says: i don’t know how IT people stay sane. it drives me nuts. i don’t have that much patience, or self-loathing. whichever is the preferred IT job requirement.
[4:10:20 PM] pD says: sounds like fun - it is a pretty heavy subject to pull off, look forward to seeing it
[4:11:17 PM] pD says: i am currently watching volver by almodovar. about half way through - there is a touch of magic realism to it. quite sympathetic - unlike the in-your-face type of story in his prior films
[4:11:41 PM] pD says: my favorite remains women on the verge of nervous breakdown - it is hysterical
[4:13:31 PM] nsy says: yeah, that’s on my list. i enjoyed "talk to her"
[4:16:10 PM] nsy says: i haven't seen any of his others - i'll have to see the "nervous breakdown" one
[4:19:41 PM] pD says: this is a clip in youtube, i thought it captured the sense of breathless wonderment that Almodovar exhibits that attracted me to his work in the first place.
[8/22/2007 10:01:42 AM] pD says: nsy, did you have a chance to offload those chairman mao and leninade pix?
[8/22/2007 11:20:56 AM] nsy says: not yet, sorry. Does anyone know how to move files from the PDA to the PC? I can't email out from my PDA since we switched to google mail because my PDA won't allow me to specify an outbound port. i have a USB cable, so I probably just need to specify a new connection - just haven't had time since yesterday.
[8/22/2007 11:22:15 AM] pD says: whenever you have a chance. it is not urgent - but it sure was cool!
[8/22/2007 11:22:38 AM] pD says: and can make AE jealous for missing out on the comrade action
[8/22/2007 11:24:59 AM] *** pD has changed the chat topic to "official short timer"
[8/22/2007 11:25:18 AM] pD says: btw, i have officially tendered my resignation
[8/22/2007 11:25:23 AM] AE says: WHAT?
[8/22/2007 11:25:27 AM] pD says: have not figured out my last day yet
[8/22/2007 11:25:29 AM] nsy says: waaaah!
[8/22/2007 11:25:32 AM] pD says: probably Friday
[8/22/2007 11:25:37 AM] AE says: WHAT?
[8/22/2007 11:25:42 AM] nsy says: agh! thats so soon!
[8/22/2007 11:25:47 AM] AE says: where?
[8/22/2007 11:26:43 AM] pD says: well, the benevolent illustrious boss wants to take a short vacation over labor day, so we decided to shifted it up to miss the crowd
[8/22/2007 11:26:57 AM] pD says: i may come in next week - on an as needed basis
[8/22/2007 11:27:07 AM] pD says: and, i would need a few days to catch up on a lot of personal stuff
[8/22/2007 11:27:20 AM] pD says: my investment is in a bit of a mess right now with the current market volatility
[8/22/2007 11:27:38 AM] pD says: well, i am contemplating several offers, so i have not fully decided.
[8/22/2007 11:27:49 AM] AE says: you will be missed. :(
[8/22/2007 11:28:03 AM] pD says: but, it probably will be another startup who is in desperate need of marketing
[8/22/2007 11:28:15 AM] pD is looking for more pain...
[8/22/2007 11:28:23 AM] pD says: oh, i will miss working with you guys too
[8/22/2007 11:28:37 AM] pD says: but, i hope this does not mean that we cannot continue NSA Chatters
[8/22/2007 11:29:14 AM] nsy says: we definitely have to continue NSA Chatters!
[8/22/2007 11:29:40 AM] pD says: because the world needs all the subversions that it can get
[8/22/2007 11:32:06 AM] AE says: gotta go. Back in a bit.
[8/22/2007 11:34:35 AM] nsy says: yes, we can't deprive the world of this caliber insight
[8/22/2007 11:34:56 AM] nsy says: do you know if you will still be in the area so we can go to lunch?
[8/22/2007 11:55:03 AM] pD says: i will be in this area - if you guys are willing to drive a bit, would love to meet up for lunch and stuff
[8/22/2007 5:57:07 PM] nsy says: we definitely need to continue the lunch tradition.
[8/23/2007 9:41:30 AM] pD says: we will work something out
[8/23/2007 10:11:41 AM] pD says: btw, nsy, are you coming into the PA office today? i think we are heading out for fish tacos
[8/23/2007 10:37:03 AM] nsy says: ooh, fish tacos!
[8/23/2007 11:25:39 AM] pD says: chairman mao pix?
[8/23/2007 11:25:57 AM] pD was known as a bulldog who never gave up in a prior incarnation...
[8/23/2007 11:34:27 AM] nsy says: i guess i have to install activesync on my PC to get the pictures without emailing them... give me a few minutes here.
[8/23/2007 11:48:38 AM] pD says: darn Microsoft!
[8/23/2007 12:08:12 PM] pD says: got a question on my linksys range expander
[8/23/2007 12:08:28 PM] pD says: specifically it was pulled off the plug and chewed on by an one year old
[8/23/2007 12:08:38 PM] pD says: well, actually i do not see any visible damage
[8/23/2007 12:08:48 PM] pD says: but, when it plug it back in, the light does not turn on
[8/23/2007 12:08:57 PM] pD says: i tried to re-set and use the auto configure button
[8/23/2007 12:08:58 PM] pD says: nothing
[8/23/2007 12:09:10 PM] pD says: any suggestion on what i can do to check either it is still working
[8/23/2007 12:09:15 PM] pD says: or i should just buy a new one?
