[11:46:55 AM] pD says: http://www.blogpoll.com/poll/view_Results.php?poll_id=117595
[11:47:03 AM] pD says: looks like JR2 is kicking ass
[11:47:14 AM] pD says: this is the voting page
[11:47:16 AM] pD says: http://nsa-chatters.blogspot.com/2007/06/vote-for-official-nsa-chatters-flag.html
[11:47:30 AM] pD says: i sent out an invitation to my email address book and asked my friends to vote
[11:47:41 AM] pD says: if you have not done so, i would encourage you to do that
[11:47:51 AM] pD says: it is kind of fun - reading the reactions
[11:49:02 AM] pD says: i even got a suggestion on using the Italian pace (peace) flag
[11:49:04 AM] pD says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_flag
[11:50:58 AM] AE has changed the chat topic to "Cheese"
[12:12:03 PM] pD says: the question is what kind (of cheese)
[1:06:11 PM] AE says: today it's picture cheese...
[1:06:20 PM] AE says: and provolone...
[1:06:28 PM] AE says: and chocolate
[1:06:39 PM] AE says: which isn't cheese.
[1:07:12 PM] AE says: but it tastes really good!
[1:12:56 PM] pD says: Herbivore: http://gc-gastronomic.blogspot.com/2005/01/herbivore.html
[1:13:38 PM] nsy says: i finally had a minute to look at the poll results. you have good friends. nice turnout! and they agree with me :)
[1:13:47 PM] nsy glating
[1:14:08 PM] pD says: Christian constant (my favorite chocolate maker): http://gc-gastronomic.blogspot.com/2004/12/christian-constant.html
[1:14:12 PM] nsy says: oops - gloating. its harder to one-handed type with my new ergo kbd
[1:15:21 PM] nsy says: mmm, that stuff looks tasty!
[1:17:52 PM] pD says: 1990 La Chapelle by Paul Jaboulet Aine: if you ever have too much to give away, this is the wine i want: http://globalcorners.blogspot.com/2004/12/la-chapelle-hermitage-2004.html
[1:20:42 PM] nsy says: so you didn't get to taste it?
[1:24:31 PM] pD says: oh, i tasted it, that is how i know, this is the one for me...
[1:24:52 PM] nsy says: nice! it sounds heavenly
[2:34:19 PM] pD says: ah! wine
[2:34:28 PM] pD says: cannot live without them
[2:34:48 PM] pD says: although there seems to be a significant diminished consumption in my part
[2:34:55 PM] pD says: btw, thank you for the chocolates
[2:35:02 PM] pD says: they are fun - chocolates
[2:35:38 PM] pD says: a while back, i was looking into import/export business on stuff like chocolate
[2:35:49 PM] pD says: unfortunately, they do not travel well.
[2:35:54 PM] pD says: oh, well
[2:38:01 PM] nsy says: yes, i also love chocolates. santa cruz has a couple of places that make good ones...
[2:38:02 PM] nsy says: http://www.donnellychocolates.com/ikorb.php?page=affiliate_resources.shtml
[2:39:29 PM] nsy says: http://www.mackenzieschocolates.com/
[2:39:31 PM] pD says: do you know what kind of cocoa beans they use?
[2:41:16 PM] nsy says: no idea, sorry... http://www.donnellychocolates.com/ikorb.php?page=about_us.shtml
[2:41:35 PM] nsy says: French and Belgian?
[2:41:55 PM] nsy says: whats "couvertures"
[2:42:10 PM] pD says: this is an excellent chocolatier in SF: http://www.recchiuti.com/cgi-bin/recchiuti/index.html
[2:43:01 PM] nsy says: ah! thats the one - i just called my friend asking whew she found some delicious chocolates - and i recognize that box!
[2:43:47 PM] pD says: couverture refers to the chocolate coating on a bonbon: for more details on standard chocolate terms, you can refer to: http://globalcorners.blogspot.com/2004/12/rating-chocolates-and-chocolate.html
[2:44:37 PM] nsy says: wow, impressive, pd.
[2:44:53 PM] pD says: yeah Recchiuti makes excellent chocolate on this side of the pond
[2:45:01 PM] AE says: Ok. we're going to need a road trip to ghirardelli chocolates
[2:45:22 PM] pD says: in many ways, because of the shorter distance (freshness), it is better than some of the top brand european chocolate that you can find state side
[2:45:45 PM] nsy says: Recchiuti puts GD to shame - lets go there!
[2:45:50 PM] AE says: Ok!
[2:46:00 PM] nsy says: mmmmm
[2:46:01 PM] AE says: anywhere as long as there's good chocolate!
[2:46:07 PM] AE says: And what goes good with chocolate???
[2:46:12 PM] pD says: GD?!
[2:46:23 PM] nsy says: Ghiradelli - not god
[2:46:26 PM] pD says: hahaha! that is a completely unfair fight for both sides
[2:46:42 PM] AE says: why!?!? Chocolate is always worth fighting for!
[2:46:56 PM] pD says: GD is a mass producer whereas Recchiuti is a boutiqu
[2:46:57 PM] AE says: if you eat the loosing chocolate, you still win!
[2:47:18 PM] AE says: guess that's the difference between a consumer and a conisoure
[2:47:23 PM] AE says: coinasure.
[2:47:32 PM] AE says: coinmasure?
[2:47:36 PM] AE says: coinmanure?
[2:47:41 PM] AE says: ew.
[2:47:54 PM] AE says: ok. now I don't want chocolate
[2:47:59 PM] pD says: connoisseur?
[2:48:47 PM] nsy says: conmaster
[2:49:15 PM] pD says: Ghiradelli's dark chocolate was apparently highly rated for making chocolate suffle, something to think about...
[2:49:32 PM] nsy says: mmmm, suffle
[2:49:52 PM] AE says: suffle? You want to bye a shuffle?
[2:50:26 PM] nsy says: no, i want a shovel to bye me!
[2:50:40 PM] pD says: nsy, we need a few images of suffle
[2:51:59 PM] pD says: speaking of which Village Pub makes a mean chocolate suffle
[2:52:01 PM] pD says: http://thevillagepub.net/home.php
[2:52:40 PM] pD has changed the chat topic to "chocolate stuff"
[2:54:35 PM] nsy says:

