[10:53:04 AM] pD says: hope everyone had a good weekend
[10:53:08 AM] pD says: mine was quite decent
[10:53:14 AM] pD says: sorry for being grumpy earlier with AE
[10:54:07 AM] nsy says: it's been crazy lately - something in the air. i have an install at 11, so talk to you later :)
[10:54:16 AM] pD says: i am usually full of thoughts (all varieties) in the morning
[10:54:30 AM] pD says: just takes a bit o time to sort them through - or suppress them
[10:58:51 AM] pD says: as for that air thing
[10:59:00 AM] pD says: i think it is call the end of quarter madness
[11:08:42 AM] pD says: speaking of which, I assume the same applies to spammers, got about double the usual amount of spam - this is with the spam filter turned on...
[11:17:41 AM] AE says: want to hear about my last 24 hours?
[11:17:50 AM] pD says: shoot
[11:17:56 AM] AE says: I helped some friends set up for their wedding.
[11:18:01 AM] AE says: then officiated the wedding.
[11:18:17 AM] AE says: That was way fun. Reverend AE. heh
[11:18:37 AM] AE says: Then, this morning on the way to work, I was first on the scene of a car flipped over on Bear Creek road.
[11:19:03 AM] AE says: The driver was just trying to get out of his car when I got there. He asked if I could help him turn his car over so he could get to work.
[11:19:20 AM] AE says: The top of the vehicle was caved in, and he was bleeding from a head wound.
[11:19:40 AM] AE says: So, I asked him what his name was. He stood there for a moment and couldn't remember.
[11:19:52 AM] AE says: So I asked him to sit down on the side of the road.
[11:20:17 AM] AE says: At this point, as I was starting to tend to his head wound there were screeching tires.
[11:20:30 AM] AE says: His car was blocking both lanes, and we were on a blind corner.
[11:21:02 AM] AE says: I got my two ancient flares and handed them to some of the other drivers that had stopped so they could help prevent another accident.
[11:21:22 AM] AE says: When I turned back, the guy with the head wound was trying to push his car out of the way.
[11:21:47 AM] AE says: So I sat him back down and started working on him again. Then I noticed there was a bush on fire just up the road.
[11:22:03 AM] AE says: One of the road flares had rolled into the brush on the side and started a fire.
[11:22:37 AM] AE says: So, I ran off with my fire extinguisher and put it out. In the mean time, the injured driver was up again, trying to convince other people that he was fine and needed to get to work.
[11:23:16 AM] AE says: At that point another person came running up and introduced himself as a first responder. He had a first aid kit, so I set him to babysitting the injured driver.
[11:23:39 AM] AE says: Then I helped rotate the flipped car so it was only blocking one lane and we started directing traffic.
[11:24:02 AM] AE says: About 30 minutes later, the CHP arrived and we handed everything over to them.
[11:24:08 AM] AE says: Observations:
[11:24:25 AM] AE says: 1. The driver couldn't remember his name, but knew he had to get to work.
[11:25:00 AM] AE says: 2. Some people stopped to help, some people just watched, and some people got angry that we were interrupting their commute.
[11:25:26 AM] AE says: 3. Of the 4 people who stopped to help, ALL had first responder training.
[11:25:57 AM] AE says: i don't know if that's just the kind of people who go for that class, or if it's something about the training.
[11:26:12 AM] AE says: so. how was your morning?
[11:26:26 AM] AE says: actually, I'm off to get food. I have an install soon.
[11:26:56 AM] pD says: going a conference call, BRB
[12:02:09 PM] AE says: when were you grumpy?
[12:02:20 PM] AE says: you've never been grumpy with me.
[12:11:34 PM] pD says: thank you for sharing your first responder story
[12:11:48 PM] pD says: it is fascinating from your perspective
[12:12:20 PM] pD says: I think you are absolutely right that it is a self-selecting group of people who would be a first responder
[12:13:16 PM] pD says: i wonder if this happened on the silicon valley stretch of 101, how many first responders would we get
[12:13:45 PM] pD says: as for people responding differently with the accident, that is, (un)fortunately, human nature
[12:14:05 PM] pD says: i think it may be helpful for first responders to get a vest that would help people understand the situation
[12:22:01 PM] AE says: good point about the location.
