[10:39:01 AM] AE says: It's Mpack, a commercially sold maleware kit.
[10:39:11 AM] AE says: even comes with a year of tech support! And updates!
[10:41:28 AM] pD says: that is so cool, do they come with sample codes?
[10:44:12 AM] AE says: I don't know.
[10:44:24 AM] AE says: here's Panda's article on it: http://blogs.pandasoftware.com/blogs/pandalabs/archive/2007/05/03/Cybercrime_2E002E002E00_-for-sale-_2800_II_2900_.aspx
[10:48:05 AM] AE says: so you can see, there is fierce competition out there.
[10:48:23 AM] AE says: so that means there's still big money happening in this sector.
[10:48:30 AM] AE says: which means... large file transfers!
[10:54:07 AM] nsy says: woo hoo!
[10:55:30 AM] AE says: must run.
[10:56:53 AM] nsy says: or you'll disappear into another dimension in time and space
[10:57:31 AM] pD says: we should form a club of non-runners
[10:58:08 AM] nsy says: what will we do at meetings?
[10:58:35 AM] AE says: eat ice cream?
[10:58:45 AM] nsy says: i'm IN!
[10:59:06 AM] AE says: you could buy Segway's and chase runners.
[10:59:22 AM] AE says: threaten them with fatty treats!
[11:00:03 AM] AE says: "Run faster! Or I'll force this pint of Haagen Das Super Mega Ultra Chocolate down your throat!"
[11:01:06 AM] pD says: that sounds like work - chasing runners
[11:01:43 AM] pD says: we will have a giant running mill in the meeting room where we invite runners to generate power for our cooling boxes where treats are stored
[11:02:13 AM] pD says: and, since this will be a symbiotic relationship, we will cheer the runner on
[11:05:59 AM] nsy says: pD, you never cease to amuse me!
[11:06:04 AM] nsy says: lol
[11:08:26 AM] nsy says: maybe instead of the mill, we can have a ...http://www.gameops.com/spot/promo/hamster.php
[11:09:22 AM] pD says: pD == full of cheap tricks
[11:09:33 AM] pD == cheap tricks
[11:11:06 AM] nsy says: http://www.gameops.com/assets/video/hamster.htm
[11:17:31 AM] pD says: sorry, cannot see it
[11:19:09 AM] nsy says: darn. well, if you go to the first url, there's a link on the page for a video of the human hamster ball in action - somewhat amusing, but could be better, so don't invest too much effort
[11:20:44 AM] nsy says: try this one http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5651646248594444703&q=human+hamster+ball&total=22&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0
[11:21:22 AM] pD says: speaking of silly videos
[11:21:42 AM] pD says: you should check out this human tetris game on a japanese game show
[11:21:46 AM] pD says: hilarious
[11:21:47 AM] pD says: http://www.glumbert.com/media/japtetris
[11:22:05 AM] pD says: AE found it last friday: http://nsa-chatters.blogspot.com/2007/06/kids-not-walking-google-ranking.html
[12:32:14 PM] AE says: you know that fat and happy picture of Buddha we always see?
[12:32:26 PM] AE says: well here he is after fasting for a while:
[12:36:08 PM] AE says: somehow that's more in line with my image of the Buddha.
[12:36:36 PM] AE says: if you're enlightened, do you care about things like hygiene? how you look? how you act?
[12:41:35 PM] nsy says: wow, i find that disturbing for some reason.
[12:42:53 PM] nsy says: i thought buddha was like that in the beginning under the tree, but after he was enlightened, people came to him and brought food to hear his teaching, and so many people came to listen, that he was fat from the offerings. or did i make that up in my head?
[12:43:55 PM] nsy says: so only a buddha whose enlightenment went to waste because nobody wanted to listen would be emaciated... wow, ok. art in action - i get it now.
[12:48:14 PM] AE says: this was supposed to be right after he achieved enlightenment... so perhaps he was so starved afterwards that he ate all the offerings and became the fat and happy Buddha.