[8/23/2007 1:12:38 PM] nsy says: are you saying there is no power, or are we talking about a different light?
[8/23/2007 1:13:20 PM] pD says: it does not turn on
[8/23/2007 1:13:53 PM] pD says: i do not have a mobile/wifi device to check if it is still functioning just the indicator light not blinking or it is completely kaput
[8/23/2007 1:14:55 PM] nsy says: the power cord could need to be replaced, or the LED might have gone bad. test if its just the light by trying to connect. if nothing, try another power cord.
[8/23/2007 1:15:21 PM] nsy says: why do you need it if you do not have any wifi devices?
[8/23/2007 1:15:31 PM] pD says: since it is a wifi signal booster, what do i connect it to?
[8/23/2007 1:15:51 PM] nsy says: the wireless router
[8/23/2007 1:19:18 PM] nsy says: it would just be used to boost the wireless signal from the source to places the signal might not reach, or might be weaker.
[8/23/2007 4:11:44 PM] nsy says: chapter 3 says that the LED will light red when not connected, so it looks like it should be on even when its not working. i'm guessing defect
[8/23/2007 4:38:19 PM] pD says: video of eyes being cut open - that is so cool! You should get it and post it on YouTube - so we can refer to it on this blog
[8/23/2007 4:38:28 PM] pD will never make a good doctor
[8/23/2007 4:42:14 PM] pD sent files "leninade.JPG", "mao.JPG" to members of this chat
[8/23/2007 4:42:35 PM] pD says: AE, btw
[8/23/2007 4:42:43 PM] pD says: this is what you missed by running
[8/23/2007 4:43:00 PM] pD says: chairman mao as a pop symbol and Leninade - another pop symbol
[8/23/2007 4:43:13 PM] pD says: i think (and hope) that they are rolling in their graves furiously
[8/23/2007 4:43:22 PM] pD says: say, maybe we can generate some electricity that way...
[8/23/2007 4:47:52 PM] nsy says: those turned out great! thanks :)
[8/23/2007 5:11:44 PM] pD says: love our NSA Chatters ranking
[8/23/2007 5:12:04 PM] pD says: i think it says more about human nature on the net than the actual content of the net
[8/23/2007 5:13:34 PM] nsy says: LOL! of course it grabs the one topic with the word "porn" in it.
[8/23/2007 5:14:09 PM] pD says: porn and VC, the two deadly combination that has been propelling technology since before the beginning
[8/23/2007 5:14:23 PM] pD says: i think i am heading out
[8/23/2007 5:14:38 PM] pD says: since you will have your Lasik tomorrow, I assume i am on my own
[8/23/2007 5:15:01 PM] pD says: cannot wait to hear about your lasik stories
[8/23/2007 5:15:29 PM] pD says: i will also ping you guys from my personal skype
[8/23/2007 5:15:43 PM] pD says: and we shall continue the conversation yet
[8/23/2007 5:16:17 PM] nsy says: indeed. you will be sorely missed around here. i still can't believe i won’t see you sitting over there. it's already hard enough to make the trip, but now... . (boo hoo!)
[8/23/2007 5:16:35 PM] nsy says: at least we still have lunches and NSA Chatters!`
[8/23/2007 5:16:43 PM] pD says: note to self, draw another booga-man for nsy
[8/14/2007 10:01:29 AM] pD says: i put your norse book on your desk
[8/14/2007 10:01:46 AM] pD says: looking at my reading load, i will not get to it any time soon, so i figure that i should return it first
[8/14/2007 10:02:24 AM] pD says: i am a bit touchy on people who hold my books for too long, so i also try to not wear out your kindness.
[8/14/2007 10:13:05 AM] nsy says: aw, thanks. Well, I'll just keep it in my desk for a while, and you can use it whenever you find time.
[8/14/2007 1:13:52 PM] pD says: this is a pretty interesting presentation on the world statistics on birth rate, income, etc. not exactly new data, but the description and its presentation are quite eye opening:
[11:18:55 AM] pD says: did anything exciting this weekend?
[11:19:02 AM] pD says: we originally had a few social events planned
[11:19:15 AM] pD says: but, with a sick baby, we were persona non-grata
[11:19:26 AM] pD says: (understandably)
[11:19:45 AM] pD says: so, we caught up on house chores...
[11:19:52 AM] AE says: woo hoo! Laundry!
[11:20:10 AM] AE says: We went bed shopping for our daughter, and I ran really far on Sunday.
[11:20:27 AM] AE says: and captured our escaped doggy and repaired the dog fence.
[11:20:38 AM] AE says: she's got a pair of wire cutters hidden some where, I'm sure of it!
[11:21:00 AM] pD says: 'em dogs are smart
[11:21:15 AM] AE says: smarter than me when it comes to fence design.
