[12:46:13 PM] pD says: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/london/6747975.stm
[12:46:23 PM] pD says: sad but true
[12:47:22 PM] nsy says: agh! i call shenanigans! get the pitchfork, son!!!
[12:50:18 PM] nsy says: well, its not as bad as some shenanigans (remember OJ?)
[12:50:42 PM] pD says: i would hardly call OJ shenanigan
[12:51:41 PM] nsy says: yes, that is the understatement of the year
[12:52:53 PM] pD says: Roy L. Pearson Jr. wanted to dress sharply for his new job as an administrative law judge here. So when his neighborhood dry cleaner misplaced a pair of expensive pants he had planned to wear his first week on the bench, Judge Pearson was annoyed.
So annoyed that he sued — for $67.3 million.
[12:53:02 PM] pD says: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/13/us/13pants.html?th&emc=th
[12:53:15 PM] pD says: i am telling you, those judge types are just dangerous
[12:53:23 PM] pD says: first getting off on flashing charges
[12:53:43 PM] pD says: now, suing for misplaced pants for $67+mm
[12:53:54 PM] pD says: gotta love the common law system
[12:55:16 PM] nsy says: there should be a strict screening process for judges... hmm
[1:10:39 PM] pD says: or, i was actually thinking that maybe it is time to get a jd degree so i can apply to be a judge too
[1:10:51 PM] pD says: surely, my moral character does not fall below theirs...
[1:11:48 PM] nsy says: all in favor... "Aye"
[1:12:07 PM] pD says: to be technically correct, since I am not an aspiring judge
[1:12:19 PM] pD says: you would need to introduce a motion
[1:12:26 PM] pD says: then, ask for aye's
[1:13:08 PM] pD says: http://www.robertsrules.org/
[1:13:23 PM] nsy says: wow, it looks like you are already on your way.
[1:13:38 PM] pD says: p.s. i meant to say, I am "now" an aspiring judge
[1:14:21 PM] nsy says: good thing - thats what i read. my brain works funny like that.
[1:14:48 PM] nsy says: wow, robert is very orderly
[1:15:07 PM] pD says: if you are going to rob somebody, rob them properly
[1:15:10 PM] pD says: that is what i say
[1:15:54 PM] nsy says: heh
[1:16:29 PM] pD showing off his caliber of moral character fitting of being a judge
[1:16:58 PM] nsy says: impressive show. thanks for the front row seats!
[1:19:52 PM] pD says: you are just waiting for a disaster to happen, aren't you!
[1:22:08 PM] nsy says: (wide-eyed, edge of seat, munching popcorn)
[1:25:25 PM] pD says: BOOO!
[1:27:11 PM] nsy says: aaagh! (popcorn everywhere)
[1:35:13 PM] nsy says: http://www.starcitygames.com/php/news/article/10923.html
[1:38:20 PM] nsy says:

[1:42:51 PM] nsy says:

[1:49:57 PM] pD says: just posted last one: http://nsa-chatters.blogspot.com/2007/06/callebaut-valrhona-flashing-judge.html
[1:51:36 PM] pD says: i think for me, i would be the honorable white wig with the word "what is in it for me" carved on the face
[1:53:52 PM] pD has changed the chat topic to "poetry"
[1:54:25 PM] pD says: so, i was thinking about of a conversation with BIB
[1:54:49 PM] pD says: a.k.a. benevolent illustrious boss
[1:55:11 PM] pD says: she was taking a class on poetry therapy and was complaining that she does not get poetry
[1:55:52 PM] pD says: that was part of her shrinking training
[1:56:24 PM] pD says: anyway, it kind of got me thinking about poetry - i think the biggest problem is often time there is a perception that poetry has to be difficult
[1:57:03 PM] pD says: but, what it really is is about exposing difficult emotions
[1:57:27 PM] pD says: it could be about bliss, but how do you write about bliss that would communicate with the next person
[1:58:51 PM] nsy says: (back-topic) i would be judge mentoch. you can be judge mightor: http://www.answers.com/topic/harvey-birdman-attorney-at-law (and back-topic)
[1:59:27 PM] nsy says: ok, poetry... i think there is poetry for moments.
