[12:37:12 PM] pD says: she is not in skype
[12:37:47 PM] AE says: she's home... perhaps she forgot to enable skype.
[12:37:57 PM] AE says: or she's out eating.
[12:38:01 PM] AE says: or she's ignoring us.
[12:38:15 PM] pD says: do you use yahoo im? maybe you can entice her to come on line
[12:38:29 PM] AE sighs
[12:38:31 PM] AE says: fine.
[12:38:55 PM] AE says: no, she's offline there as well.
[12:39:21 PM] AE fades into the mist of thought.
[12:39:46 PM] pD fades into the mist of curry rice
[12:41:15 PM] pD says: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/08/washington/08nsa.html?th&emc=th
[12:41:24 PM] pD says: do you think we will get subpoena'd?
[12:41:41 PM] pD says: everything, more or less, is posted, you know...
[12:43:10 PM] AE says: okay... that's for the wiretapping program...
[12:43:15 PM] AE says: we're just chatter.
[12:43:52 PM] pD says: oh, yeah! we still have to stand firm
[12:43:54 PM] pD says: fight the power
[12:43:59 PM] pD says: fight the man
[12:44:00 PM] pD says: dudes!
[12:44:09 PM] AE says: lounge against the machine!
[12:44:29 PM] AE says: why do all these guys in power have jowels?
[12:44:39 PM] pD says: jowles?
[12:44:48 PM] AE says: dulaps?
[12:45:00 PM] AE says: extra flesh hanging off their face.
[12:45:05 PM] AE says: they're aliens.
[12:45:22 PM] AE says: those are probably some kind of re-productive egg sack.
[12:45:37 PM] AE says: or salivary glands they use to eat their young.
[12:45:50 PM] pD says: i like to think of them as the unwashed masses
[12:46:01 PM] AE says: only after lunch.
[12:46:02 PM] pD says: we are the enlightened aliens to save them from themselves
[12:46:24 PM] AE says: not me buddy. I'm here with my bag of chips to watch them go down in flames.
[12:46:44 PM] AE says: because jowels +mistakes = good TV entertainment
[12:47:31 PM] pD says: i rather fancy myself as the new (old style) colonizers of yore
[12:47:40 PM] pD says: it is good to be the colonizer not the colonized
[12:48:18 PM] AE has changed the chat topic to "ReColonization"
[12:48:23 PM] AE says: what are you talking about?
[12:48:47 PM] AE says: are you referring to the fact you were born off-planet?
[12:49:02 PM] pD says: me, enlightened aliens, coming to save those NSA and democrat types
[12:49:18 PM] pD says: with compassion and stern rules
[12:49:21 PM] AE says: why save them?
[12:49:23 PM] pD says: like the old colonizers
[12:49:41 PM] pD says: empire building - the same old reason
[12:49:43 PM] AE says: oh, like how they saved the indigenous peoples of Australia?
[12:49:45 PM] pD says: different packaging
[12:49:52 PM] pD says: exactly
[12:49:55 PM] AE says: or saved the american indians?
[12:50:03 PM] AE says: or saved leftovers from dinner?
[12:50:09 PM] pD says: or, Indians and Chinese
[12:50:25 PM] AE says: I love Indian and Chinese food...
[12:50:27 PM] pD says: i am already sympathizing with the old colonizers
[12:50:45 PM] AE says: ah. so now you're here to save the colonizers of the new world?
[12:50:53 PM] pD says: the mere thought of helping out those old geezers in DC is giving me visions
[12:51:03 PM] AE says: I'll bet
[12:51:10 PM] pD says: actually, i am here to save the colonized - as the colonizer
[12:51:33 PM] AE says: too late. We already discovered this continent. Go find your own.
[12:51:59 PM] AE says: and we don't want your avian bird-flu infected blankets, thanks.
[12:52:52 PM] AE says: so you're suggesting that the current leaders of the american colonies could use a little recolonization?
[12:53:00 PM] pD says: too late
[12:53:06 PM] AE says: or is this because the word colon is in there somewhere?