[2:55:22 PM] nsy says: ooh - the village pub has some tasty treats
[2:56:04 PM] nsy says:

[2:56:34 PM] nsy says:

[2:57:10 PM] nsy says: i'm finding a lot of ipod suffle
[2:57:36 PM] nsy says: ooh -

[2:58:49 PM] pD says: i must say that the village pub's home page's suffle looks really good too
[2:59:05 PM] nsy says: yes, i like that one too.
[3:08:03 PM] pD says: you guys heading out?
[3:08:12 PM] nsy says: yep
[3:08:21 PM] nsy says: stopping at fry's on the way
[3:08:45 PM] pD manning the fort
[3:08:55 PM] pD says: what's at fry's?
[3:09:03 PM] pD says: anything good?
[3:09:08 PM] pD says: BTW, nsy,
[3:09:29 PM] pD says: would you mind checking with your brother on any suggestion that he might have in terms of using up excess egg white?
[3:09:55 PM] pD says: this is the latest "problem" we have in the kitchen
[3:10:06 PM] nsy says: my brother?
[3:10:14 PM] nsy says: oh - right
[3:10:25 PM] nsy says: yes - i'll ask him :)
[3:10:28 PM] pD says: brother-in-law
[3:10:35 PM] pD says: thanx
[3:10:54 PM] nsy says: NP :) have a good weekend :)
[3:11:42 PM] pD says: post onto blog for posterity?
[3:11:57 PM] pD says: who is NP?
[3:12:15 PM] nsy says: no problem
[3:12:25 PM] nsy says: on both
[3:12:46 PM] pD says: oh, and, get your friends to vote for the JR
[3:12:58 PM] pD says: life is too short not to bother them
[3:13:15 PM] nsy says: haha - i'll have to see if i still have any friends
[3:14:30 PM] pD says: was it the film, Jerk, that Steve Martin got cut-out friends?
[3:16:34 PM] nsy says: i think so. great movie!
[3:16:37 PM] pD says: would Avatars qualify for today's?
[3:17:06 PM] nsy says: sure - so i have more friends than i thought. but they don't vote well
[3:17:27 PM] pD says: ah! second class citizens, huh
[3:17:29 PM] pD says: cannot vote?
[3:19:41 PM] pD says: must be a florida thing
[3:20:18 PM] nsy says: heh - right. don't get me started.
[3:20:43 PM] pD says: btw
[3:20:56 PM] pD says: you guys are taking a long time to get started for Fry's
[3:22:13 PM] nsy says: bye :)
[3:27:25 PM] pD says: listening to maria callas
[3:27:31 PM] pD says: she is the ultimate
[3:27:37 PM] pD says: too bas she is dead
[3:27:46 PM] pD says: or, i would readily leave my wife for her
[3:27:57 PM] AE says: is she metal? If so, she'd be death metal!
[3:28:19 PM] AE says: does your wife know about your necropheliac tendencies?
[3:28:28 PM] pD says: she knows about callas
[3:28:48 PM] pD says: not a necrophil per se
[3:29:03 PM] pD says: but, we all have our hero worshiping
[3:29:17 PM] pD says: like i was telling nsy about my money heroes
[3:29:55 PM] pD says: http://nsa-chatters.blogspot.com/2007/05/jolly-roger-rich-heros-porn-tech-driver.html
[3:30:34 PM] AE says: i wanted to marry laurie anderson when i was in high school.
[3:30:54 PM] pD says: who is laurie anderson?
[3:31:06 PM] pD says: not pamela's real name, i hope
[3:31:26 PM] AE says: who's pamela?
[3:31:31 PM] AE says: laurie: http://www.google.com/musica?aid=wpxha3w67DK&sa=X&oi=music&ct=result
[3:31:42 PM] AE says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurie_Anderson
[3:31:43 PM] pD says: pamela (lee) anderson?
[3:31:49 PM] AE says: avant guard musician
[3:32:20 PM] AE says: she took a tape recorder head and put it on a violin, then put a section of tape on the bow string.
[3:32:59 PM] AE says: ah, googled pamela... not my type.
[3:33:08 PM] nsy says: she sounds cool - like to the max
[3:33:11 PM] pD says: laurie is pretty cool
[3:33:21 PM] pD says: do you have any of her recordings, would like to check it out
[3:33:31 PM] nsy says: yes - love to check it out
[3:33:31 PM] AE says: sure. I'll bring in united states live.
[3:33:43 PM] pD says: did not think pamela was your type
[3:33:45 PM] AE says: I had the LP's long ago...
[3:33:48 PM] pD says: but, one never knows
[3:33:54 PM] AE says: but they wore out so I purchased the CD's.
[3:33:54 PM] nsy says: ok, thanks - gotta run - bye (again)
[3:33:58 PM] AE says: me as well.
[3:34:00 PM] pD says: 'tis the season for midlife crisis
[3:34:10 PM] AE says: no thanks. I'll wait a few years still.
[3:34:10 PM] nsy says: hahaha
[3:34:17 PM] pD says: i wonder, when you guys will actually leave...
[3:34:17 PM] AE says: hate to think I'm at mid-life already...
[3:34:20 PM] AE says: bye
[3:34:22 PM] pD says: fry's need your business
[3:34:38 PM] pD says: ciao
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