[1:59:58 PM] nsy says: you understand it when you have experienced the thing the poet is writing about, so as i grow and learn, i relate to more poetry
[2:00:52 PM] nsy says: some experiences i will never have, so i can never relate to those poems
[2:01:46 PM] nsy says: and like you said - expressing difficult emotions. so people often feel they are the only one experiencing that until they hear it in prose, and realize they are not alone - or something. ;)
[2:02:06 PM] nsy says: music can have a similar effect i guess
[2:02:45 PM] pD says: love mightor
[2:02:58 PM] pD says: i need to think about what i will cough up
[2:03:04 PM] pD says: also need to work on my southern accent
[2:03:28 PM] pD says: for somebody who has spent years in the south, i am a really sorry excuse for the way i talk...
[2:04:14 PM] pD says: i think you are quite right about having the right set of experiences
[2:04:25 PM] pD says: in that context, poetry is nothing but a hook
[2:04:45 PM] pD says: to take you on a journey
[2:05:27 PM] pD says: having said that, i do think that it is possible to "get a sense" of what the poem is talking about even without primary experience
[2:05:39 PM] nsy says: i think the best poets do not write for anyone but themselves. to push out something that is eating them from the inside. i love those poems.
[2:05:42 PM] pD says: for example, tennyson's "charge of the light brigade"
[2:06:10 PM] nsy says: yes, I can see that. you san definitely get a sense there.
[2:12:00 PM] nsy says: maybe truly great poets express their ideas in such a way that you can have a vicarious experience. but those are not my personal favorites. (again with the eye of the beholder thing) i prefer the feeling of resonance and validation that comes from poetry that echoes familiar emotional (but not necessarily literal) experiences.
[2:14:08 PM] pD says: ever the procrastinator, i would just say that it is all context dependant. sometimes, i want to be taken for a ride to an unfamiliar land and other times, i just want to know that life does not suck for me alone
[2:14:25 PM] pD says: the flip side of it is the creation of poems.
[2:14:40 PM] pD says: that was part of the BIB discussion on poetry therapy
[2:15:13 PM] pD says: and, i think, for me, i have come to the stage in life where i just throw things in front of me in a minimalistic fashion
[2:15:18 PM] pD says: for poems i mean
[2:15:42 PM] pD says: so, trying to get to the nugget of the idea that i am getting at and ignore everything else
[2:15:57 PM] pD says: sort of a lazy man's poetry method, i suppose
[2:17:41 PM] pD says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Tennyson%2C_1st_Baron_Tennyson
[2:19:36 PM] pD says: btw, you can hear Tennyson read the charge of light brigade: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Charge_of_the_Light_Brigade_(poem)
[2:29:16 PM] nsy says: wow, a moving experience!
[2:29:34 PM] nsy says: i didn’t realize so many famous quotes originated from his prose
[2:33:23 PM] nsy says: useless factoid... the band Iron Maiden used that poem as inspiration for their song "The Trooper"
[2:35:10 PM] nsy says: plus the crimean war
[2:35:45 PM] nsy says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimean_War
[2:40:20 PM] nsy says: interesting how Tennyson referred to Bruno and Spinoza - I'm learning so much. God Save Wikipedia!
[2:40:59 PM] pD says: oh, what did Tennyson say about Spinoza?
[2:41:19 PM] pD says: wasn't spinoza the "best of all possible world" guy?
[2:41:51 PM] nsy says: there is no direct quote except for bruno: His son's biography confirms that Tennyson was not Christian, noting that Tennyson praised Giordano Bruno and Spinoza on his deathbed, saying of Bruno: "His view of God is in some ways mine."
[2:42:44 PM] nsy says: yes Spinoza... "By virtue of his magnum opus, the posthumous Ethics, Spinoza is also considered one of Western philosophy's definitive ethicists."
[2:43:18 PM] nsy says: "Spinoza lived quietly as a lens grinder, turning down rewards and honours throughout his life, including prestigious teaching positions, and gave his family inheritance to his sister."