[12:53:24 PM] pD says: that was what the native americans were trying to explains to the Cortez and puritans over turkeys
[12:53:53 PM] pD says: so, i would just ignore your plead to not re-colonize this land
[12:54:16 PM] AE says: but we rightful re-colonized it from the previous occupants!
[12:54:38 PM] pD ignoring the protests
[12:54:42 PM] AE says: We discovered it!
[12:54:55 PM] AE says: The occupants didn't even know what it was called until we got here!
[12:55:23 PM] AE says: besides, we've just about exploited all the resources...
[12:55:40 PM] pD already looking at an incomplete map and trying to see how to send out Lu and Kak (instead of Louise and Clark) to map out the new world
[12:55:51 PM] AE says: Ahhhh!!!
[12:56:00 PM] AE runs screaming into the ocean
[12:56:29 PM] pD pointing at the ocean and thinking out loud - we should claim that too
[12:56:55 PM] AE says: There's a whole universe of unclaimed territory.
[12:56:59 PM] AE points up
[12:57:08 PM] AE says: so, you know, blast off.
[12:57:19 PM] pD says: too far
[12:57:26 PM] pD says: gas price is kind of high these days
[12:57:41 PM] pD says: we may be new colonizers
[12:57:44 PM] AE says: all it takes is one metal rich asteroid and all expenses will be covered.
[12:58:05 PM] pD says: but, we still sleep with the same big multinational corporations
[12:58:18 PM] AE says: Ah... I get it.
[12:58:26 PM] AE says: You've probably got jowels too.
[12:58:35 PM] pD says: actually, i sell them
[12:58:40 PM] pD says: quite a good business too
[12:58:56 PM] pD says: lots of posers who want several to match their outfits
[12:59:21 PM] AE says: right. well, why fight it.
[12:59:26 PM] AE says: set me up with a pair.
[12:59:47 PM] AE says: something to go with a navy blue blazer and red tie.
[1:00:01 PM] pD says: excellent choice, sir
[1:00:14 PM] pD says: that is one of our most sought after combo
[1:00:21 PM] pD says: now, if you could sign on the dotted line
[1:00:26 PM] AE says: with what?
[1:00:36 PM] pD says: this will get you in front of the waiting queue
[1:00:53 PM] pD says: in exchange, we just ask for a minor consideration for our efforts
[1:01:01 PM] pD says: 7/8 of your soul
[1:01:22 PM] pD says: like good drug pushers, taking everything from our customers is actually a self-limiting practice
[1:01:27 PM] AE says: pieces of eight eh?
[1:01:35 PM] AE says: I see now
[1:01:39 PM] pD says: we learnt from some of the old masters who had some dealing with a fellow called
[1:01:43 PM] pD says: Faust?
[1:01:55 PM] AE says: Never heard of the man.
[1:02:26 PM] AE says: some teacher, wasn't he?
[1:02:29 PM] pD says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faust
[1:02:47 PM] pD says: he traded his soul for youth and knowledge
[1:02:55 PM] AE says: we all do that
[1:02:59 PM] AE says: that's called getting older
[1:03:03 PM] pD says: inspired at least two operas as far as i know
[1:03:16 PM] AE says: Oh, wait, that's trading your youth for knowledge...
[1:03:34 PM] pD says: he traded his soul 100% for youth and knowledge
[1:03:37 PM] AE says: can't have youth and knowledge unless you believe in reincarnation.
[1:03:47 PM] AE says: then there is no Devil.
[1:04:33 PM] pD says: there is no reason why devil cannot exist independent of everything else
[1:10:38 PM] pD says: devil:
[1:11:23 PM] AE says: he's not a devil.
[1:11:29 PM] AE says: he's a daemon.
[1:12:21 PM] pD says: you say pine apple, i say anana
[1:13:07 PM] pD has changed the chat topic to "midlife crisis"
[1:13:18 PM] pD says: i was talking with a friend recently
[1:13:26 PM] pD says: he thinks he is having a midlife crisis
[1:13:31 PM] pD says: admittedly, he is on the young side
[1:13:35 PM] AE says: thinks? or wishes?