[12:22:26 PM] AE says: since it's on a stretch of road that was impassible, there were several of us who had no choice.
[12:22:39 PM] AE says: in fact, the only times I've stopped to assist have been on mountain roads.
[12:23:19 PM] AE says: when I see a vehicle on the side of the freeway, I tend to check to see if 1. Anyone is laying near the car, 2. the hood is up, 3. Anyone is jumping around frantically while bleeding.
[12:23:33 PM] AE says: if none of those conditions are met, I drive by without even looking.
[12:23:50 PM] AE says: and the hood up isn't as certain for me as it used to be.
[1:05:16 PM] pD says: nsy, recall the discussion about how porn drives technology
[1:05:31 PM] pD says: A collection of recordings from the 1890s are now on CD. But be warned: They're a bit off-color. In fact, Actionable Offenses: Indecent Phonograph Recordings from the 1890s are shock-jock worthy.
[1:05:37 PM] pD says: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=11131880&sc=emaf
[1:05:56 PM] pD says: they also drove the development of wax sound recordings.
[1:06:37 PM] AE says: I think it's more the gaming industry that's got it now.
[1:06:52 PM] AE says: they certainly drive computer upgrades in our house!
[1:07:14 PM] AE says: but you're correct; the pr0n industry made the internet what it is today.
[1:07:20 PM] AE says: spam included.
[1:07:31 PM] pD says: you know, i think there is a lesson there somewhere
[1:08:10 PM] pD says: if i were a VC, i would use a "Porn-o-Meter" to gauge how evasice a new "disruptive" technology is
[1:08:22 PM] pD says: if it can be easily adopted by porn people, we have got a winner
[1:08:29 PM] pD says: the rest are just incremental improvements
[1:10:09 PM] AE says: "evasice"?
[1:12:43 PM] pD says: pervasive
[1:12:47 PM] pD says: :)!
[1:12:58 PM] pD says: i think better than i can type
[1:13:11 PM] pD says: btw, what is everyone's schedule for the afternoon?
[1:13:27 PM] pD says: may want to propose a field trip if the schedules align
[1:13:32 PM] AE says: i'm out of here at 3PM, and, in theory have an install call.
[1:13:39 PM] AE says: oh. where? Cheese factory?
[1:14:03 PM] pD says: when is the install call?
[1:14:14 PM] AE says: now... but they're not there.
[1:14:27 PM] pD says: nsy?
[1:14:32 PM] AE says: I'm going to try them in a few minutes. If they don't pick up I'll send an email to reschedule
[1:14:42 PM] AE says: nsy has to eat food or she will fall over onto her keyboard and inadvertently programming an AI that will take over the world.
[1:14:56 PM] AE says: *program
[1:15:22 PM] pD says: nsy needs to lose weight. she can go without food
[1:15:37 PM] pD btw, we all know nsy is too thin...
[1:15:59 PM] pD says: let's wait for nsy to get her lunch. i have a 1:30 call anyway
[1:18:00 PM] AE says: Ok. but where is the field trip? Do we get to learn where wheat comes from?
[1:58:28 PM] AE says: or where chocolate is made!
[1:58:32 PM] AE says: let's go there!
[2:15:37 PM] nsy says: woo hoo! my AI program was almost loosed upon the world, but it was averted at the last moment by the flying buddha's tasty treats - whew!
[2:15:49 PM] nsy says: PS: I'm not fat, I'm big boned. ;)
[2:16:20 PM] nsy says: so where is the field trip taking us? adventure, science, and sweets? oh boy!
[2:18:04 PM] pD says: and, i am not a fat head, just wide temple'd
[2:18:52 PM] AE says: if nsy were thinner, she'd be transparent.