[2:44:14 PM] nsy says: Bruno was an Italian philosopher, priest, cosmologist, and occultist. Bruno is known for his system of mnemonics based upon organized knowledge and as an early proponent of the idea of an infinite and homogeneous universe. Burned at the stake as a heretic by the Roman Inquisition, Bruno is often seen as the first "martyr [1] for science."
[2:44:42 PM] nsy says: Bruno developed a pantheistic hylozoistic system, essentially incompatible with orthodox Christian Trinitarian beliefs.
[2:45:21 PM] nsy says: wow - i didn’t even know what hylozoistic was. brain so happy... soaking it up...
[2:53:35 PM] pD says: sorry i was confusing Spinoza with Leibniz who was lampooned by Voltaire in Candide
[2:53:47 PM] pD says: Leibniz: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gottfried_Leibniz
[2:54:00 PM] pD says: Candide: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candide
[2:54:56 PM] pD says: When i read candide long time ago, i thought Dr Pangloss was really cool (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pangloss)
[2:55:11 PM] pD says: i suppose my twisted sense of what is funny is well developed early on...
[2:55:38 PM] pD says: okay, i need to dig up my book on western philosophies
[2:55:49 PM] pD says: it has been a while since i touch philosophy
[2:58:59 PM] nsy says: i never studied philosophy but my good friend has a philo degree, so i learn whether i like it or not ;). but i secretly love it - don't tell her.
[3:06:27 PM] nsy says: pangloss - fascinating. so much modern terminology stems from the story. panglossian paradigm even has its own page.
[3:07:07 PM] pD says: well, Candide was considered a major work by Voltaire
[3:07:25 PM] pD says: and, of course, it was often a required reading for something like me
[3:07:40 PM] pD says: but, it is also true that the story is so incredible, that it leaves an impression
[3:08:40 PM] nsy says: sadly, they don't teach much Philosophy in Catholic School.
[3:12:27 PM] nsy says: and college was all about Math for the CoSci stuff. I was robbed.
[3:26:23 PM] nsy says: although my calculus book briefly mentioned Leibniz
[3:26:50 PM] nsy says: and some other computer science books
[3:30:08 PM] nsy says: but his mother was a schmuck
[3:30:21 PM] nsy says: Catherina Schmuck
[3:31:05 PM] pD says: you enjoyed that one didn't you
[3:31:16 PM] pD says: i think it is time for you to repent
[3:31:26 PM] pD says: for taking that much pleasure in somebody's name
[3:33:43 PM] nsy says: (sinister snickering)

[3:38:58 PM] nsy says: i was actually looking for the mutely laugh: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6762466046961647838&q=muttley+laugh&total=5&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=4
[3:39:19 PM] nsy says: can you tell i was raised by a pack of wild cartoons?
[3:41:03 PM] pD says: love cartoons
[3:41:11 PM] pD says: bugs bunny
[3:41:23 PM] pD says: i also like donald duck
[3:47:41 PM] nsy says: do you like ugly dogs? http://samugliestdog.com/
[3:48:27 PM] pD says: hmm...
[3:48:39 PM] pD says: i am not a pet person for practical reasons
[3:48:46 PM] pD says: they will never grow up and make money for me
[3:48:54 PM] pD says: but, are the ugly dogs cartoons?
[3:49:19 PM] pD says: i do not know if Sam looks "ugly"
[3:49:24 PM] pD says: but he sure is a bit scary
[3:49:36 PM] nsy says: i think i would like ugly dogs if they were cartoons, but otherwise, i'm not a huge fan.
[3:50:03 PM] pD says: oh, i also like the two squirrels that were always picking on Donald Duck
[3:50:07 PM] pD says: whatever they names are
[3:50:38 PM] nsy says: oh yah - i forgot about them... they were really cool.
[3:50:59 PM] pD says:

[3:51:46 PM] pD says: now, here is a squirrel worth having as a pet:

[3:54:18 PM] nsy says: yeah - thats no chip'n' dale squirrel
[4:09:33 PM] nsy says: http://www.squirrels.org/video.html
[4:14:18 PM] nsy says: ok, this one's better http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7867532138386013952&q=squirrel+obstacle+course&total=4&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=1
[4:25:54 PM] pD added ANia to this chat
[4:26:05 PM] pD says: i would like to welcome today's guest
[4:26:07 PM] pD says: Ania
[4:26:17 PM] pD says: she was wondering what NSA Chatters is about
[4:26:39 PM] pD says: and, basically, it is about a bunch of people at work who has nothing better to do and cannot exactly leave to goof off
[4:26:49 PM] pD says: fair explanation, nsy?
