[8/22/2007 10:01:42 AM] pD says: nsy, did you have a chance to offload those chairman mao and leninade pix?
[8/22/2007 11:20:56 AM] nsy says: not yet, sorry. Does anyone know how to move files from the PDA to the PC? I can't email out from my PDA since we switched to google mail because my PDA won't allow me to specify an outbound port. i have a USB cable, so I probably just need to specify a new connection - just haven't had time since yesterday.
[8/22/2007 11:22:15 AM] pD says: whenever you have a chance. it is not urgent - but it sure was cool!
[8/22/2007 11:22:38 AM] pD says: and can make AE jealous for missing out on the comrade action
[8/22/2007 11:24:59 AM] *** pD has changed the chat topic to "official short timer"
[8/22/2007 11:25:18 AM] pD says: btw, i have officially tendered my resignation
[8/22/2007 11:25:23 AM] AE says: WHAT?
[8/22/2007 11:25:27 AM] pD says: have not figured out my last day yet
[8/22/2007 11:25:29 AM] nsy says: waaaah!
[8/22/2007 11:25:32 AM] pD says: probably Friday
[8/22/2007 11:25:37 AM] AE says: WHAT?
[8/22/2007 11:25:42 AM] nsy says: agh! thats so soon!
[8/22/2007 11:25:47 AM] AE says: where?
[8/22/2007 11:26:43 AM] pD says: well, the benevolent illustrious boss wants to take a short vacation over labor day, so we decided to shifted it up to miss the crowd
[8/22/2007 11:26:57 AM] pD says: i may come in next week - on an as needed basis
[8/22/2007 11:27:07 AM] pD says: and, i would need a few days to catch up on a lot of personal stuff
[8/22/2007 11:27:20 AM] pD says: my investment is in a bit of a mess right now with the current market volatility
[8/22/2007 11:27:38 AM] pD says: well, i am contemplating several offers, so i have not fully decided.
[8/22/2007 11:27:49 AM] AE says: you will be missed. :(
[8/22/2007 11:28:03 AM] pD says: but, it probably will be another startup who is in desperate need of marketing
[8/22/2007 11:28:15 AM] pD is looking for more pain...
[8/22/2007 11:28:23 AM] pD says: oh, i will miss working with you guys too
[8/22/2007 11:28:37 AM] pD says: but, i hope this does not mean that we cannot continue NSA Chatters
[8/22/2007 11:29:14 AM] nsy says: we definitely have to continue NSA Chatters!
[8/22/2007 11:29:40 AM] pD says: because the world needs all the subversions that it can get
[8/22/2007 11:32:06 AM] AE says: gotta go. Back in a bit.
[8/22/2007 11:34:35 AM] nsy says: yes, we can't deprive the world of this caliber insight
[8/22/2007 11:34:56 AM] nsy says: do you know if you will still be in the area so we can go to lunch?
[8/22/2007 11:55:03 AM] pD says: i will be in this area - if you guys are willing to drive a bit, would love to meet up for lunch and stuff
[8/22/2007 5:57:07 PM] nsy says: we definitely need to continue the lunch tradition.
[8/23/2007 9:41:30 AM] pD says: we will work something out
[8/23/2007 10:11:41 AM] pD says: btw, nsy, are you coming into the PA office today? i think we are heading out for fish tacos
[8/23/2007 10:37:03 AM] nsy says: ooh, fish tacos!
[8/23/2007 11:25:39 AM] pD says: chairman mao pix?
[8/23/2007 11:25:57 AM] pD was known as a bulldog who never gave up in a prior incarnation...
[8/23/2007 11:34:27 AM] nsy says: i guess i have to install activesync on my PC to get the pictures without emailing them... give me a few minutes here.
[8/23/2007 11:48:38 AM] pD says: darn Microsoft!
[8/23/2007 12:08:12 PM] pD says: got a question on my linksys range expander
[8/23/2007 12:08:28 PM] pD says: specifically it was pulled off the plug and chewed on by an one year old
[8/23/2007 12:08:38 PM] pD says: well, actually i do not see any visible damage
[8/23/2007 12:08:48 PM] pD says: but, when it plug it back in, the light does not turn on
[8/23/2007 12:08:57 PM] pD says: i tried to re-set and use the auto configure button
[8/23/2007 12:08:58 PM] pD says: nothing
[8/23/2007 12:09:10 PM] pD says: any suggestion on what i can do to check either it is still working
[8/23/2007 12:09:15 PM] pD says: or i should just buy a new one?
[8/23/2007 1:12:38 PM] nsy says: are you saying there is no power, or are we talking about a different light?
[8/23/2007 1:13:20 PM] pD says: it does not turn on
[8/23/2007 1:13:53 PM] pD says: i do not have a mobile/wifi device to check if it is still functioning just the indicator light not blinking or it is completely kaput
[8/23/2007 1:14:55 PM] nsy says: the power cord could need to be replaced, or the LED might have gone bad. test if its just the light by trying to connect. if nothing, try another power cord.
[8/23/2007 1:15:21 PM] nsy says: why do you need it if you do not have any wifi devices?
[8/23/2007 1:15:31 PM] pD says: since it is a wifi signal booster, what do i connect it to?