[11:21:35 AM] AE says: it's certainly a game we're playing... .good thing we're both enjoying it!
[11:21:37 AM] pD says: oh, i also made a simple but nice lunch for sunday - sat in the yard and enjoyed 30 minutes of serenity
[11:22:03 AM] AE says: rare for a parent of a young child. make sure you treat the Mrs. to the same now and again.
[11:22:57 AM] pD says: yeah, it is hard, but we do try.
[11:23:39 AM] pD says: a good friend has an (empty) apartment in Paris, we have been talking about visiting. but, logistically, it is extremely hard. but, it is good to have aspirations
[12:11:37 PM] pD says: noticed that nsy has a Beatles album
[12:11:57 PM] pD says: glad to know that there are fellow LP users here
[2:13:36 PM] AE says: So, this happened like 3 years ago, so we're probably all mind controlled by now.
[2:14:05 PM] nsy says: There are steps you can take to accelerate the growth of your DNA strands. If you have not already done so, work towards strengthening your personal relationship with God, or your "Higher Power."
[2:14:26 PM] AE says: I'm all over that!
[2:14:37 PM] AE says: Got my Reverend card in my wallet!
[2:14:49 PM] nsy says: save us!
[2:14:58 PM] AE says: Nope. Doesn't work that way.
[2:15:05 PM] AE says: Jesus can't save you, neither can I.
[2:18:10 PM] pD is volunteering himself - albeit raising his hand gingerly
[2:18:26 PM] AE says: yes! You, the intelligent looking one with the glasses.
[2:18:41 PM] nsy says: and the finger in the nose
[2:18:50 PM] pD says: what?! what did i do this time?
[2:19:00 PM] AE says: volunteered.
[2:19:11 PM] AE says: you're now our savior.
[2:19:17 PM] AE says: congrats. you get a robe
[2:19:35 PM] AE says: most of the stains will wash out. the blood will come out with some lemon juice.
[2:20:09 PM] pD says: no worries, blood red will be the new black
[2:20:34 PM] AE says: True.
[2:20:53 PM] pD says: the key question of the day then, is should i be the god of old testament or the new?
[2:21:02 PM] pD says: compassion is so yesterday, you know
[2:21:08 PM] AE says: neo testament.
[2:21:18 PM] AE says: we're writing a new chapter.
[2:21:24 PM] pD says: that would be the mormons
[2:21:31 PM] AE says: bout time there was a sequel to that book.
[2:21:45 PM] AE says: The worst thing about that page is there are some things that make good sense sprinkled in.
[2:21:50 PM] AE says: "As long as we are kept busy and economically enslaved, the majority of humanity will not take notice of what¹s really important."
[2:21:59 PM] AE says: that strikes me as very true.
[2:22:36 PM] AE says: Of course, not in the way their describing, but in the way that is subtly more insidious; human nature.
[2:23:18 PM] pD says: i am not proud, i believe that human is just an animal and actually most animals are more humane than human
[2:23:50 PM] pD says: but, my point is, i have no issue if there is a way to distract human mind - that is how "better" beings can come to dominate
[2:24:01 PM] pD busily popping his soma
[2:24:14 PM] pD says: (and trying to play the chosen one)
[2:24:22 PM] AE says: sorry, what? I wasn't listening...
[2:24:38 PM] AE says: "Learn to heal your past. Holding grudges and resentment against others will only serve to limit your higher development."
[2:24:55 PM] AE says: another line that is totally with my beliefs.
[2:25:01 PM] AE says: perhaps these people are on to something...
[2:25:27 PM] pD says: don't forget to give your tenth to your savior
[2:25:33 PM] AE says: of course they loose me with things like this: The human DNA has a 12 strand potential. Most humans only have strands 1, 2 and 3 fully activated, and strand 4 partially assembled but not yet activated. In order to make yourself "invisible" to the coming bio-neurological invasion, you must have a minimum of 4 strands fully activated, and strand 5 at least half assembled. This will require a certain level of interpersonal development and acceleration on your part.
[2:25:35 PM] pD says: it keeps you in his good grace
[2:26:07 PM] AE says: we give our 10%, but we use other charity organizations that affect the planet as large as possible.
[2:26:28 PM] pD says: infidels!
[2:26:42 PM] AE says: *Blatant Commercial* We find Plan International is the best way to go. /Blatant Commercial>
[2:27:23 PM] AE says: they go into some impoverished, devastated area, and make things happen: clean wells, schools, infrastructure, education, farming techniques...
[2:27:38 PM] pD says: NSA Chatters or infidels?
[2:27:40 PM] AE says: which truth? There is no truth on NSA Chatters!
[2:27:43 PM] pD says: be fearful!
[2:28:00 PM] pD says: the day there is truth is probably going to be the end of the world as we know it
[2:28:16 PM] nsy says: either of you read "the celestine prophecy"?
[2:28:20 PM] AE says: gulp. I'll be careful what I post here.
[2:28:21 PM] AE says: nope.