[4:27:05 PM] nsy says: yay! a goof-off guest!
[4:27:10 PM] ANia says: hehe
[4:27:12 PM] ANia says: :)
[4:27:35 PM] pD says: so what kind of gift are you looking to buy?
[4:27:55 PM] nsy says: did you give her the URL for the old chats?
[4:28:15 PM] pD says: http://nsa-chatters.blogspot.com/
[4:28:31 PM] ANia says: yea, i got this address
[4:28:39 PM] ANia says: should i create a character there?
[4:29:01 PM] ANia says: i mean ID
[4:29:03 PM] pD says: creating a character (avatar?)
[4:29:09 PM] pD says: you gamers are too much
[4:29:14 PM] nsy says: maybe we should have protected her from the insanity. she may run screaming and never return. hmm...
[4:29:19 PM] pD speaking for self
[4:29:33 PM] pD says: we just chat on random topics
[4:29:44 PM] pD says: hey, there is a first for everything
[4:29:57 PM] ANia says: true
[4:29:57 PM] nsy says: and I interrupt pD a lot to see if steam will come out of his ears.
[4:30:04 PM] pD says: i am setting up a pool on how long before Ania realizes this is a complete scam
[4:30:29 PM] pD thinking... but, it is our scam
[4:30:33 PM] nsy says: what are the odds on 30 seconds?
[4:30:45 PM] pD says: 1:5000
[4:30:57 PM] pD says: actually, you missed it already
[4:31:05 PM] nsy says: ok, i'll bet 10 cents
[4:31:20 PM] pD says: Ania was invited on 4:25:54
[4:31:22 PM] nsy says: aaw, dang. i'm always late tot he tea party
[4:31:24 PM] pD says: hmm
[4:31:30 PM] pD says: the force is strong with this one
[4:31:47 PM] pD says: (heavy breathing)
[4:31:52 PM] ANia says: hehe
[4:31:53 PM] pD speaking from the dark side
[4:32:13 PM] nsy says: darth pD is back! RUN!!!
[4:33:01 PM] ANia says: my boyfriend was darth vader for the halloween
[4:33:03 PM] pD says: too late, i have your throat
[4:33:18 PM] pD says: you non-believer
[4:33:26 PM] pD as an aside
[4:33:28 PM] nsy says: GGARRG
[4:33:35 PM] pD says: so, Ania this is what we do in this IM/blog thing
[4:33:45 PM] pD says: does that answer your question?
[4:33:51 PM] ANia says: i see
[4:33:55 PM] ANia says: yes, it does
[4:33:57 PM] ANia says: :)
[4:34:06 PM] nsy says: do you have pictures of your boyfriend as Vader?
[4:34:14 PM] ANia says: let me thing
[4:34:19 PM] ANia says: think
[4:34:23 PM] ANia says: yes
[4:35:06 PM] ANia says: do you wanna see him?
[4:35:19 PM] pD begging to be graced
[4:35:39 PM] ANia sent file "[deleted]" to members of this chat
[4:35:41 PM] pD says: btw, Lucas film is soliciting Starwar theme short films: http://nsa-chatters.blogspot.com/2007/06/115345-am-pd-says-hi-folks-i-would-like.html
[4:36:19 PM] pD says: we should come up with a script and i have already downloaded the various sound effects that we can use
[4:36:43 PM] nsy says: now you're talking!
[4:37:43 PM] nsy says: whoa! sweet costume!
[4:37:44 PM] pD says: let's make that an agenda item for tomorrow
[4:38:00 PM] pD says: hey, how come i am still downloading
[4:38:03 PM] ANia says: yea, it is cool costume
[4:38:03 PM] pD says: 35% complete
[4:38:13 PM] pD says: somebody is holding out on the bandwidth on me
[4:38:21 PM] nsy says: mwahahahahaha
[4:38:22 PM] ANia says: but i had a hard time to figured out my costume
[4:38:36 PM] pD says: yeah, what did you have?
