[9:53:53 AM] pD says: from an interesting magazine which I have no idea why they send to me: Pacific Maritime: http://www.pacmar.com/
[9:54:05 AM] pD says: how is life?
[9:54:57 AM] nsy says: i have to get ready for a meeting in 30 min, but i'm all over this topic as soon as i'm done!
[9:55:18 AM] pD says: make sure that you have your pom-poms at the ready
[10:06:58 AM] pD says: you know how alberto gonzales said "Even my worst days as attorney general have been better than my father's best days"
[10:07:15 AM] pD says: free speech aside, i do wonder, what he actually means by that?
[10:07:39 AM] pD says: is this a dig on who his father is - a day laborer is "nothing" vs. the attorney general?
[10:07:46 AM] pD says: sounds like class warfare
[10:08:18 AM] pD says: or, is he suggesting that as the attorney general, he is making a greater contribution to the welfare of his fellow citizen?
[10:08:53 AM] pD says: sure, that is certainly theoretically possible, it is, however, also theoretically true that he can cause more misery for his fellow citizen.
[10:09:18 AM] pD says: my father
[10:09:28 AM] pD speaking from own perspective
[10:10:19 AM] pD says: never finished high school, but i think he is pretty cool and even if i can do certain things better/more than he does, i sure, for goodness sake, hope that his best days are no worse than mine...
[10:19:44 AM] pD says: Highly detailed photographs of the Moon taken by the Apollo missions are being made available to the public for the first in more than 30 years. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6966655.stm
[10:20:45 AM] pD says: this is the actual site for the scanned images: http://apollo.sese.asu.edu/METRIC_PREVIEW/index.html
[10:55:16 AM] pD says: are you guys gonging to be around the PA office around 1pm? i am going to be in the neighborhood - thought that I can drop by
[12:40:04 PM] AE says: Hi pD! Sorry I missed your big send off. :(
[1:58:43 PM] pD says: hi AE, welcome back
[1:58:47 PM] pD says: thanks for your kind words
[1:59:08 PM] pD says: you did not miss much, was not a big send-off, some are pretty glad to get rid of me. :)!
[2:43:36 PM] pD says: hey! my new favorite word: eyeservice - Work done only when the employer is present
[2:43:54 PM] pD says: i think the modern equivalent is the saying of "i only work here."
[2:58:07 PM] pD says: This is better than some people i know! Chimps practice self control, Apes distract themselves with play to resist temptation. http://www.nature.com/news/2007/070820/full/070820-4.html
[3:03:57 PM] pD says: hi AE
[3:04:02 PM] pD says: so, how was the run?
[3:04:19 PM] pD says: heard that you have converted to a tibetan monk?
[3:04:30 PM] AE says: haha! not yet.
[3:04:37 PM] AE says: how are things with the little boss?
[3:04:59 PM] pD says: he is doing good, i think. he is at day care right now
[3:05:13 PM] AE says: aha. when do you start your new gig?
[3:05:14 PM] pD is a bad father. hehehehe!
[3:05:28 PM] pD says: next week would be the new gig
[3:05:40 PM] AE says: can you announce where yet? or is it secret?
[3:05:48 PM] pD says: so, what was it like to be running all these time - 24 hours?
[3:06:16 PM] pD says: oh, there is no secret, i think most people know - or the ones who asked
[3:06:24 PM] AE says: well, this was not like that. We ran for about 45 minutes, then get in a van and chase the next person.
[3:06:50 PM] AE says: then repeat that for 6 hours, then sleep for 1 hour, then run again. then repeat again,
[3:06:53 PM] AE says: then it was over.
[3:07:00 PM] pD says: hi nsy, remember the out of body experience thing from yesterday, here is a video: http://www.nature.com/news/2007/070820/multimedia/070820-9.avi
[3:07:02 PM] pD says: pretty cool stuff
[3:07:07 PM] AE says: as opposed to an ultra which really is running for 24 hours.
[3:07:19 PM] pD says: i see. still sound like a lot of work
[3:07:30 PM] pD says: heard from nsy that the team beat its old record
[3:07:43 PM] pD says: all thanks to you, i can only assume since all the other team members are the same
[3:08:05 PM] pD says: so, here are some logistic questions, how do you eat, drink and eliminate?
[3:08:34 PM] AE says: hah. no. we had three new ones this year.
[3:08:41 PM] pD says: and, how do you pack so many into a van?
[3:08:43 PM] AE says: i did set two course records, though
[3:08:48 PM] AE puffs up chest
[3:09:07 PM] AE says: there are two vans and 12 people, so 5 in each van.
[3:09:20 PM] AE says: (five, because one is always out running)
[3:09:31 PM] AE says: we had a cooler full of food and drink
[3:09:45 PM] AE says: and at every hand off point were "honeypots"
[3:10:25 PM] pD says: do i want to know what is honeypots...
[3:10:45 PM] pD says: how far does each person have to run?
[3:10:45 PM] AE says: sorry, "honey Buckets"
[3:11:00 PM] pD says: ok, you got me, what are honey buckets?
[3:11:25 PM] AE sent file H2C 2007\PICT5412.JPG to members of this chat
[3:11:34 PM] AE sent file H2C 2007\PICT5412.JPG to members of this chat
[3:11:46 PM] AE says: hmm... trying to send you a file but it failed.
[3:11:58 PM] AE says: They are the company that provides the porta-poties
[3:12:06 PM] AE says: so you go in them.
[3:12:28 PM] AE says: each person runs a total of 14 - 17 miles in a series of 3 legs
[3:13:55 PM] pD says: hi AE, you need to re-send the pix to this chat session - i assume it is also meant for nsy
[3:14:18 PM] AE sent file H2C 2007\PICT5412.JPG to members of this chat
[3:14:40 PM] pD says: hmm.. do not know what happened, i do not get the new window for download request
[3:14:51 PM] pD says: is my skype blocking it? is nsy getting the file?