[2:19:17 PM] pD says: i can hardly see her as it is
[2:19:55 PM] AE says: a lot of people seem to over look her...
[2:20:14 PM] AE says: which is strange, because she's really not someone you want to miss!
[2:20:31 PM] AE says: and now she's going to blush and unleash her AI on me.
[2:22:06 PM] pD says: i think she more of the pitch fork type
[2:22:20 PM] AE says: what?
[2:22:25 PM] AE says: what does that mean?
[2:22:42 PM] AE says: is this some quaint farming reference from your home country of Kansas?
[2:23:14 PM] nsy says: mwahahahah
[2:23:41 PM] nsy says: i think he's calling me delightfully devilish
[2:24:06 PM] nsy says: yes, you have to watch out for those transparent ones
[2:24:43 PM] nsy says: hey, wait, does that mean i'm a poultryghost (sp?)?
[2:25:04 PM] pD says: pls refer to the image in the middle section of this entry: http://nsa-chatters.blogspot.com/2007/06/judges-poetry-tennyson-philosophers.html
[2:25:11 PM] pD says: ref: delightfully devilish
[2:25:26 PM] AE says: poultryghost?
[2:25:35 PM] AE says: what's with the farming references today?
[2:25:37 PM] pD says: pastry ghost?
[2:25:47 PM] AE says: mmm... doughnuts....
[2:26:05 PM] pD says: pantry ghost?
[2:26:13 PM] nsy says: mmm, that’s much better... pastry... mmm.
[2:26:20 PM] nsy says: ok, not one step further!
[2:26:44 PM] nsy says: we all know what's next
[2:26:51 PM] AE says: pasty ghost
[2:27:05 PM] pD says: i like chocolate paste
[2:27:11 PM] pD says: if it is made with good chocolate, that is
[2:27:19 PM] AE says: i just don't worry about broken chocolate bars.
[2:27:27 PM] AE says: then you never need to paste them.
[2:27:31 PM] pD says: hmm... i think a few pastry images would do well right now
[2:27:33 PM] pD says: nsy?
[2:28:19 PM] pD says: never knew nsy looks so good with a mustache:

[2:28:26 PM] nsy says: hm, i was hoping for a poultryghost, but came up with a weird story... http://lists.asu.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0009&L=histarch&T=0&P=4521
[2:32:35 PM] pD says: oh, right
[2:32:48 PM] pD says: i was thinking that since we have a full quorum, we should try to get bubble tea
[2:39:58 PM] nsy says: ooh - bubble tea!
[2:40:27 PM] nsy says: i love my moustache!
[2:41:01 PM] pD says: patsy ghost?
[2:41:22 PM] nsy says:

[2:41:54 PM] nsy says:

[2:42:04 PM] pD says: btw, what is a poultryghost?
[2:42:21 PM] AE says: and what's bubble tea?
[2:42:49 PM] nsy says: oops - wrong patsy

[2:43:10 PM] AE says: poultry ghost sounds like why I became a vegetarian.
[2:43:35 PM] pD says: speaking of pastry, i love pierre herme: http://gc-gastronomic.blogspot.com/2004/12/pierre-herm.html
[2:43:40 PM] AE says: I was sitting there, alone at home in January, 1993 and got really hungry.
[2:44:01 PM] AE says: Then Suddenly I had this great idea of getting a big huge bucket o greasy chicken parts.
[2:44:07 PM] AE says: So I did.
[2:44:12 PM] AE says: and I ate the whole bucket.
[2:44:19 PM] AE says: and I've never been sicker in my life.
[2:44:39 PM] AE says: after that, meat just didn't look good to me anymore.
[2:44:41 PM] AE says: more
[2:45:48 PM] pD says: i am sorry AE
[2:46:00 PM] pD says: this has to do with your "desire" as oppose to any reflection on chicken
[2:46:16 PM] pD says: don't pin it on the poultry, just ain't fair
[2:46:18 PM] AE says: nope. it was the chicken.