[2:28:36 PM] nsy says: similar stuff. was very popular- big seller
[2:45:00 PM] pD says: you know a world akin to Matrix is not that bad, if you think about it - you do not have to do jack and just dream away - how sweet is that!
[2:47:09 PM] pD says: well, actually, i think the original idea of matrix was based on the philosophical question of what is reality.
[2:47:43 PM] pD says: the original question was "how do we tell that we are living a real life vs just being imagined by a really big brain" - i am paraphrasing of course
[2:48:04 PM] pD is donning his contrarian sombrero
[2:48:14 PM] nsy says: i love your hat!
[2:48:19 PM] pD says: ignorance IS bliss
[2:48:32 PM] nsy says: do you know any ignorant people?
[2:48:47 PM] nsy says: are they happy?
[2:48:49 PM] pD says: well, it depends on your definition
[2:49:07 PM] pD says: but, of the "conventional" ignoramus, they tend to be much happier
[2:49:31 PM] nsy says: where's my "get out of semantics free" card?
[2:49:39 PM] nsy says: yes, for the most part i suppose thats true
[2:49:47 PM] pD says: in psychology, happiness is often derived from a relative comparison
[2:50:00 PM] pD says: so, if you are ignorant enough not to compare, you've got it made
[2:50:40 PM] nsy says: but if something doesn't work out for me, i learn from it so i can go on to make bigger, better mistakes. ignorami just do the same things over and over, and can't figure out why it doesn’t work. that seems like a frustrating, confusing existence
[2:50:40 PM] pD says: recall the old story about Pandora’s box? one of the things that escaped was "knowledge"
[2:51:04 PM] nsy says: true
[2:51:12 PM] nsy says: damn greeks
[2:51:22 PM] pD says: and, the evil doer (i am just noting the fact) Eve induced Adam to bite on that apple thingie
[2:51:25 PM] nsy says: and their philosophy
[2:52:00 PM] nsy says: he was just looking for an excuse to bite it
[2:52:27 PM] nsy says: and so was she. they conspired.
[2:54:19 PM] nsy says: so, why do the ignorant seek knowledge then? why was pandora's box opened? why eat the apple?
[2:54:37 PM] pD says: and, of all things, they found that they were fearful of being naked - which goes to prove that they ain't too smart. that would have been the perfect market for selling clothing - you know the first couture house!
[2:54:56 PM] AE says: I think true ignorance is not knowing (or admitting) that you're ignorant.
[2:55:08 PM] pD is trying to demonstrate why he is the chosen one
[2:55:16 PM] AE says: once you admit you're ignorant, it's nothing but work.
[2:55:41 PM] pD says: that goes to show why the little boss is so happy!
[2:55:59 PM] pD says: this reminds me of an old chinese creation myth
[2:56:38 PM] pD says: in the very beginning, there was houn-tung (roughly translates as "uncertainty/confusion/unkonw/ignorance")
[2:57:07 PM] AE says: (darkness)
[2:57:11 PM] pD says: then, the motherly god came and took pity on him. she drilled holes in him to help him see/hear, etc.
[2:57:26 PM] pD says: and, houn-tung died immediately
[2:57:27 PM] AE says: (let there be light)
[2:57:30 PM] AE says: doh!
[2:57:36 PM] pD says: and, his death created the world as we know it
[2:57:51 PM] pD says: well, something like that, i am sure that i am massively bastardizing the story
[10:31:42 AM] pD says: special thanks to AE for recommending Hot Fuzz
[10:31:57 AM] pD says: just saw it last night and for senseless and cheeky violence, this is great!
[10:33:59 AM] nsy says: I watched the first and second season of the tv series intermittently - hilarious stuff.
[10:34:29 AM] pD says: i must say that brits have a really weird sense of humor and more often than not, i enjoy it
[10:34:31 AM] AE says: there's a series?
[10:34:37 AM] pD says: something about not taking life too serious
[10:34:39 AM] AE says: I've only seen the movie.
[10:34:48 AM] pD says: is there a TV series? that is cool!
[10:34:52 AM] AE says: And you have to see their zombie flick too, Sean of the Dead
[10:35:13 AM] pD says: that is on my list too
[10:35:28 AM] pD says: my problem is that the list keeps expanding although i watch a lot of films
[10:35:34 AM] nsy says: sorry for the false alarm, i was thinking of reno 911
[10:35:50 AM] AE says: ah. never seen that. is it good?
[10:36:00 AM] nsy says: sean of the dead is definitely in my favorites - i forgot to add that one!
[10:38:23 AM] nsy says: the improv is great in some of the reno 911 stuff, but its not in my favorites
[11:04:23 AM] AE says: I've got my super cool running shirt on today:
[11:04:28 AM] AE sent file shirt.jpg to members of this chat
[11:04:42 AM] AE says: So off I go, Mr. Trekie
[11:08:25 AM] nsy says: we talked yesterday about making trekie shirts with the company logo ;)
[11:08:34 AM] nsy says: oops - no names, sorry!
[11:09:47 AM] nsy says: run, trekkie, run!