[8/23/2007 1:15:51 PM] nsy says: the wireless router
[8/23/2007 1:19:18 PM] nsy says: it would just be used to boost the wireless signal from the source to places the signal might not reach, or might be weaker.
[8/23/2007 1:27:09 PM] nsy says: http://consumerist.com/consumer/wifi/how-to-build-your-own-wifi-signal-booster-252419.php
[8/23/2007 2:56:31 PM] nsy says: ooh, you can stay a night in the bat cave in the buenos aires hilton: http://www.travellady.com/Issues/August05/1803BatCave.htm
[8/23/2007 3:40:42 PM] pD says: are you coming in tomorrow?
[8/23/2007 3:41:08 PM] nsy says: i wasn't planning on it. are you here next week?
[8/23/2007 3:41:21 PM] pD says: tomorrow is my last day in the office
[8/23/2007 3:41:31 PM] pD says: i will be around tomorrow Mon-Wed
[8/23/2007 3:41:36 PM] nsy says: agh! thats too soon!
[8/23/2007 3:41:49 PM] pD says: we will do a little trip with the labor day weekend
[8/23/2007 3:42:37 PM] pD says: btw, i am still confused about the wifi range booster thing, can i come over to talk, or do you want to swing by?
[8/23/2007 3:42:50 PM] nsy says: well, since AE is missing out too, we will all have to go out to lunch - maybe monday the 11th?
[8/23/2007 3:42:55 PM] nsy says: sure come on down!
[8/23/2007 3:43:11 PM] nsy says: or i can come over - really all the same to me
[8/23/2007 3:45:31 PM] nsy says: i would come in, but i'm having lasik at 3:40
[8/23/2007 4:02:12 PM] pD says: nsy, that was a very helpful, at least i do not feel like an idiot
[8/23/2007 4:02:13 PM] pD says: for now
[8/23/2007 4:02:15 PM] pD says: Linksys Wireless - G Range Expander Mod: WRE54G
[8/23/2007 4:03:29 PM] pD says: so, you are getting your eyes fixed tomorrow
[8/23/2007 4:03:32 PM] pD says: that is exciting
[8/23/2007 4:03:39 PM] pD says: one eye or both?
[8/23/2007 4:04:46 PM] nsy says: both at the same time, they have a viewing room so your friends can watch, and you can get video
[8/23/2007 4:05:29 PM] nsy says: http://www.furlongvision.com/
[8/23/2007 4:06:10 PM] nsy says: custom lasik http://www.furlongvision.com/customLASIK.html
[8/23/2007 4:09:59 PM] nsy says: check out appendix G of the user guide here: it says you have a 3 year warranty: http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?c=L_Product_C2&childpagename=US%2FLayout&cid=1130267578138&pagename=Linksys%2FCommon%2FVisitorWrapper
[8/23/2007 4:11:44 PM] nsy says: chapter 3 says that the LED will light red when not connected, so it looks like it should be on even when its not working. i'm guessing defect
[8/23/2007 4:38:19 PM] pD says: video of eyes being cut open - that is so cool! You should get it and post it on YouTube - so we can refer to it on this blog
[8/23/2007 4:38:28 PM] pD will never make a good doctor
[8/23/2007 4:42:14 PM] pD sent files "
[8/23/2007 4:42:35 PM] pD says: AE, btw
[8/23/2007 4:42:43 PM] pD says: this is what you missed by running
[8/23/2007 4:43:00 PM] pD says: chairman mao as a pop symbol and Leninade - another pop symbol
[8/23/2007 4:43:13 PM] pD says: i think (and hope) that they are rolling in their graves furiously
[8/23/2007 4:43:22 PM] pD says: say, maybe we can generate some electricity that way...
[8/23/2007 4:47:52 PM] nsy says: those turned out great! thanks :)
[8/23/2007 5:11:44 PM] pD says: love our NSA Chatters ranking
[8/23/2007 5:12:04 PM] pD says: i think it says more about human nature on the net than the actual content of the net
[8/23/2007 5:13:34 PM] nsy says: LOL! of course it grabs the one topic with the word "porn" in it.
[8/23/2007 5:14:09 PM] pD says: porn and VC, the two deadly combination that has been propelling technology since before the beginning
[8/23/2007 5:14:23 PM] pD says: i think i am heading out
[8/23/2007 5:14:38 PM] pD says: since you will have your Lasik tomorrow, I assume i am on my own
[8/23/2007 5:15:01 PM] pD says: cannot wait to hear about your lasik stories
[8/23/2007 5:15:29 PM] pD says: i will also ping you guys from my personal skype
[8/23/2007 5:15:43 PM] pD says: and we shall continue the conversation yet
[8/23/2007 5:16:17 PM] nsy says: indeed. you will be sorely missed around here. i still can't believe i won’t see you sitting over there. it's already hard enough to make the trip, but now...
[8/23/2007 5:16:35 PM] nsy says: at least we still have lunches and NSA Chatters!`
[8/23/2007 5:16:43 PM] pD says: note to self, draw another booga-man for nsy
[8/23/2007 5:16:52 PM] nsy says: exactly!
NSA Chatters crew
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