[1:13:43 PM] pD says: but, it got me thinking about what mine should be
[1:13:49 PM] AE says: why have one?
[1:13:53 PM] AE says: why crisis?
[1:13:53 PM] pD says: oh, he is having a real one
[1:14:05 PM] pD says: he is dating an 18 years old
[1:14:14 PM] AE says: how old is he?
[1:14:26 PM] pD says: do not know exactly, but in the mid-30's would be my guess
[1:14:45 PM] pD says: anyway, i told him to lay off on the viagras
[1:14:53 PM] AE says: no kidding.
[1:15:09 PM] AE says: wait... 18 year old girls weren't into that when I was young...
[1:15:19 PM] pD says: so, have you thought about what yours should be?
[1:15:29 PM] AE says: i've decided to go without.
[1:15:36 PM] pD says: buying a harley davidson is kind of a cliche
[1:15:42 PM] AE says: yuck!
[1:15:45 PM] pD says: oh, we all need a midlife crisis
[1:15:50 PM] AE says: I really can't stand HD's...
[1:15:53 PM] AE says: why?
[1:15:57 PM] pD says: actually, it is considered quite healthy from a psychological perspective
[1:16:03 PM] AE says: y?
[1:16:15 PM] pD says: it shows that a person is reflecting on his/her life
[1:16:25 PM] pD says: it does not have to by HD or an 18 year old
[1:16:31 PM] pD says: some people turned to yoga
[1:16:31 PM] AE says: why does that have to precipitate a crisis?
[1:16:37 PM] AE says: exactly.
[1:16:42 PM] AE says: or running insane distances.
[1:16:50 PM] pD says: oh, i think the word "crisis" is just a catchy way of describing the process
[1:17:05 PM] AE says: poor word choice, in my way of thinking.
[1:17:19 PM] AE says: it can just be 'mid-life reflection;
[1:17:24 PM] AE says: ok, not the same ring...
[1:17:26 PM] pD says: don't forge that I am in marketing
[1:17:34 PM] AE says: ok, forge ahead then!
[1:17:35 PM] pD says: i am liable to use hyperbole
[1:17:43 PM] AE says: come up with a better term then!
[1:17:50 PM] pD says: no, i like crisis
[1:17:57 PM] pD says: it is more action oriented
[1:18:15 PM] AE says: crisis implies emergency.
[1:18:30 PM] AE says: crisis implies impending disaster.
[1:18:37 PM] AE says: why do you think it's fitting?
[1:18:49 PM] AE says: poor planning = crisis.
[1:18:55 PM] AE says: proper planning = event
[1:19:18 PM] AE says: looking at an opportunity incorrectly can realize it as a crisis as well.
[1:20:07 PM] pD says: for the same reason that we hang a jolly roger on the ceiling
[1:20:23 PM] pD says: would i prefer to have a midlife crisis or a midlife event or a midlife retrospective?
[1:20:31 PM] pD says: crisis, crisis, crisis
[1:20:41 PM] pD crisis echoing in the hall
[1:57:25 PM] pD says: okay, i think the sugar high from lunch is wearing off
[1:57:43 PM] pD says: what would be your midlife event?
[1:57:52 PM] AE says: would you like a pocky stick?
[1:58:21 PM] pD says: i just got off a sugar high
[1:58:22 PM] AE says: when I'm 50 I would like to run very far.
[1:58:24 PM] AE says: Ok.
[1:58:25 PM] pD says: i should wait
[1:58:26 PM] AE says: ok
[1:58:35 PM] pD says: how far is very far?