[11:35:54 AM] pD says: this is from nsy:
[11:35:55 AM] pD says: Favorite Movies, huh? Ok, that's tough, but I'll give it a shot... and this is without looking at my collection, which I'm sure would remind me of ones I've forgotten.
The Crow
The Lost Boys
Blade Runner
The Fisher King
The Princess Bride
The Holy Grail
Lord of The Rings trilogy
Lady Hawke (damn that horrid score, though)
Leon, The Professional
... agh! can't stop myself...
Raising Arizona
True Romance
Edward Scissorhands
The Princess and the Warrior
Ghost Dog
What Dreams May Come
The Breakfast Club
The Adventures of Baron Von Munchausen
Office Space
Kung Fu Hustle
American Beauty
Wild At Heart
Fright Night
Grosse Pointe Blank
Super Troopers
... still can't stop...
one crazy summer
Sleeping Tiger, Hidden Dragon
The big blue
Sin City
Dark City
near dark
the devil's rejects
vampire hunter d bloodlust
dead poets society
the evil dead
ginger snaps
the dangerous lives of alter boys
the man who fell to earth
the usual suspects
even cowgirls get the blues
Untamed Heart
Beloved Directors...
Anything by Luc Besson (Leon, The Big Blue, Subway)
Anything by Federico Fellini (La Dolce Vida, La Strada, 8 1/2)
Anything by Jim Jarmusch (Ghost Dog, Dead Man, Mystery Train, Down By Law, Stranger Than Paradise)
Anything by Terry Gilliam (The Holy Grail, The Fisher King, Brazil, Baron Von Munchausen, Time Bandits, Twelve Monkeys, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas)
Ridley Scott Blade Runner, Legend, Alien)
Tim Burton (Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, Sleepy Hollow, Big Fish, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Corpse bride)
John Hughes (Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, Weird Science, Ferris Bueller's day off, Uncle Buck)
Tom Tykwer (The Princess and the Warrior, Run Lola Run, Heaven)
Coen Brothers (Raising Arizona, Hudsucker Proxy, The Big Lebowski, O Brother Where art Thou?, Fargo)
Quentin Tarantino (Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill, Death Proof, True Romance (writer), Sin City (Guest Director))
Kevin Smith (Clerks, Dogma, Mall Rats, Chasing Amy)
Jean-Pierre Jeunet (Delicatessen, Amile, The City of lost Children)
Responses to your list:
1. Life is Beautiful
- Netflix didn't have it last I checked - still need to see it.
2. Train of Life
- Netflix didn't have it last I checked - still need to see it.
3. Brazil
- Oh, beloved Gilliam! He can do no wrong (although I haven't seen tidelands).
4. Aliens
- I like James Cameron's work (seen "The Abyss"?). I need to see this one again.
5. The Milagro Bean field War
Great movie - I saw it in English class of all places. Need to watch it again.
6. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
- own it! Love it!
7. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai
- keep trying to own it, but not finding it in convenient places. can I borrow it?
8. 20,000 Leagues under the Sea
- never seen it! must watch this one... haven't read the book, either - such a sinner!
9. Leon
- in my top 10, own it.
10. Blade Runner
- in my top 10, own it.
I better send this before I remember more movies I love...
[2:36:48 PM] pD says: i am surprised that Hitchcock, John Ford, Billy Wilder and the likes did not make into the lists
[2:37:02 PM] pD says: their work inspired many of the people mentioned above.
[2:38:57 PM] AE says: well, we're not exactly a 'Citizen Kane' crowd...
[2:39:34 PM] pD says: never quite got Citizen Kane
[2:39:42 PM] pD says: but, some of the works are pretty time-less
[2:40:14 PM] pD says: for example "some like it hot" - although it is black and white, it was the first instance where a gay-ish personality was a main character
[2:40:56 PM] pD says: going even further back, Griffin's "birth of a nation" was absolutely amazing - politically incorrect, but the level of sophistication on many levels are quite mind blowing
[2:41:17 PM] pD says: then, there are the Chaplin series, Buster Keating series
[2:42:06 PM] pD says: this is why i cannot come up with a list, each list would predicate on a prior list and very quickly, it becomes a chronology
[2:42:34 PM] AE says: Buster Keaton rocks!
[2:42:41 PM] pD says: my point!
[2:42:57 PM] AE says: Jackie Chan reminds me a lot of him. Doing all his own stunts with a very smart physical comedy
[2:43:24 PM] AE says: pD, you need to learn to let go of things.
[8/7/2007 9:26:42 AM] pD says: little boss has a fever
[8/7/2007 9:29:35 AM] nsy says: aww! poor little guy. Well, you'll be missed here, but at least you are here "virtually". Hope the little guy feels better soon!
[8/7/2007 10:13:38 AM] pD says: i hope so too, so his folks can get some sleep...
[8/7/2007 10:35:26 AM] AE says: yeah! that means teeth!
[8/7/2007 10:36:18 AM] pD says: AE is speaking from experience
[8/7/2007 10:36:23 AM] pD says: and he is correct,
[8/7/2007 10:36:25 AM] pD says: mostly
[8/7/2007 10:36:36 AM] pD says: as it turns out, he also has a running nose
[8/7/2007 10:36:38 AM] AE says: teething must really suck when you're little.