[4:38:44 PM] ANia says: i ended up being a nurse, Darth Vader private nurse
[4:39:06 PM] ANia says: in case he had problems with breathing
[4:39:12 PM] nsy says: LOL
[4:39:14 PM] pD not saying anything un-PC
[4:39:39 PM] pD says: anyone wants to know my costume
[4:39:46 PM] ANia says: sure
[4:39:49 PM] pD says: 65% complete
[4:39:52 PM] pD says: ay...
[4:40:06 PM] pD says: i am, was and probably will always be, the invisible man
[4:41:03 PM] nsy says: did you hear something?
[4:41:10 PM] pD says: ?
[4:41:12 PM] ANia says: ?
[4:41:14 PM] nsy says: must have been the wind
[4:41:25 PM] nsy says: or... the invisible man!
[4:41:33 PM] ANia says: heheh
[4:41:34 PM] pD says: hahah!
[4:41:50 PM] pD says: oh, that also reminds of a dirty joke
[4:41:57 PM] pD says: anyway, i can tell you tomorrow
[4:42:26 PM] pD says: on second thought
[4:42:32 PM] pD says: it cannot be the invisible man
[4:42:44 PM] ANia says: why not?
[4:42:52 PM] pD says: because part of his power is the ability to do nothing - part of
[4:42:58 PM] pD says: staying "invisible"
[4:43:05 PM] pD says: so, he ain't going to create no wind
[4:43:30 PM] pD says: finally finished the download
[4:44:01 PM] pD says: i am in love with your boyfriend
[4:44:05 PM] ANia says: hehe
[4:44:06 PM] pD says: that is just so cool
[4:44:34 PM] ANia says: yea, it is a cool costume
[4:45:29 PM] pD says: hey, how about doing a script where a game tester ends up having darth vader actually coming out of the game
[4:45:30 PM] ANia says: and he has awesome light saber
[4:46:00 PM] nsy says: triumph ruined darth costumes for me. so sad. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6144096400228908907&q=triumph+star+wars&total=93&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0
[4:46:30 PM] pD says: sort like the purple rose of Cairo: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089853/
[4:46:48 PM] ANia says: nice
[4:46:55 PM] pD says: or, sigh, the last action hero: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107362/
[4:47:32 PM] pD says: right, and darth vader come out of the game because his saber was jammed and he needs the game tester to fix it
[4:48:27 PM] pD says: so, the game tester makes him go through a series of goofy stuff like jumping on one leg while saying "dark side is good"
[4:48:41 PM] ANia says: :)
[4:49:07 PM] ANia says: nsy, that video is awesome
[4:49:14 PM] nsy says: hahaahaaa - that sounds perfect! see you already have the script under way
[4:49:14 PM] ANia says: (rofl)
[4:50:59 PM] pD says: oh, here is a good one, make vader give "air massage" using the force
[4:51:24 PM] nsy says: mwahahaha
[4:54:20 PM] pD says: as a matter of a fact...
[4:54:38 PM] pD says: we can do a series of Jedi services
[4:54:42 PM] pD says: air massage comes to mind
[4:54:57 PM] pD says: what other stuff do you think they can do - something mundane and domestic
[4:55:21 PM] pD says: the script could be a series about how the game tester becomes a mastermind behind "Jedis on Call"
[4:55:36 PM] pD says: sort of mistreating and exploiting the Jedis for their force
[4:55:43 PM] ANia says: wow, you are very creative
[4:55:48 PM] nsy says: (snicker) hmm...
[4:56:19 PM] pD says: not sure about creative but years of studying has done serious damanage to my psyche
[4:56:30 PM] ANia says: heh
[4:56:36 PM] nsy says: lifting the couch cushions to look for change, then taking the (insert name of bipedal white mammal) to the drive-through for a burger
[4:56:51 PM] nsy says: damanage - i like that
[4:56:54 PM] pD says: say, we can say this is the real pre-qual [sic] to the original
[4:57:06 PM] pD says: so, it was not so much that anikan fell to the dark side
[4:57:06 PM] nsy says: heheh - i think thats been done
[4:57:14 PM] pD says: oh, so sad
[4:57:33 PM] pD says: somebody was already selling Jedi services for domestic help?