[3:15:25 PM] AE says: it might be too big... hold on...
[3:15:47 PM] AE says: nope... 680k
[3:16:24 PM] pD says: maybe it is inappropriate material that is being proactively blocked by skype
[3:16:37 PM] pD says: too family friendly - probably
[3:17:10 PM] AE sent file H2C 2007\PICT5412.JPG to members of this chat
[3:17:12 PM] nsy says: i didn’t get it
[3:17:39 PM] AE sent file
[3:17:48 PM] AE says: Aha! It was the file name!
[3:17:52 PM] AE says: it had a / in it
[3:18:09 PM] pD says: got it
[3:18:29 PM] pD says: hahah! nice pix
[3:18:58 PM] pD says: so, how long did the run last?
[3:19:03 PM] pD says: btw, what is the run called?
[3:19:13 PM] AE says: Hood to Coast relay
[3:19:36 PM] AE says: We started at 7:15 PM and finished 22 hours, 17 minutes (and 26 seconds) later
[3:20:13 PM] nsy says: slow connection - agh!
[3:20:46 PM] AE sent file
[3:20:56 PM] pD says: how can nsy get slow connection, she probably has the biggest pipe amongst the three of us...
[3:21:05 PM] AE says: heh
[3:21:43 PM] pD says: love the skirts - very manly
[3:21:48 PM] nsy says: but i have to share my pipe with everyone in the building
[3:21:49 PM] AE says: Skirts?
[3:21:55 PM] AE says: skirts?
[3:21:56 PM] nsy says: sarongs
[3:22:04 PM] pD says: reminds me of the Hawaiian warriors
[3:22:08 PM] AE says: those are, of course, sulu's
[3:22:13 PM] AE rolls his eyes
[3:22:24 PM] AE says: they're from the Fiji Islands
[3:22:29 PM] pD says: i have always wanted to get a kilt
[3:23:18 PM] pD says: how come nobody else was wearing the skirts? was it a team uniform thing?
[3:23:28 PM] AE says: yes
[3:23:39 PM] AE says: our benefactor owns the Turtle Islands in Fiji
[3:23:43 PM] pD is singing "you say sarongs, i say skirts... (music)"
[3:23:58 PM] AE says: Hence the turtle on the shirt, and the sulus
[3:24:01 PM] pD says: really!
[3:24:08 PM] pD says: that is cool
[3:24:24 PM] pD says: what does it mean to own the turtle islands? does he get to print his own stamps?
[3:24:41 PM] pD says: man! some seriously bad typos - will fix it up with a spell check
[3:24:46 PM] AE says: no, they're still part of the Fiji Island chain.
[3:25:14 PM] pD says: i have always thought that it would be an interesting business to own an island with stamp printing rights and just make money off the "commemorative issues"
[3:25:41 PM] AE says: true. But they'd have to be cool looking and rare.
[3:25:42 PM] pD says: ok, who in the pix is the benefactor and the ruler of turtle islands
[3:26:29 PM] AE says: not in there... it's a long story.
[3:26:41 PM] pD says: btw, is it really call sulu? on wiki, sulu refers to an island province of the Philippines: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulu
[3:26:49 PM] AE says: but the original founders are no longer on the team. They are too busy with their projects
[3:28:03 PM] AE says: it's really called a sulu.
[3:28:21 PM] AE says: http://www.scottpix.com/gallery/travel/Fiji/002124.html
[3:29:16 PM] nsy says: haha finally seeing the pics - thanks. so will you do it again next year?
[3:29:33 PM] AE says: possibly... depends on if they need me on the team or not.
[3:29:35 PM] nsy says: honey bucket
[3:29:39 PM] AE says: I have to go now...
[3:29:43 PM] nsy says: bye
[3:29:45 PM] AE says: bye all!
[3:31:15 PM] nsy says: http://www.yachtpiracy.org/en/dangerous_regions.htm
[3:32:14 PM] pD says: bye AE
[3:34:02 PM] pD says: fascinating stuff - according to the article i read, the worst region is SE Asia with a few African and Middle eastern regions sprinkled in. basically, anywhere there is poor economic condition and an imploding political system - basically when there is no credible government in place - kind of make sense, i suppose
[3:37:13 PM] nsy says: desperation and lack of repercussions does seem like a good pirate recipe
[3:42:30 PM] pD says: yeah, there is not a lot of glamour on being a real pirate
[3:43:06 PM] pD says: i recall there was a study on the economic advantage of being a drug dealer - because popular image is that dealers are "playa's"
[3:43:41 PM] pD says: basically, the conclusion was that life of an everyday dealer is tough and they unusually do not make enough money and they tend to live with mom
[3:43:55 PM] pD says: not very player-like in that fact...
[3:46:48 PM] nsy says: indeed. pirate life is no picnic - not very glamorous in reality
[3:52:02 PM] pD says: this is a talk by the researcher on the drug dealer study: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UGC2nLnaes
[3:52:08 PM] pD says:
[3:52:58 PM] pD says: steven levitt is a bit of a popular celebrity as far as an economist goes. but, i hope his celebrity does not destroy his work as a researcher
[4:41:07 PM] nsy says: wow, that was amazing - thanks. TED is wonderful stuff.
[4:41:49 PM] pD says: gets you thinking, doesn't it!
[4:42:26 PM] pD says: okay, gotta get ready for baby daddy duty - trying to get more face time with the little boss until new gig starts
[4:43:22 PM] nsy says: have fun - bye!:)
[4:43:54 PM] pD says: ciao
NSA Chatters crew
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