[1:58:44 PM] AE says: over 100 miles
[1:58:59 PM] pD says: i'll watch you from a TV
[1:59:17 PM] pD says: actually, i have decided that i should have several midlife crises
[1:59:22 PM] pD says: say one every twenty years
[1:59:33 PM] pD says: it does confuse the math a bit
[1:59:45 PM] pD says: but, who says life should be consisted of two halves
[1:59:53 PM] pD says: maybe mine is 4.32 in total
[2:02:37 PM] AE says: that's a good question... how can we have a mid-life crisis if we don't know when our life will end?
[2:02:54 PM] AE says: What If I die at 50? Then I already missed the timing for my mid-life event!
[2:03:01 PM] AE says: That's a crisis right there!
[2:03:23 PM] pD says: think Faust
[2:03:31 PM] pD says: maybe he has got a point
[2:03:45 PM] AE says: sell your soul to the devil?
[2:03:52 PM] AE says: nope. life is life, but the soul is eternal.
[2:04:05 PM] AE says: you can leave a really bad life behind. you can't get a soul back.
[2:04:11 PM] pD says: ref: the new colonizers, a.k.a. yours truly
[2:04:19 PM] pD says: we will only take 7/8 of yours
[2:04:30 PM] pD says: this is the new economy and we have a new pricing model
[2:04:30 PM] AE says: right. you pirate.
[2:04:40 PM] AE says: pieces of eight?
[2:04:42 PM] pD says: correction: enlightened aliens
[2:04:44 PM] AE says: that's old economy.
[2:05:01 PM] pD says: you say pine apple, i say anana
[2:09:05 PM] AE says: if you say anana i say you've been listening to baby talk for too long.
[2:09:05 PM] pD says: a while back, i thought it would be interesting to start a cover band
[2:09:27 PM] AE says: Ok. what do you have in mind?
[2:09:34 PM] AE says: I play a mean lounge didgeridoo.
[2:09:59 PM] pD says: well, you give me too much credit
[2:10:05 PM] pD says: the idea went as far as that
[2:10:11 PM] pD says: "start a cover band"
[2:19:25 PM] pD says: thanks for the dot matrix symphony
[2:21:47 PM] pD has changed the chat topic to "music"
[2:21:49 PM] AE says: sure. that was |||||||| |||||| ||||
[2:22:10 PM] pD says: classical music as a particular grammar
[2:22:30 PM] pD says: not right or wrong, just a set of things that you/I look for
[2:22:45 PM] pD says: but, i often found myself lost with modern music
[2:22:52 PM] pD says: and, that can get a bit frustrating
[2:23:06 PM] AE says: lost how?
[2:23:28 PM] pD says: but, in fairness, that is how i felt about john coltrane vis-a-vis Charlie Parker early on
[2:23:42 PM] pD says: lost like cannot understand the traffic signs
[2:24:06 PM] pD says: in the classical format, there are specific cues on what constitute a "phrase"
[2:24:06 PM] AE says: I feel the same way about most jazz...
[2:24:14 PM] AE says: there's not a hook to draw me in.
[2:24:36 PM] AE says: I love Herbie Hancock because he can tell a great story with his music.
[2:24:55 PM] pD says: and, there are meta phrases that consist of several and within specific forms, when a phrase is used, it also gives cues on if it is changing to a new movement and/or the end is near
[2:24:56 PM] AE says: and some classical pieces practically write stories for me.
[2:25:26 PM] pD says: very much so, in (classical) music parlance
[2:25:26 PM] AE says: interesting. you have a much more technical view of music.
[2:25:52 PM] pD says: there are absolute music and program music
[2:26:12 PM] AE says: I never look for clues that music is ending or moving or changing... it's just expression... the residue left after artistic expression.
[2:26:20 PM] pD says: absolute music are just manipulation of music notes and structures - Bach is a great example
[2:26:41 PM] pD says: whereas program music usually have a specific motiv such as a ballad vs a march
[2:26:45 PM] AE says: thinking about it like that ignores the spirit of the music, to me.
[2:27:02 PM] pD says: well, to theorize anything, you need some kind of structure around it
[2:27:16 PM] AE says: but ‘it’s an expression of art.