[8/7/2007 10:36:57 AM] AE says: yes, it wipes out the immune system and it's like they have a bad cold.
[8/7/2007 10:37:12 AM] pD says: so, this is a double whammy situation where he is suffering from the teeth (two molars at the same time, yikes) and some kind of viral thing
[8/7/2007 10:37:42 AM] pD says: anyway, i have a doc appointment later for him
[8/7/2007 10:43:23 AM] AE says: yuck. sorry to hear that!
[8/7/2007 10:44:12 AM] pD says: shit happens, this is part of the grand bargain in life.
[8/7/2007 10:44:27 AM] pD says: he is still a good kid
[8/7/2007 10:44:44 AM] pD is stating the obvious being a highly biased party
[8/7/2007 11:57:08 AM] AE says: speaking of kids...
[8/7/2007 1:14:07 PM] pD says: just got back from the doc, do not know what bug he has. probably a viral thing. he is still under observation - poor thing
[8/7/2007 1:14:11 PM] pD says: i am going to grab a bite now
[10:43:38 AM] AE says: WoW! I Totally think this company NEEDS one of these!
[10:43:51 AM] AE says: Tags:
reactable reac table music (more)
[10:43:59 AM] AE says: hah... whoops.
[10:44:09 AM] AE says:
[10:44:45 AM] AE says: IMHO, easily the coolest thing we've had up on NSA Chatters!
[11:17:43 AM] pD says: no company name pls
[11:17:51 AM] pD is a killjoy
[11:18:58 AM] pD says: it is pretty neat, but how long would it last? Not a huge fan of electronic music
[11:20:10 AM] AE says: no, but since it's a synthesizer you can give it any voice you want.
[11:20:33 AM] AE says: so you could mimic classical instruments (though that's not really the proper medium for this)
[11:20:53 AM] pD says: this is purely an opinion, i know - but, i can usually tell when a sound is synthesized or by conventional instruments
[11:21:11 AM] pD says: and, i agree with you that
[11:21:11 AM] AE says: True. but that doesn't mean it's not able to make good music.
[11:21:28 AM] AE says: though... actually I haven't really heard anything produced on it that I would actually enjoy listening too.
[11:21:30 AM] pD says: the point is not to mimic what has come before, but explore what is possible
[11:21:46 AM] AE says: it's more the technology, and the ability to dynamically control the music with such a cool interface!
[11:21:51 AM] AE says: exactly
[11:23:15 AM] pD says: well, i am old fashion in believing in virtuosity - nothing wrong with providing an easy ramp for the less talented (like me), but i have not seen/heard anything that would blow me away in the realm of electronic music
[11:24:00 AM] pD says: and, i do not know if it is a limitation on the instrument or somehow we (collectively) have not yet figure out how we define that music form
[11:24:03 AM] AE says: Odd. I feel the same about jazz, though I know I'm in the minority.
[11:24:25 AM] AE says: There is some electronic music that totally blows me away.
[11:24:28 AM] pD says: actually, most jazz performance is pretty crappy
[11:24:37 AM] AE says: haha. So it's not just me then.
[11:25:02 AM] pD says: people want to improvise on jazz, because all the greats can do it
[11:25:13 AM] AE says: but not everyone can do it great.
[11:25:23 AM] pD says: but, what people often do not realize is how much effort it takes to improvise in the first place
[11:25:37 AM] pD says: also, once you get to that level, how much more work is involved in not repeating yourself
[11:26:03 AM] pD says: because, it is very easy to find a set of crutches that you can always fall back on when you are in a jam - during improv
[11:26:32 AM] pD says: so, for example, john coltrane was known as practicing every waking hour - either writing or trying out new notes on his instrument
[11:26:54 AM] pD says: and, sure enough, he is one of the most influential because he keeps breaking new grounds
[11:27:45 AM] pD says: on the other hand, this does not meant lesser souls than Coltrane cannot do jazz - just different style and in much smaller dosages
[11:28:27 AM] pD says: just like eating, you should not have 3 start meals everyday. a snack stall on the street can provide inspiration.
[11:28:29 AM] pD says: sometimes
[11:33:20 AM] AE says: Ok. I'll have to find some Coltrane and check him out.
[11:33:31 AM] AE says: Perhaps I just haven't heard good jazz before.
[11:33:37 AM] AE says: only elevator and Muzak.
[11:33:39 AM] AE says: yuck.
[11:33:51 AM] pD says: muzak sucks! it ruins even the best music
[11:34:08 AM] AE says: you should check out a group called "Lounge against the Machine"
[11:34:33 AM] AE says: they take heavy metal, industrial, and Rage Against the machine kind of music and "loungify" it.