[12:48:26 PM] AE says: but this is still my favorite image of him to date.
[12:48:38 PM] pD says: hi nsy, i think the fat buddha actually refers to a different buddha
[12:48:51 PM] pD says: i do not know the Sanskrit name, i will try to find it
[12:49:28 PM] nsy says: gonna get my learn on!
[12:49:34 PM] pD says: of "the" buddha, being thin is one of the standard images which refers to his time under the bunian tree
[12:49:53 PM] pD says: here is also one where he is on his side - that refers to his death
[12:50:29 PM] pD says: one where he is touching the ground - refers to his invincibility (i9n the face of temptation)
[12:50:43 PM] pD says: one where he opens his palm toward you - no fear
[12:50:59 PM] pD says: one where he touches middle and thumb - teaching
[12:51:09 PM] pD says: i think these are the usually/common ones
[12:51:37 PM] AE says: i always thought the different hand positions referred to modra's...
[12:51:56 PM] nsy says: i can see the beauty in emaciated buddha if it supposed to be right after enlightenment, because it reflects the struggle to achieve that goal.
[12:52:18 PM] AE says: yes! exactly!
[12:52:30 PM] AE says: this, to me, is a person who has been on a quest.
[12:52:41 PM] nsy says: modras - please feed my brain!
[12:52:45 PM] AE says: i hope to look like that some day.
[12:52:56 PM] AE says: sorry... mudra? hand meditations.
[12:53:30 PM] AE says: http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/mudra-japan.shtml
[12:53:35 PM] pD says: mantras - religious symbols
[12:54:10 PM] AE says: they are more than that. there are whole meditations based on a series of hand mudra's
[12:54:28 PM] AE says: you combine them with pranayama when meditating
[12:54:35 PM] pD says: i am a non-believer, so that's start with that
[12:54:54 PM] AE says: it's not a belief thing. that's like saying "i don't believe in karate."
[12:54:56 PM] pD says: i think mundras's power comes from within - if you believe it, it works
[12:55:18 PM] AE says: no... it's a path. similar to tai chi.
[12:55:22 PM] pD says: oh, i am referring to buddha's gestures above
[12:55:47 PM] AE says: you do the movements, they cause reaction within the body. there is nothing metaphysical about it.
[12:55:56 PM] AE says: similar to acupuncture.
[12:56:29 PM] pD says: when i view religious arts or artifacts, i tend to focus on its story because it is a context that the artist is trying to convey
[12:57:27 PM] nsy says: interesting stuff -thanks!
[1:04:01 PM] AE says: here's a completely different set of images:

[1:04:42 PM] AE says: these are some of the flags that actual pirates used. You'll be happy to see ours is there: the Calico Jack Rackham.
[1:05:04 PM] AE says: arrr.
[1:05:04 PM] pD says: cool!
[1:05:19 PM] pD says: should we come up with our own then?
[1:05:31 PM] AE says: sure!
[1:05:32 PM] nsy says: of course!
[1:05:50 PM] AE says: oh, and from now on we should only communicate while typing on this:

[1:06:06 PM] AE says: R!rr! rrr! Avast! R!
[1:06:47 PM] nsy says: LOL!
[1:08:30 PM] AE says: Ye scurvy dog! thar be no L's or O's on yer official keyboard!
[1:09:03 PM] nsy says: but yerrrs has scurvy - eew!
[1:09:22 PM] nsy says: do you think she gets parrot poo on her shoulder?
[1:09:45 PM] nsy says:

[1:09:59 PM] pD backtracking
[1:10:15 PM] pD says: Maitreya is the name of the chunky buddha
[1:10:25 PM] pD says:

[1:10:33 PM] pD says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maitreya_Buddha
[1:10:40 PM] pD resume normal programming
[1:12:19 PM] pD says: what was that film about a submarine where one of the sailors strap a dead chicken on his shoulder in lieu of a parrot?