[2:27:20 PM] pD says: it is less romantic, but it also makes communication easier - technically
[2:27:36 PM] AE says: you mean when trying to explain from one generation to the next how to play?
[2:28:06 PM] AE says: sure. ok. notation and understanding are important to transport the nuances across temporal gaps.
[2:28:13 PM] pD says: not just that, it also provides very useful cue for the performance
[2:28:19 PM] pD says: let me give you an example
[2:28:24 PM] pD says: this actually happened to me
[2:28:48 PM] pD says: once, i was handed a new sheet of music
[2:28:52 PM] pD says: my new assignment
[2:28:57 PM] pD says: the title of the piece is called
[2:28:59 PM] pD says: Lagrima
[2:29:41 PM] pD says: not sure if you know what "lagrima" is
[2:29:53 PM] pD says: i did not at the time, and i was too lazy to look it up
[2:30:15 PM] pD says: so, the next time i met up with the instructor, i play the piece and, since i was in a good mood that day,
[2:30:26 PM] pD says: i was playing it happy - almost like a march
[2:30:42 PM] pD says: so, after i done my piece, my instructor asked me, do i know what is "lagrima"
[2:30:53 PM] pD says: well, it means "tear"
[2:31:11 PM] pD says: so, i was doing a very happy "tear"
[2:31:13 PM] pD says: piece
[2:31:38 PM] pD says: so, in the classical music context,
[2:31:54 PM] pD says: that is one of those codes that people use to transmit specific ideas
[2:32:29 PM] pD says: it is sort of like mathematical terms that people can use to communicate from buying stuff in a foreign land
[2:32:47 PM] pD says: to developing a new model between two scholars who do not speak the same language
[2:33:07 PM] pD says: anyway, i am not suggesting that modern/electronic music should fit into that same structure
[2:33:38 PM] pD says: it is just that for me, it is hard to understand modern music given all the baggage that I have from classical
[2:33:49 PM] pD hoping this makes some sense
[2:35:06 PM] pD says: and, part of the problem for me is that i am not sure if there is any systematic attempt at created a set of new languages for modern music - like what people have done for jazz
[2:35:41 PM] AE says: As I said, I think modern music is more expression.
[2:36:02 PM] AE says: there is little attempt made to transcribe it as in classical, because it's all recorded.
[2:36:10 PM] AE says: you can just hear how it was played anytime.
[2:36:27 PM] AE says: no need to attempt and discern what the original composer intended.
[2:36:31 PM] AE says: just listen to it.
[2:38:54 PM] pD says: i hear you, that is sort of the idea behind improvisation at jazz
[2:39:10 PM] pD says: it is supposed to express an immediacy that is not there with a "script"
[2:39:31 PM] pD says: interestingly, having done both classical and jazz improv, i think often time the reverse is true
[2:42:05 PM] AE says: oddly, i have a hard time being interested in improv jazz...
[2:42:17 PM] AE says: there is too little there of substance to interest me.
[2:42:30 PM] pD says: hahah! i know what you mean
[2:42:49 PM] AE says: it always sounds like a bunch of people playing instruments together in the same key, more or less.
[2:42:49 PM] pD says: although it is also true that inspired improv is amazing - i.e. john coltrane
[2:43:10 PM] AE says: true. there are tons of people who really enjoy it.
[2:43:36 PM] AE says: ok, it's really only 11 people... but they each weigh over 200 pounds.
[2:43:41 PM] AE says: so that's tons.
[2:43:57 PM] pD says: actually, herbie hancock does good improv
[2:44:12 PM] pD says: hahaha! a tonne of improv, therefore
[2:44:25 PM] pD says: have you heard his recording "head hunter"
[2:45:21 PM] pD says: that is an example of improv with a funk touch
[2:45:45 PM] pD says: and, that "sort of" is the extent of the more modern-ish music that i still "get"
[2:47:11 PM] AE says: yes. I'm more of a 'Future Shock' fan though. Headhunter was, again, to vague for me.
[2:48:49 PM] AE says: Ok. I have to head out. Good bye!
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