[11:34:45 AM] pD says: well, i would suggest you start with Blue Trane and My Favorite Things. These are two of the major works from his earlier period - tends to be a bit more listener friendly
[11:35:41 AM] pD says: Miles Davis is also another major figure - and i think the fact that he went to Julliard (the music school, but he dropped out) helped him a great deal in providing a much larger canvass in his music making
[11:36:16 AM] pD says: he actually ventured into electronic music in the 70's. Not a critical success, but he gave that genre a great deal of credibility as a result
[11:38:10 AM] pD says: speaking of electronic music-ish in the jazz format, you might also want to check out Herbie Hancock's HeadHunter - it is the first major work on Funk with a jazz context - it sort of borders on groovy musak because the texture sounds very similar unless you pay attention. but, its internal structure was quite complex - a fun academic piece for dorks like me
[11:40:21 AM] pD says: you may also enjoy max roach and Sonny Rollin’s Saxophone Colossus - this was the first major hard-bob jazz. amongst other things, max roach's use of drum as a performance instrument instead of just beat keeper was a major break through and, if you listen closely, the kind of texture he can get out of his set is nothing short of amazing
[11:41:22 AM] pD says: finally, dave brubeck's take five and the rest of the recording on that album is a major work from the "west coast" jazz. it comes from a completely different tradition and is quite enjoyable
[11:42:03 AM] pD says: well, this is a very partial list of several major genres that may be worth checking out. hopefully, you will find at least one that sings to you
[11:42:58 AM] AE says: Cool! Thanks for the recommendations.
[11:44:10 AM] pD says: oops, for miles davis, Kind of Blue (the first/wrong recording) and Sketches of Spain would give you a good flavor
[11:45:03 AM] pD says: Interestingly, Sketches of Spain is not on my favorite recording list for Davis - but I think it is a function of my classical training (which involves a lot of spanish work) interfering
[11:45:34 AM] pD says: Kind of Blue is probably the most famous jazz work of all time - highly enjoyable. it does have an interesting history
[11:46:35 AM] pD says: basically, the original release was done on the wrong speed - it was faster, so both the tempo and pitch are higher than the actual recording. So, for the longest time, practitioners who are looking to play the piece always have problem re-producing the sound from the sheet music vis-à-vis the recording
[11:47:13 AM] pD says: a few years back, somebody found the original recording tapes. And, long story short, figured out what happened. so, there are now two release, the "wrong" and the "corrected"
[11:47:59 AM] pD says: the corrected version definitely makes a lot more sense musically because the change in style for Miles davis was not as drastic - there is a clearly a sense of continuity
[11:49:33 AM] pD says: on the other hand, i would argue (and what do i know) that the "wrong" version was so much more fresh and earth shattering, that it is the "right" version. the impressionistic style that keeps a sense of urgency without sounding hurried - that was the reason why that recording was such a Wow!
[11:49:42 AM] pD says: and, naturally, I have both recording...
[11:49:59 AM] pD will stop yakking about jazz for now
[11:51:28 AM] AE says: No. Thank you for sharing your background knowledge. It helps to know this stuff to appreciate the music.
[11:51:40 AM] AE says: brb. we're heading out of the shedquarters and up to the house.
[12:26:12 PM] AE says: pD, question: do we have samples of branded product?
[12:32:20 PM] nsy says: i sent a new mail with the samples :)
[12:32:38 PM] AE says: saw that. You're always on top of things nsy!
[12:33:21 PM] nsy says: hey pD, have you heard the charlie hunter trio, or the bad plus?
[12:58:27 PM] nsy says: it's reminiscent of the guitar battle from the movie crossroads
[1:19:22 PM] pD says: looks so non-sensical. love it. i am putting it on my list
[1:20:57 PM] nsy says: i may have asked you about this before, so ignore me if we've been over this... but have you seen seven samurai? or any of akira kurosawa's films?
[1:21:12 PM] AE raises hand
[1:21:20 PM] pD says: i have seen most of the kurosawa films
[1:21:36 PM] pD says: any particular reason for asking?
[1:21:38 PM] nsy says: excellent. i just love kurosawa!
[1:21:59 PM] AE says: what was your favorite?
[1:22:03 PM] AE says: both of you.
[1:22:18 PM] nsy says: no, the samurai thing, and the movie thing triggered spreading activation in my brain is all
[1:23:10 PM] pD says: they all have their merits so, it is hard to have a favorite.
[1:23:25 PM] pD says: i especially enjoyed his use of cinematography
[1:23:31 PM] AE says: true... so many were copied in other films as well.
[1:23:51 PM] AE says: they were a big inspiration to Lucas on the Star Wars films.
[1:23:51 PM] pD says: coming from the Noh tradition - his camera perspective is much lower than the western tradition
[1:24:21 PM] pD says: yeah, hidden fortress was the inspiration for princess Leia, Han Solo, R2D2 and C3PO
[1:25:02 PM] pD says: on a comparative basis, i would say that Yojimbo is the most interesting and revealing
[1:25:30 PM] AE says: but a talking samurai rabbit?