[1:12:43 PM] pD says: we should strap something - preferably machine washable
[1:13:11 PM] nsy says: i would remember if i'd seen that! i wish that was my idea!
[1:15:05 PM] nsy says: pirate fact and fiction: http://www.tqnyc.org/NYC051310/piratesfactfromfiction.htm
[1:16:09 PM] nsy says: se the section on parrots: "
Parrots were probably associated with pirates because of the book "Treasure Island". A character from that book named Long-John Silver, who was a pirate, had a parrot for a pet. This idea, however, caused a great deal of controversy because many people think that the parrots would of gotten in the way of the work that had to be done.
Many people believe that a parrot permanently perched on a pirates shoulder would start a mess and during hard times at sea the parrot would most likely be eaten. So it was very unlikely that a pirate traveled with a parrot or any other pet."
[1:16:57 PM] nsy says: so, we need something washable and edible that doesn't get in the way or make a mess
[1:17:16 PM] pD says: M7M's?
[1:17:23 PM] pD says: M&M's, i mean
[1:17:57 PM] AE says: R&R's?
[1:18:10 PM] nsy says: well, i haven't tried them in the washing machine, but they may be as close as we can get.
[1:18:21 PM] nsy says: hehehha
[1:18:26 PM] AE says: they're supposed to melt only in your mouth...
[1:18:34 PM] nsy says: true...
[1:18:36 PM] AE says: but I have a feeling the rinse cycle would do them in.
[1:18:49 PM] AE says: not to mention the dryer...say, that sounds kind of interesting...
[1:18:55 PM] nsy says: hmmm
[1:19:24 PM] AE motions nsy to the other chat client for a moment (work, sorry)
[2:11:40 PM] nsy says: gotta do some more network troubleshooting for this customer - talk to y'all later! if you go be fore i get back - have a great weekend!
[2:14:06 PM] AE says: Ok. I'm heading out soon as well. Traffic is murder on Fridays!
[2:15:07 PM] nsy says: i hear ya! safe travels. i'm working from home monday because i originally asked for it off, but frankis on the road, so i'll just work from home
[2:15:15 PM] nsy says: bye :)
[3:00:11 PM] pD says: drinking wine right now
[3:00:29 PM] pD says: AE did not like its smell - too much alcohol
[3:00:51 PM] pD says: more for me!
[3:04:37 PM] nsy says: have some for me! but just a little bit ;)
[3:04:49 PM] pD says: do you drink?
[3:05:22 PM] nsy says: sometimes
[3:05:51 PM] pD says: like you more already
[3:06:00 PM] nsy says: what is your poison?
[3:06:18 PM] pD says: expensive ones
[3:06:24 PM] pD says: one time
[3:06:46 PM] pD says: BIB (benevolent illustrious boss) asked me which wine I would like to try
[3:07:06 PM] nsy says: heh
[3:07:49 PM] pD says: anyway, i figure that i should try one that i have not had before - the other choice (do not remember which was a good one, I knew that already)
[3:08:15 PM] nsy says: hmmm my wireless just flaked out, sorry - talk to you soon :)
[3:08:33 PM] pD says: it turns out that i really enjoyed the "mystery wine"
[3:09:19 PM] nsy says: hmm - sounds better than special sauce, i suppose
[3:10:05 PM] nsy says: gotta call a customer back - see you later
[3:12:14 PM] pD says: it was the la chapelle wine I told you about: http://nsa-chatters.blogspot.com/2007/06/jolly-roger-vote-chocolate-la-chapelle.html
[3:14:28 PM] pD says: it turns out that it was considered one of the best wines in the last 20 years or so
[3:18:34 PM] pD says: in other words, i am either very lucky in liking the wine or i actually notice good wine
[3:18:40 PM] pD says: hard to say which though...
NSA Chatters crew
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