[4:57:54 PM] nsy says: it aint easy being jedi
[4:58:07 PM] pD says: okay, guys, i am going into a conference call,
[4:58:10 PM] pD says: brb
[4:58:15 PM] nsy says: l8r
[4:58:20 PM] ANia says: ok
[4:58:33 PM] ANia says: i am gonna make a dinner
[4:58:35 PM] ANia says: brb
[4:59:07 PM] pD says: do you think we have overwhelmed Ania, nsy?
[5:00:13 PM] nsy says: for now. i think once she gets comfortable, she will put us in or place.
[5:00:25 PM] pD says: you know
[5:00:30 PM] pD says: i am always glad
[5:00:37 PM] pD with a glint in my eye
[5:00:51 PM] pD says: to help somebody get ready for the real life in the office
[5:01:12 PM] nsy says: ah, yes
[5:01:23 PM] nsy with misty eyes
[5:01:32 PM] nsy says: real life
[5:05:14 PM] ANia says: oh, I am not overwhelmed, I am just not that familiar with Star Wars, I have seen all the episode but only once
[5:05:15 PM] ANia says: :)
[5:06:19 PM] nsy says: i'm more of a lord of the rings geek, really
[5:06:22 PM] nsy says: :)
[5:06:46 PM] nsy says: i'm surprised you get a chance to watch anything with all the schoolwork you have
[5:07:53 PM] ANia says: oh, that was last summer
[5:08:02 PM] ANia says: we spend all weekend watching star wars
[5:08:16 PM] ANia says: my boyfriend could not believe that i have not seen it
[5:08:22 PM] ANia says: so he made me watch it
[5:08:28 PM] ANia says: but it was fun!
[5:08:46 PM] nsy says: hahah - that is quite a movie marathon!
[5:10:28 PM] ANia says: yea,
[5:13:39 PM] pD says: all 6?
[5:13:45 PM] ANia says: yes
[5:13:53 PM] pD says: you must really love him
[5:13:58 PM] ANia says: hehe
[5:14:19 PM] ANia says: yea, i do
[5:14:24 PM] ANia says: but it was fun
[5:17:48 PM] pD says: long time ago before George Lukas decided to ruin the original star wars
[5:17:56 PM] pD says: there was a national run for all three of the original
[5:18:12 PM] pD says: a bunch of friend and I went into the theater to watch the films
[5:19:20 PM] pD says: that built a lot of characters
[6:09:57 PM] pD says: can i post this?
[6:10:23 PM] nsy says: have at it!
[6:10:38 PM] pD says: ania?
[6:10:51 PM] ANia says: yes
[6:10:53 PM] ANia says: ?
[6:11:09 PM] pD says: post to NSA Chatters
[6:11:14 PM] ANia says: sure
[6:27:00 PM] pD says: p.s. can I post the darth vader pix?
[6:27:02 PM] pD says: pls!
[6:28:06 PM] ANia says: hm
[6:28:16 PM] pD says: pls!
[6:28:46 PM] ANia says: i do know, i should ask him first
[6:29:01 PM] ANia says: but i guess no one would now that it is him
[6:29:02 PM] ANia says: sure
[6:29:05 PM] ANia says: you can post it
[6:29:19 PM] pD says: the force is strong with this one...
[6:29:24 PM] pD says: thank you
[6:29:40 PM] ANia says: just don't tell him
[6:29:45 PM] ANia says: if you ever meet him
[6:29:47 PM] ANia says: :P
[6:30:04 PM] pD says: oh, i was hoping that he can be a guest for one of these IM sessions!
[6:30:11 PM] nsy says: meet who? ;-p
[6:30:22 PM] ANia says: my bfriend
[6:30:26 PM] pD says: Ania's personal darth vader
[6:30:29 PM] ANia says: heh
NSA Chatters
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