[1:25:35 PM] pD says: because "a fistful of dollars" with clint eastwoord is a literally shot by shot re-creation
[1:26:16 PM] pD says: and, i must say that a fistful of dollar remains a very compelling story - which goes to show how good the original yojimbo is/was
[2:33:02 PM] pD says: momento (interesting not in IMDB) employs a grabbing narrative that you would either turn it off within the first 15 minutes or you have to watch it to find out what happened
[2:35:57 PM] pD says: 3-iron is a film where the main character did not utter a word, but the story flows and takes you on a wild ride on what contemporary Korea is about
[2:38:00 PM] pD says: speaking of Korea, A State of Mind, is a completely fascinating study on life under authoritarianism. and, yet, it is a very hopeful film not because people are going to overthrow the government but there is a sense of ease and peace between them:
[2:39:54 PM] pD says: anyway, these films all have their moments - i also love star wars and the godfather films
[2:40:07 PM] pD says: it is about what is the mood...
[5:21:26 PM] pD says: getting ready to fulfill my baby daddy duty...
[9:50:06 AM] nsy says: terry my carpool buddy works with the guy that started this: www.3VotesADay.Org
[9:50:59 AM] AE says: cool! I've been looking into the whole local/organic debate. Which is better for the planet in the long run and all that.
[9:51:37 AM] AE says: we're lucky enough in Santa Cruz that we can get local organic produce (Dirty Girl farms in Pajaro Valley for instance).
[9:51:55 AM] AE says: but for other people, you can only get organic if it's trucked in from far away.
[9:52:49 AM] AE says: I think reverting back to local CSA is good... but we're going to run into the problem of economy of scale that originally let to the growth of agricultural industry that lead to the current farming situation.
[9:53:20 AM] AE says: which, btw, is washing tons of chemicals (pesticides and fertilizers) down the Mississippi and into the gulf.
[9:53:41 AM] AE says: have you heard of the oxygen depletion problem that's occurring there?
[10:17:38 AM] pD says: On AE's question, the Economist had an in-depth analysis a few months back. and, the long and short of it is that it was more of a style/choice than any discernable environment impact - mostly due to transporting produce
[10:17:57 AM] pD says: i will try to find the article 'cause it was quite controversial when it came out. later tho
[10:17:59 AM] AE slowly killing pD with another print out
[10:18:12 AM] AE says: Time also carried an article about it.
[1:20:47 PM] pD says: hydroptere: that is pretty cool. bi-tri-cat design is pretty fast. in yacht racing, they have their own class. the issue with the x-cat design has to do with stability. the traditional monohull design is self-centering, if properly done. But, when a cat flips, it stays flipped
[1:21:47 PM] pD says: so, x-cat design tends to be for near shore usage instead of transoceanic - too high of a risk.
[1:22:03 PM] pD worked in the yacht building industry in a prior incarnation
[1:24:01 PM] pD says: i consider economist as authoritative, so, not going to argue over the numbers
[1:24:25 PM] pD says: what is missing, for me, is that I buy organic and local because it tastes damned good
[1:25:07 PM] pD says: secondarily, just like nuclear power, i can appreciate all the safety measures and trade-off intellectually, but at the gut level, organic makes so much more sense
[1:43:44 PM] nsy says: wow, what did you do for the yacht building industry. i almost ended up there myself.
[1:46:01 PM] pD says: i was in sales/business development - they needed somebody who is not afraid to talk with super-rich clients
[1:46:02 PM] nsy says: when the startup i worked at (lutris technologies) went under, i decided to go back to school like so many other tech orphans. it was a close race between computer science and Naval architecture and marine engineering at UNO
[1:46:48 PM] pD says: so, what made you decide on CS?
[1:46:58 PM] pD says: what kind of boat did you want to design?
[1:47:04 PM] nsy says: cool! i interviewed the owner of santa cruz yachts to figure out what direction to take, but eventually chose cosci (obviously)
[1:47:20 PM] pD says: Y's dad was a ship designer
[1:47:32 PM] pD says: what kind of boats do SC Yachts make?
[1:48:18 PM] pD says: i had a good relationship with Hinckley back then, they make beautiful boats
[1:48:35 PM] nsy says: hm... i couldn't afford to go to university right away, and there are no community colleges that offer a 2-yr degree that transfers to UNO. i decided that i better do something more universally useful for my first degree, then if i was still interested, i'd get a graduate degree in marine architecture
[1:48:51 PM] pD says: i especially like their picnic boat - cannot afford them, but that is the boat i would buy, if i ever have too much money to blow:
[1:50:18 PM] nsy says: i wanted to make one-handed boats fit for circumnavigation, or just a business idea like the now defunct shoe site for boats - total custom design online, then mfr and ship. including interiors
[1:51:47 PM] nsy says: i inherited my father's 32ft Peterson racing sloop, and i was trying to fix it up, but i ran out of funds, and sold it on ebay. one day i'll hopefully have another, but its nice when it's someone else's financial headache, and you can just pitch in.
[1:54:39 PM] pD says: yeah, boats ain't cheap to keep - like wine making, the best way to be a millionaire is to start with 10 millions
[2:55:56 PM] nsy says: wow, that's a nice boat. it has a lot of the features i would like to incorporate into my design, but i'm not sure how i feel about the foremast. maybe i just don’t know much about it yet.