[11:16:07 AM] pD says: would like to add a search function for the blog
[11:16:15 AM] pD says: did not find anything obvious inside blogger
[11:16:23 AM] pD says: is there a way to do it via google directly?
[11:16:28 AM] pD says: specify a site search or something?
[11:17:17 AM] AE says: they probably have a search tool.
[11:19:25 AM] nsy says: not sure about this one... http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/1917
[11:25:03 AM] nsy says: interesting: http://particletree.com/features/replacing-trackback-with-blog-search/
[11:33:56 AM] pD says: thanks for the two ideas, nsy
[11:34:03 AM] pD says: they both require script implementations
[11:34:14 AM] pD says: which is a bit beyond me
[11:34:23 AM] pD says: i am looking for a hosted service that is free
[11:34:29 AM] pD says: on google search
[11:34:35 AM] pD says: there is a site search ability
[11:34:51 AM] pD says: "search term site:url" is the format
[11:35:07 AM] pD says: but, when I did a "chocolate site:nsa-chatters.blogspot.com" nothing came up
[11:39:16 AM] nsy says: http://blogsearch.google.com/
[11:41:02 AM] nsy says: chocolate site:http://nsa-chatters.blogspot.com
[11:53:46 AM] pD says: http://nsa-chatters.blogspot.com/2007/06/first-responder-porn-and-vc-chocolate.html
[12:08:32 PM] pD says: nsy, thanks for figuring out
[12:08:42 PM] pD says: it does work with google blog search if specify the site
[12:08:52 PM] pD says: but, i am having problem with creating a form that would do that
[12:09:04 PM] pD says: so far, it would only pop up the goggle blog search window
[12:09:26 PM] pD says: but, it does not allow for the search entry as well as the "site:nsa-chatters.blogpot.com" append
[12:09:32 PM] pD says: can you have a look?
[12:09:38 PM] pD says:
{form action="http://blogsearch.google.com" style="border:1px solid #ccc;padding:3px;text-align:center;" target="popupwindow" method="post" onsubmit="window.open('http://blogsearch.google.com', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true">{br/>Enter your search:{br/>{input style="width:140px" name="search" type="text"/>{input value="+site:nsa-chatters.blogspot.com" name="site-info" type="hidden"/>{input value="Search NSA Chatters" type="submit"/>{/form>
Note: "<" has been repalced by "{" to show the code
[12:09:54 PM] pD says: i also added onto the blog, although non-functioning
[12:09:57 PM] pD says: you can refer to
[12:10:09 PM] nsy says: yah - i'm not sure about that one, there should be a way to embed the search with those default parameters - did you specify the http:// at the beginning? shouldn't make a difference.
[12:11:24 PM] AE says: wow... it's really windy and cold over here.
[12:11:25 PM] AE says: and hello
[12:11:36 PM] AE says: and the bubble tea was really interesting
[12:12:01 PM] AE says: i didn't like the way my body felt after drinking it, though. i suspect the tea has high amounts of caffeine.
[12:12:14 PM] AE says: So... Thursday is the Summer Solstice.
[12:12:21 PM] AE says: longest day of the year
[12:12:38 PM] AE says: and we're lighting a fire to warm our house today...
[12:12:54 PM] AE says: splain to me the whole global warming thing again?
[12:18:59 PM] pD sent files "[deleted]", "
[12:20:14 PM] pD says: glad that you enjoy bubble tea - at least the form factor
[12:20:22 PM] pD says: i know what you mean about its after effects
[12:20:50 PM] pD says: i think it is a combination of caffeine, sugar, and probably some preservatives for the color and flavors
[12:21:01 PM] pD says: i would not recommend eating it everyday
[12:21:06 PM] pD says: but, it is fun every so often
[12:21:29 PM] pD says: also gives your body some practice on foreign toxins
[12:29:20 PM] nsy says: those pictures turned out great - thanks YF!
[12:29:43 PM] AE says: yes! post them.
[12:30:02 PM] pD says: will do - post them - for this IM session
[12:45:51 PM] pD says: Steam-Driven Dreams: The Wondrously Whimsical World of Steampunk - http://www.wired.com/gadgets/mods/multimedia/2007/06/gallery_steampunk
[12:45:56 PM] pD says: this is for you, AE
[12:49:53 PM] nsy says: but i'm going to steal it from him - that stuff rocks!
[12:50:17 PM] AE says: ja, here's mine new laptop: http://gizmodo.com/photogallery/steampunkfest/2037274
[12:50:57 PM] nsy says: i've come home to Terra
[12:51:08 PM] nsy sighing whimsically
[12:51:14 PM] AE says: what is it about steampunk? am i the only one who finds this stuff interesting... Ok, nsy and I?
