[10:49:10 AM] AE says: nope
[10:49:18 AM] AE says: oh... wait... yes!
[10:49:26 AM] pD says: my bad
[10:50:02 AM] nsy says: hullo?
[10:50:44 AM] pD says: should we declare today as a no spell cehck day?
[10:50:54 AM] pD says: could be an interesting exercise
[10:51:14 AM] AE says: (that's "splel cehck"
[10:51:16 AM] AE says: )
[10:51:31 AM] pD is having anotehr brilliant insight (clap)
[10:51:45 AM] pD says: hahahah! indeed, let's see how bad it can get
[10:52:19 AM] pD says: btw, does anyone want to be Peter Parker? “Spiderman suit” may be on the way - http://www.world-science.net/othernews/070829_adhesive.htm
[10:52:22 AM] AE says: no, that's the official mispelling of 'spell checking'. if you're gonna misspell it... get it right.
[10:53:30 AM] pD says: AE, don't be a killjoy - as chairman mao once said, let a thousand flower bloom - diversity is good
[10:54:01 AM] pD says: (of course, it turns out that was a trick for mao to find all of his enemies so he can easily deal with them. But, that is a differnt story)
[10:54:40 AM] AE says: so let all the weeds bloom so you can mow them down?
[10:54:48 AM] AE says: or "mao" them down?
[10:55:04 AM] pD says: precisely...
[10:55:07 AM] AE says: cool link! It's amazing how much we learn from nature!
[10:55:26 AM] pD says: btw, what is the story on the gay republican senator - do we care?
[10:55:45 AM] pD says: the bigger question for me is that why does he still need to do his busienss in an airport bathroom?
[10:55:51 AM] AE says: um... no. sorry, but being alt-sexual in this day and age is very blase
[10:56:05 AM] pD says: aren't there airport hotels that he can use?
[10:56:09 AM] AE says: and that he's a perverted replublican.. kind of redundant.
[10:56:15 AM] pD says: so, is he "old school"?
[10:56:20 AM] AE says: where's the fun in that?
[10:56:31 AM] AE says: don't know.
[11:00:13 AM] pD says: btw, what is his name, craig something?
[11:09:52 AM] AE says: uh Larry I think. From Idaho
[11:10:02 AM] AE says: Oh... Larry Craig. that' the dude
[11:10:52 AM] pD says: we wre both right!
[11:10:55 AM] pD says: talk about win-win
[11:11:07 AM] pD says: nsy, got any good pix of larry and craig?
[11:16:59 AM] nsy says:

[11:17:47 AM] nsy says:

[11:28:48 AM] pD says: was that john ashcroft and trent lott singing?
[11:29:49 AM] pD says: what is with politicians singing? didn't orrin hatch do a CD or something?
[3:31:33 PM] pD says: knock, knock
[3:32:28 PM] nsy says: who's there?
[3:32:36 PM] AE says: banana
[3:32:49 PM] pD says: banana who?
[3:33:10 PM] pD says: (just thought it was awfully quiet)
[3:33:37 PM] pD says: just got back from the airport picking up benevelent illustrious boss (BIB) who was away on business
[3:34:56 PM] AE says: Welcome back B I B!
[3:35:08 PM] AE says: I have to go to a birthday party on the beach.
[3:35:10 PM] AE says: poor me.
[3:35:22 PM] AE says: have a good night all!
[3:36:24 PM] pD says:
[3:37:03 PM] pD says: btw, going to oregon tomorrow for a short R&R. talk with you next week, AE
[3:37:55 PM] pD says: got any plan for the labor day weekend, nsy?
[3:39:29 PM] nsy says: shameless plug - mike's band (the history lesson) is playing at the parkside in san francisco saturday, and we are helping his cousin pick up some furniture sunday, and relaxing monday.
[3:39:40 PM] nsy says: are you goign to see shakespeare in oregon?
[3:40:28 PM] pD says: cool! you should annoucne the history lesson's performance more often - i am all for shameless plugs
[3:40:40 PM] pD says: is there a website? what is the location and time?
[3:41:19 PM] pD says: not going to see shakespeare. little boss has little patience for the "to be or not to be" crowd - not enough blinking stuff
[3:41:43 PM] nsy says: great! http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=71844567
[3:41:45 PM] pD says: A friend has a wineyard in Oregon, so we will be doing the wine country thing. Generally just taking it very easy
[3:41:49 PM] nsy says: http://collect.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=music.showDetails&Band_Show_ID=16341712&friendid=71844567
[3:41:57 PM] nsy says: sounds nice
[3:42:21 PM] nsy says: that was what i was hoping to do (relax), but maybe next weekend
[3:43:18 PM] pD says: for those too lazy to click on the link:
[3:43:19 PM] pD says: the history lesson
September, 1 2007 at Thee Parkside
Not Available , San Francisco, CA,
Cost : FREE
FREE HAPPY HOUR ROCK SHOW @ thee PARKSIDE. with The Doormats, Days Into Years, In the Flat Field.
[3:43:24 PM] nsy says: http://www.theeparkside.com/
[3:43:40 PM] pD says: btw, what time is the gig, need more info
[3:44:55 PM] nsy says: yah- whats up with that? its an afternoon show with a BBQ - all ages. i think it starts at 3, but i''l check
[3:45:17 PM] nsy says: myspace says 5pm
[3:47:53 PM] nsy says: depth charge revolt is santa cruz's best kept secret: http://www.myspace.com/depthchargerevolt
[4:09:44 PM] pD says: is mike involved with depth charge revolt? if not, they cannot be taht good...
NSA Chatters crew
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