[2:46:23 PM] nsy says: hmmm. is that like the concept of smoking a carton of cigarettes until you get sick so you never want another one?
[2:46:39 PM] AE says: yuck. does that work?
[2:46:44 PM] pD says: the same logic can extend to anything
[2:46:55 PM] pD says: eat a whole bucket of tofu until you are sick!
[2:47:00 PM] pD says: it ain't the tofu
[2:47:02 PM] AE says: extend it to wealth, then.
[2:47:05 PM] pD says: it is you
[2:47:14 PM] pD says: that is fair, i have not gotten sick yet
[2:47:27 PM] pD says: (rofl) i am so smart!
[2:48:03 PM] pD says: btw, are we doing bubble tea?
[2:48:07 PM] AE says: rotflol
[2:48:30 PM] AE says: what is bubble tea?
[2:48:45 PM] nsy says: mmmmm herme... that chocolate looks decadent!
[2:48:53 PM] nsy says: i'm up for bubble tea
[2:49:57 PM] pD says: tapioca tea snack: middle section: http://nsa-chatters.blogspot.com/2007/05/foods-around-world-kublacon-and-games.html
[2:50:21 PM] pD says: herme kicks ass when it comes to presentation of pastry
[2:50:34 PM] pD says: its chocolate is not bad, but the pastry is quite excellent
[2:52:12 PM] pD says: another really good pastry Shop is Christian Constant: http://gc-gastronomic.blogspot.com/2004/12/christian-constant.html
[2:52:27 PM] pD says: they make a pear custer pastry that was just amazing
[2:53:55 PM] nsy says: mmmm
[2:54:25 PM] pD says: closer to home, there is an excellent pastry shop in los altos
[2:54:33 PM] pD says: maybe we can plan to go there one of these days
[2:54:40 PM] nsy says: although, i'm not big on custards, puddings, flan, etc
[2:55:06 PM] nsy says: yes, i'd love that! i love sweets!
[2:56:40 PM] pD says: Satura cakes: http://www.saturacakes.com/store/
[2:57:52 PM] nsy says: you're killin' me! That looks scrumptious!
[2:58:25 PM] pD says: unlike certain chicken hater (a-hem)
[2:58:39 PM] pD says: i believe in consume copious quantity of stuff that i like
[2:58:48 PM] pD says: just not all at once
[3:19:10 PM] pD says: AE, are you heading out?
[3:19:13 PM] nsy says: regulated hedonism? is that an oxymoron?
[3:19:43 PM] AE says: yes. and yes.
[3:20:51 PM] AE says: bye
[3:22:53 PM] pD says: should we get bubble tea on the way out?
[3:23:07 PM] pD says: nsy and i will come back via the carpool lane!
[3:23:29 PM] pD says: moderation is the key
[3:24:09 PM] pD says: for example, if you murder people with wider time interval, you will be classified as a serial much later
[3:24:20 PM] pD ever the insightful one
[4:49:29 PM] nsy says: i'm going to see the police in LA this weekend, so after that last comment, I now have their song in my head "murder by numbers... 1, 2, 3... its as easy to learn as your ABCs"...
[4:50:23 PM] pD says: the sugar high of bubble tea doing its magic
[4:50:25 PM] pD says: yes!
[4:50:33 PM] nsy says: woo hoo!
[4:52:00 PM] nsy says: I still haven't has time to check out the lewd old radio stuff from NPR. it sounds like there's some joke video going around the office along the same lines
[5:04:02 PM] pD says: i must confess that i do not get the old recording - but i am sure it was in extremely poor taste back then
[5:04:09 PM] pD saying with a glint in his eye
[5:27:03 PM] nsy says: well, my carpool i on his way - so i'll talk to you again tomorrow! bye :)
[5:31:01 PM] pD says: okay
[5:31:09 PM] pD says: thanks for the bubble tea
[5:31:23 PM] pD says: we should plan a few field trips that we would take up every few weeks
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