[12:51:50 PM] AE says: it's like the best of both worlds? the simplicity of the late victorian era combined with today's tech ideas...
[12:53:11 PM] AE says: or perhaps we're all just missing 'real' elements from our products... we touch plastic all day... we require something alive like metal and wood, leather, brass... i'm drooling...
[12:53:35 PM] nsy says: when Mike asked me what I wanted for my b-day last year, I asked for a leather motorcycle cap and goggles - one of the exhibits just reminded me of that. he could only find old welders' goggles on e-bay, but i can't see through them.
[12:54:15 PM] nsy says: http://gizmodo.com/photogallery/steampunkfest/2037266
[12:54:36 PM] AE says: http://www.wired.com/culture/design/multimedia/2007/06/gallery_nemo_office?currentPage=1&slideView=1
[12:54:58 PM] AE says: check the girlgeniousonline.com store...
[12:57:00 PM] nsy says: geez, i love this stuff! when i was a teenager, i used to horde metal scraps from the machine shops in the LA valley and use them to decorate my room, and I loved wearing old military gear, but I never knew there was a name for that stuff - much less other people doing the same thing - my peeps!
[12:57:33 PM] pD says: this is few days late, but
[12:57:35 PM] pD says: On June 16, James Joyce aficionados the world over celebrated Bloomsday.
The day is named after advertising salesman Leopold Bloom, protagonist of Joyce's novel Ulysses. The entirety of this 700+ page book recounts one ordinary day, June 16, 1904, as various characters go about their ways in Dublin.
In those 24 hours Bloom traversed the streets of Dublin.
[12:57:46 PM] pD says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloomsday
[1:00:41 PM] AE has changed the chat topic to "SteamPunk"
[1:01:10 PM] AE says: remember the movie 20,000 leagues under the sea? I always wanted a house that looked like that set.
[1:02:35 PM] AE says: http://www.disneysub.com/index.html
[1:09:06 PM] pD the clinical contrarian
[1:09:20 PM] pD says: i enjoy steampunk stories
[1:09:35 PM] AE says: like what?
[1:09:46 PM] pD says: but, it is always the story that comes first. the use of steam as an energy source is more of a device for me
[1:09:54 PM] pD says: in otehr words, if the story stink, it ain't flying
[1:10:00 PM] AE says: but it does help set the mood.
[1:10:10 PM] pD says: well, any number of anime such as robot carnival
[1:10:20 PM] pD says: or, there was a film called steamboy by the team that made Akira
[1:10:47 PM] pD says: so, in the case of robot carnival, the story was compelling, and the steam technology, frankly, did not get in the way
[1:11:14 PM] pD says: whereas Steamboy, the story started to drag half way through and the use of steam as a technology just felt contrived
[1:11:22 PM] pD says: as for setting the mood, that is definitely true
[1:11:26 PM] pD says: on the other hand,
[1:11:45 PM] pD says: i would note that there is a good degree of "projection" in the mood
[1:12:14 PM] pD says: again, in the context of "victorian" age, there is a true sense of optimism
[1:12:31 PM] pD says: whereas futuristic stories are almost required to have
[1:12:38 PM] pD says: a sinister/sad aspect
[1:13:07 PM] pD says: just like any story, it provides a good short hand to set the mood
[1:13:27 PM] pD says: again, i am not against it, as a matter of a fact, short hands in various forms are what makes our everyday life easy
[1:14:02 PM] pD says: so, take a somewhat hybrid of steampunk and futuristic creation, Brazil
[1:14:45 PM] pD says: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088846/
[1:15:05 PM] pD says: it has a blend of steampunk-ish technology as well as a vision of the big brother
[1:15:34 PM] pD says: let's not forget that 20th century is a very anxious time in our current intellectual perspective
[1:15:51 PM] AE says: interesting... I never would have thought of Brazil as steampunk, but the computers they used were certainly cool!
[1:16:09 PM] AE says: more like 50's era technology.
[1:16:16 PM] pD says: sure, victorian age has seen its share of bad stuff from colonization and wars
[1:16:53 PM] pD says: but, in our current historic view, these issues have been addressed, so they become more of a history as oppose to something that we are still living with today
[1:17:54 PM] pD says: when i think of Brazil, i think of george orwell which is very near victorian time but, things were starting to "downhill"
[1:18:36 PM] pD says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_orwell
[1:24:12 PM] pD says: btw, we have some more votes for the jolly roger flag: http://www.blogpoll.com/poll/view_Results.php?poll_id=117595
[1:24:23 PM] pD says: did you guys ask your friends to vote?
[1:24:43 PM] pD says: http://nsa-chatters.blogspot.com/2007/06/vote-for-official-nsa-chatters-flag.html
[2:01:56 PM] AE says: you guys are my friends. are we supposed to have other friends as well?
[2:14:54 PM] nsy says: tablecloths were invented in the victorian era because the sight of a "leg" was considered so erotic that even table legs were covered to save men from becoming aroused and attempting lewd acts with tables. or so they said on the history channel
[2:18:19 PM] AE says: haha. and now they have dog sex dolls... ah, we've come a long ways!
[2:27:33 PM] nsy says: those poor repressed victorian women - had to go to the doctor to cure their "hysteria". As a woman, i wouldn't want to go back to those times for anything, but the retro aesthetic stuff is fun.
[2:43:54 PM] pD says: sex dolls for dogs! hahah!
[2:43:59 PM] pD says: how does that work?
[2:45:13 PM] AE says: http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/gadgets/hotdoll-the-sex-doll-for-dogs-253334.php
[2:45:30 PM] AE says: yeah.... long gone are the days of reason
[2:49:17 PM] pD says: hahah! have you read the comments?
[2:49:20 PM] pD says: it is a riot
[2:49:46 PM] pD says: is it dish washer safe? (rofl)
[2:50:07 PM] AE says: alright... with that parting gift I'm out of here.
[2:50:12 PM] AE says: see you all tomorrow.
[2:51:13 PM] pD says: wait!
[2:51:38 PM] pD says: we have not told you the brilliant darth vader, shaft flick idea!
[2:51:47 PM] AE says: ... yes?
[2:51:58 PM] pD says: ha, i thought you are leaving?
[2:52:09 PM] pD says: thought that i leave it with a cliff hanger
[2:52:21 PM] AE says: haha. Ok. Bye then!
[2:55:09 PM] pD just noticing nsy erecting rampart
[3:02:03 PM] nsy says: :)
[4:07:41 PM] pD says: so, here is the general thinking about darth vader
[4:07:51 PM] pD says: act 1 scene 1
[4:08:21 PM] pD says: vader is in S&M gear on the street - ref: the isreali ambassador
[4:09:24 PM] pD says: act 1 scene 2
[4:09:56 PM] pD says: vader is berated by his handler (Nat - as in natalie portman) for being a nincompoop
[4:10:45 PM] pD says: we a transformation in vader as Nat tells him that he is just a good-for-nothing into "shaft" he is out to do good and stand by the weak
[4:11:16 PM] pD says: act 2 scene 1
[4:12:37 PM] pD says: vader is on the prowl. he is picking up trash on the street, walking (and scaring) little kids cross the street, then, he hear panting (scream-ish) noises from a shop/shack
[4:12:46 PM] pD says: act 2 scene 2
[4:14:04 PM] pD says: vader finds a small man lamenting his inability to provide good massage service due to overwork and poor nutrition. then, comes a lady in robe asking what is the hold up. she ain't got whole day for her session.
[4:16:03 PM] pD says: we see a spark in vader's eye/mask while the voice over says "i must save this man from his misery". then, vader turned to the lady and politely ask her to wait a few minutes as the small man "Bakka-san" is just about ready for a new regime specially designed for her. The lady leaves in delight with a worried look in Bakka-san's face
[4:16:08 PM] pD says: act 3 scene 1
[4:17:16 PM] pD says: the lady is stretched out on the massage table, you can see her happy face and complimenting how Bakka's regime is amazing, but there is nobody in the room.
[4:18:31 PM] pD says: but to the other side of the wall, we see vader giving air massage while there is an air of quiet happiness on the face of Bakka-san
[4:19:38 PM] pD says: then, suddenly vader's cell phone rang. Bakka-san gestured to vader to continue and pick up the cell phone and talk into it. inaudible but you hear Nat's giggle and Bakka-san's face brighten and impressed as the conversation continues
[4:19:45 PM] pD says: act 3 scene 2
[4:20:38 PM] pD says: the finale: the shop/shack now looks busy with a long line of women talking excitedly about this new massage regime that hits the spot.
[4:20:50 PM] pD says: cut to the massage table, a happy woman
[4:21:10 PM] pD says: cut to vader room, vader is giving air massage with sweat on the mask
[4:21:43 PM] pD says: cut to another room and Bakka-san and Nat are happily counting the money
[4:21:45 PM] pD says: the end
NSA Chatters Crew
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